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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Looks like we are going to have to wait for Sheamus to return to get a baby face with the balls to help Bryan. Because the rest of the faces of WWE are pussies.
Hopefully this leads to the return of



more money than God
Kane is filming See No Evil 2, folks.

He's too big of a star to cry like a bitch on TV every few months like Show.
I think Toronto smarks know better enough than to encourage this shit. We'll just boo them out of the building!

They can't possibly bring this shit to Toronto next week. They've run with it one too many times now as an ending and, you're right, Toronto smarks won't put up with it.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Looks like we are going to have to wait for Sheamus to return to get a baby face with the balls to help Bryan. Because the rest of the faces of WWE are pussies.

I want to hear Ryback's thoughts on this shit. The BIG GUY will probably troll everybody


more money than God
They had a bigger reaction for HHH then Orton after Orton won the match against Rhodes. It feels like only HHH is getting anything out of this
The main storyline now is Show/HHH.

HHH can get great talent, but his ego forces him to be the center of attention.
I thought that since Bryan was facing Big Show this week that maybe he'd get some small measure of victory before ending Raw flat on the mat.

Silly me.


It will be the go home show Bryans not winning the title at the PPV

Yes I can tell that's happening, a screwjob ending like a DQ, leading to a rematch at the next PPV. And...what, another four weeks of Bryan getting beat down to end the show?

Gonna need more variety than that, WWE.


Another problem with this angle is that I don't care to see Steph or Orton get their comeuppance. I just don't want them on my television.

Masked Man tried to justify this as a master stroke of genius, but he's wrong
When Orton strolled to the ring and coolly hit Bryan with the finishing blow, fans said, "Get that guy off my TV screen." And that's exactly what they're supposed to be saying. WWE figured out how to turn the meta-fans into old-school marks.

A number of key players in this story don't draw a "booo get off my TV" reaction, they illicit nothing. Apathy and resignation are the worst reaction imaginable.


RKO is going to be so huge as a babyface when he finally has enough and turns on HHH and The Shield so he can stand on his own.

Yes. I am convinced that this whole setup is to eventually put the belt on HHH when he feels Blandy can't cut it and he is doing his dirty work for him. Only for that SWERVE to make Blandy a face. Bryan is gonna get lost in all of this. I mean no payoff to this feud to the likes
not really
WM 19 Booker T losing.
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