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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business



The idea is to build sympathy for the character
Which the match did

But you have Bryan help him to screw over Triple H's "good for business" crap, and you have some dynamic to the feud now.

I'm enjoying it

But it's been 5 shows of Bryan on his back with Orton posing in a row.

and?...The angle is for Bryan not anybody else

and Cody is gone for a while, no need to waste creative ideas on him,

This is all for Bryan
I really dont like the big show but I dont know why.

I think its because it seems like every few months they remember they are paying him one of the highest checks on the roster so they put him in a main event story then it goes nowhere and he fumbles about for another few months before they remember they are paying him a shit load of money so they better try something with him again.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
remember when you nerds thought this would be a good story but then smart people said lol no hhh is involved have you not learned anything over the last 2 decades of hhh on your tv but you were like no no this time he wont ruin it cause he learned he will actually let the build happen instead of dragging him and his wife over this cause he needs the heat like he needs oxygen and but you didnt believe cause you are a buncha mark cunts



Why do people think it's a case of HHH ego and not the McMahons wanting to make a member of their family (HHH) look strong?

Keep in mind, Kharma, Sin Cara, Damien Sandow, The Shield,and the Wyatts are all HHH pet projects, and he's pretty much responsible for Dolph Ziggler still being on the roster, as well (Vince does NOT like him, and wanted to let him go along with the rest of the spirit squad. Still doesn't like Ziggler from all accounts). In fact, HHH runs NXT (the rebranded FCW) almost autonomously, and it's been fantastic ever since he took the reigns from Laurenitis.

Compare the guys HHH support with guys Steph and Vince have pushed (Curtis Axel, Fandango, Brotus Clay, the Bella Twins, Ryback) and you see a world of difference. Look at the semi-resurgence of the tag division (Team Hell No was HHH's idea apparently).

In isolation, HHH has a spectacular track record, until Steph and Vince touch his work. Does he have an ego? Yes, but he keeps it in check, and doesn't stubbornly hold onto it when he's proven wrong (See: CM Punk, who HHH was NOT a fan of until a year or two ago. Punk's title reign was because HHH pushed for it, Vince and Steph wanted him sent to the midcard like he is now)


Contains Sucralose
But who is going to bring Cody back?

And the biggest problem is that this story is going to get stale till WM. Punk can feud with Orton and Bryan with Trips and co., but it's bound to get boring around Nov. We already got some chants.

Jamie OD

Was there a merger of two WWE continuities that I missed? Is Stephanie McMahon now Haruhi Suzumiya? She created a reality where Andre The Giant and Big Show are the same person and he also somehow became broke HBK and Tiny Tim. What the hell is going on here?


I don't think HHH actually runs NXT. I think he gets final say, but Dusty is the main creative force of NXT. And if you watch it, it definitely feels like Dusty's booking of JCP/NWA, but modernized a bit.


I don't think HHH actually runs NXT. I think he gets final say, but Dusty is the main creative force of NXT. And if you watch it, it definitely feels like Dusty's booking of JCP/NWA, but modernized a bit.

I think that's exactly what HHH wants, some 80s NWA/JCP but with a modern budget. It's what he marks for himself, after all.


remember when you nerds thought this would be a good story but then smart people said lol no hhh is involved have you not learned anything over the last 2 decades of hhh on your tv but you were like no no this time he wont ruin it cause he learned he will actually let the build happen instead of dragging him and his wife over this cause he needs the heat like he needs oxygen and but you didnt believe cause you are a buncha mark cunts

Wow.. classy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
NXT has less production errors in a years worth of shows than your average episode of Nitro.

NXT is mainly filmed and manned by unpaid interns.


and?...The angle is for Bryan not anybody else

and Cody is gone for a while, no need to waste creative ideas on him,

This is all for Bryan

you say this as if they have any ideas to begin with

It's a shitty Corporation recycle from 99 with an added Big Show cycle

I had hopes for this angle but like someone posted earlier, I should have known to never expect much from anything Triple H has his hands on.


WCW Thunder 9/3/98

After a pretty awful Summer, it feels like WCW has some direction again. Let's see if they can get me back in the last quarter of the year. The main event for tonight is DDP/Konnan vs Stevie Ray/Giant

Rick Fuller vs Marty Jannetty

Marty's new gear is truly garish. But the fact that he's facing Rick Fuller might mean he's going to get a win. Too bad he looks like ice cream now. But then Rick Fuller is mostly dominating, so maybe that ice cream is melted on Thunder. Marty got a few drop kicks at the start, but other than that, he's been dominated. Heart slap. Fuller runs into the ring post and then gets hit with the Rocker Dropper. Marty wins! He celebrates like he forgot that he had wrestled on Wrestlemanias, Summerslams, and Survivor Series. My, how the might have fallen.

Recap of the Nitro main event. Then a recap of Saturn as Lodi's servant. We'll have sit down interview with Saturn later in the show.

Leafy Lane vs Kaz Hayashi

Kaz is in much better shape from the start of the year. He's probably dropped 10-15 pounds of needless bulk. He's getting kind a push, I guess. As much of a push you can get being a cruiserweight that isn't Rey/Juvi/Jericho or in the nWo feuds. Lenny gets started right away, showing off the size and power difference. Kaz comes back by throwing Lenny into the corner while he was trying a bulldog. It didn't last long, though. Lenny might be the least intimidating wrestling name ever. Kaz does a rana that sends Lenny to the floor and hits a big dive. In the ring, a cross body is caught into a powerslam. Kaz hits a super rana followed by a top rope senton for the win.


Disorderly Conduct vs High Voltage

Oh wow. This is Worldwide up in here. This and Konnan in the main event? High Voltage wins with the Doomsday Device.

Barry Horowitz vs Wrath

This is getting even more jobbery. Wrath dominates and wins with the meltdown. We're about half way through the show with one gif to show for it.

TO THE SATURN. They said this would be an in depth, sit down interview. It's just a cut up interview with him sitting in the dark. It isn't really an interview. He talks about being an Army Ranger and why his word is so important. Basically, he was poor as a kid and his word was all he had. He wants to disband the Flock.

Meng vs Raven

I expect Meng to murder the members of the Flock. Kanyon gets on the mic and says this is a handicap match. Sick Boy and Riggs vs Meng, I guess. Tongan Deathgrip on Riggs. Horace uses the stop sign to break it up and gets put in the Deathgrip. Sick Boy also gets caught in it. Raven makes Lodi make Saturn get in the ring. He goes right after Meng. Kanyon kicks him in the back of the head. Deathgrip on Saturn. The rest of the Flock leave. I guess Meng wins. Bell didn't ring, but Tony said Meng won.

Kanyon vs Saturn

Give me a gif, Kanyon. Come on. Saturn was still in the ring after the break, so now they're going to have a match. Saturn is basically already out of it. Electric chair drop. Kanyon does some weird thing that looked like he was going to do a reverse powerbomb, but then twisted it around into a suplex thing, but it didn't look very good. Hanging neckbreaker. Besides Saturn being dead going into the match, Kanyon keeps trying new moves and they aren't really working. Saturn hits a belly to belly and t-bone. Lodi gets on the apron and wants to see a Flatliner. Saturn allows Kanyon to hit his move. BANG! Kanyon wins.


Brian Adams vs Dean Malenko

Curt Hennig ambushes Dean as he was making his entrance. A beat down ensues. Rude has some kind of cage or fencing with him. Dean makes a short come back. Where is Mongo? Where is Arn? Where is Benoit? Rude Awakening! Hip swivel! I guess Dean asked for a cage match with Hennig. No one is man enough to face Hennig in a cage. They cover Malenko with a section of fencing.


Riggs vs Norman Smiley

Riggs is still selling the Tongan Deathgrip. We get word that Malenko vs Hennig in a cage will happen on Nitro! Crowd is so dead. And the wrestlers aren't really giving them anything to get excited about. Norman does some weird move that basically looked like he was trying to power fuck Riggs. This is terrible. This whole show is pretty bad. I think they've managed to put even less effort into the show 2 weeks ago. Norman wins with a knee bar.


Dancing Fools vs Armstrong Brothers

Steve and Scott. Jobberrific show. Disco just stands on the ropes, watches Alex get slammed, and Steve Armstrong just stares at him while he waits to do an elbow. It was terrible. Interesting that Scott and Alex have the same color scheme tonight. Steve slams Scott onto Disco. Disco gets a beat down in the corner. He hits a backslide and would have had the win, but the ref was distracted. Both teams are working as Southern heels, so it is kind of a strange match. Scott accidentally hits Steve with a missile drop kick. Knee face buster into a neck breaker for the win by the Dancing Fools.

The Giant/Stevie Ray vs DDP/Konnan

DDP is totally bros with Konnan, despite his year and a half long feud with the nWo. Stevie and DDP start out. Giant gets called in. DDP tries a wrap around sunset flip. Giant turns it into a chokebreaker. CZFNW! Giant flying DDT from DDP. Konnan comes in and gets put down right away. He then hits a shitty X-Factor on Stevie. Hot tag to DDP, who was in the ring like 45 seconds ago. Kanyon Cutter on Stevie! BANG! He clearly got pinned to 3, since Giant took his fucking time getting over the rope. But then Virgil and Crush hit the ring and the match is thrown out. What a shocker. Goldberg runs out and spears Crush. Giant orders Virgil to attack. He gets put down. WE'RE OUT OF TIME.


Holy shit. Absolutely ZERO effort was put into this show. No promos, straight up jobbers up and down the whole show, matches not even happening, nWo DQs. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up that WCW was getting more focused. This show was embarrassing.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You should know better Stro; even when Nitro and the PPVs are good Thunder always sucks.

Saturday Night was better than Thunder week in and week out despite never being used as more than a jobber hangout because at least the wrestling was fairly crisp. Had better announcing too.


I will leave my wrestling and GNR collection to Wrasslegaf. It's all digital, though. And right now the only wrestling I have saved anywhere is 1998 WCW. And not even the full year as I only downloaded what I hadn't reviewed when my old hard drive died. I do have a collection of all the best bootlegs from 1991-2010 of GNR, plus the Indy show from 2011 on an external hard drive, though.
I wonder if this story is heading for the touch passing from Vince to Trips at mania?

Vince is getting on in years. Wrestlemania 30 seems as good a time as any to at least walk away from the live show side of things and just kick it back at Titan Towers full time.

And Austin should stay away from this storyline. Those rumours of him facing HHH at mania.... I dont know who would want that as Austins "one more match" other then HHH.

And the nasty thing about Triple h rumours is 90% of the time they turn out to be true. :(


Anyone besides Punk would be a waste for Austin. Not D-Bryne, not Undertaker, not HHH, not Bork (and I don't think they could have a good match considering how physical Bork's matches are), not Rock. Only Punk. If he isn't going to face Punk , I don't want him to come back. And considering he's almost 50 and hasn't had a match in 10 years, I really doubt he's coming back for anything besides a few random stunners. If that.

I really thought he was coming back after doing Tough Enough and being in the ring a lot of with those people, but if he didn't come back after that, I really don't see him having one more match with anyone.


Creepy how quickly he is starting to look just Vince's twin. He use to have some features from Linda, but they look like they have disappeared in his short time away. Wish he would come back in some role. Always liked him more than Stephanie and his matches convinced me how much he cared for the company putting his body on the line when he didnt have to. Backlash 2001 left me speechless when he jumped 30ft off the railing.
Angle/Shane from King of The Ring 2001 will forever be his best match. So much better than it had any right to be for a street fight.

The botched belly to belly suplexes that didn't break the glass were nasty as hell.


Angle/Shane from King of The Ring 2001 will forever be his best match. So much better than it had any right to be for a street fight.

The botched belly to belly suplexes that didn't break the glass were nasty as hell.
That is probably my favorite match as well. When I first saw he was going to be in a match, I just laughed and thought it would be some sort of joke, cheesy dq, or a complete beat down, but he put in a lot of hours to give the fans a good match and was willing to punish his body to entertain the fans. He definitely didnt have to do it, but it made me respect him a lot more.


So not worth it
So, at NoC, Paige is called up and joins The Shield, helping AJ retain the title and AJ becomes Corporate Divas Champ, right?

Also, I'm sure this been brought up, but why is Big Show afraid of wrestling a match? Bryan has fought him before, in fact won and retained the WHC in matches against him. Why is it suddenly a problem to fight? YOU ARE A WRESTLER! YOU WRESTLE!


So, at NoC, Paige is called up and joins The Shield, helping AJ retain the title and AJ becomes Corporate Divas Champ, right?

Also, I'm sure this been brought up, but why is Big Show afraid of wrestling a match? Bryan has fought him before, in fact won and retained the WHC in matches against him. Why is it suddenly a problem to fight? YOU ARE A WRESTLER! YOU WRESTLE!
Because he is a complete headcase and the writers can never figure out what they want to do with him. He switches from heel to face and back again almost on a monthly basis it seems. Ive heard rumors his body is breaking down quickly and his career isnt going to last much longer, unless he is on a reduced match schedule. I guess this is a way for them to keep him on tv without doing a lot of demanding in ring work.

The angle they seem to be using is he is out of money, but he is a good guy at heart trying to make a living for his family. He wants to do the right thing, but is forced into doing something he doesnt want to do, so he is conflicted and cries. He will whine and cry until someone pushes him too far and then he is "forced" to fight someone. Barely a year ago he was the biggest heel willing to do anything to keep his job without giving it much thought, and now he is a blubbering idiot.

He wasted a lot of years not giving a shit about his work ethic, training or staying in shape. Even though he is taking better care of his body now and spending the time in the ring training, his body is giving out on him. I believe it is his knees that are giving him most of the problems. If he cant walk or bend his knees much, it is going to make keeping weight off very difficult leading to more problems. He is over 40, so unless they turn into a one punch wrecking machine again, he is going to go through a lot of stupid gimmicks and angles. That shouldnt be anything new to him though. He will probably get stuck as an enforcer for whatever new wrestling stable they are in early stages of creating.


That is probably my favorite match as well. When I first saw he was going to be in a match, I just laughed and thought it would be some sort of joke, cheesy dq, or a complete beat down, but he put in a lot of hours to give the fans a good match and was willing to punish his body to entertain the fans. He definitely didnt have to do it, but it made me respect him a lot more.

I think it's one of the better matches I've ever seen in the WWF/E.


That backstage Cody Rhodes segment was really good. Too bad they couldn't have done the takeout in a better manner. Better for him to get an upset win by interference and then gets attacked by the Shield or a punt - anything. But the way they did it it's another loss that you'd expect and no movement up the ladder. So he's gone for probably two months (I'd expect Survivor Series).

But who is going to bring Cody back?

And the biggest problem is that this story is going to get stale till WM. Punk can feud with Orton and Bryan with Trips and co., but it's bound to get boring around Nov. We already got some chants.
Somebody's going to take stand in the GM/head role against Triple H, probably Vince if they speed up this angle. I do agree it's fairly tedious by now. I don't know what anybody would expect. They use about five hours per week on this story and more often than not it'll be the same thing for weeks with little to no development. For the life of me I don't care at all about Orton, or about H's, I've seen Hunter too many times in the main event circle for almost 14 years. Orton's been in the main event before, and was there for three years full with restholds and monotonous promos. Bryan is nice to see there, but meh.
My biggest problem with this angle (well, second, can't stand seeing Mr. H's and his fucking wife on TV so much) is that why should Randy suddenly become a chicken-shit just because he's turned heel? He was one of the few WWE heels over the past decade to not play the chicken-shit role and, once he turned face, he obviously wasn't going to act that way, either. So it seems strange to me that, now, he wouldn't want to fight Bryan, or that he'd have zero reaction to Mr. H's saying shit like Orton's just holding the belt for him. Whether as a face or a heel, Randy has always played a wilful individual who does what he wants, when he wants, has little regard for authority and loves an opportunity to dish out punishment in the ring. Not a guy who hides behind the boss. Randy should be saying to H's exactly what Cody was saying on RAW last night; "why not let me wrestle Bryan? I can beat him", etc.


So not worth it
Well, for one, in my mind Orton has been bought by The McMahon's to be their champion.

For another, Orton can't beat Bryan in his current form, as illustrated two months ago.

But alot of stuff they do isn't properly explained (perhaps yet), but that's how I took it as far as Orton's motivation goes.
Well, for one, in my mind Orton has been bought by The McMahon's to be their champion.

I'm fine with him taking orders, but it seems ridiculous that he won't even question anything H's is saying.

Aiii said:
For another, Orton can't beat Bryan in his current form, as illustrated two months ago.

Orton's an egomaniac, it'd make more sense for him to be certain he can beat a guy like Bryan and explain away his loss last time as just a fluke.

Aiii said:
But alot of stuff they do isn't properly explained (perhaps yet), but that's how I took it as far as Orton's motivation goes.

They did have Bryan mention that Orton didn't care about the title picture until an opportunity was handed to him, it'd be nice if they actually wrote in Orton losing some of his confidence over the past year or so, as he floundered and picked up losses to guys like Bryan, and that's why he agreed to be the McMahon's champion.
I'm fine with the corporation laying Bryan out at the end of every show to make the odds against him look impossible, however what they did last night was God-awful. I have to wonder if it was originally meant to be a handicap match with Show and Henry and they didn't know how to change the script. Show in dire-straights over having to wrestle Bryan makes Bryan look weak, then when you have a match where Show's effortlessly beating-up Bryan despite refusing to hit him for huge periods it makes him look pathetic. You're making the guy you want to build up as your no.1 face look pathetic for the Big Show who's never going to go anywhere.

Maybe if there was a pay-off it would have been better, at one point I honestly through Bryan was going to duck the punch so show took out Roman. I mean he was incapacity for 10 minutes while we all got to watch Show cry about being a wrestler, surely that was enough time to recover? However no, nothing came out of it. It was just a flat segment because it was a repeat of last weeks but this time the odds weren't stacked against the hero, he just lost to a tall, fat, glorified mid-carder.


So not worth it
Decent points Boot.

^^^ I doubt it made Bryan look weak really. He wanted to fight, challenged Show, attacked him head on and got the upper hand on more than one occasion before getting attacked by The Shield.
So, lets talk about Punk a bit. Do you guys think this is the PPV where he finally gets to Heyman? Mr. HHH's segment with Heyman basically ended with him saying he doesn't care if Heyman gets destroyed by Punk or not because he wins in either case.

I could see WWE screwing Punk out of his revenge, only for HHH to offer Punk Heyman if Punk does HHH's bidding. So then they'd have basically what they did to the Big Show last night, but instead of Punk crying, he'd be angry in the ring trying to figure out if he should take it to Daniel Bryan after a Shield attack or not.


So not worth it
No, he's not getting at Heyman.

He'll beat Axel, we'll get some tease for a minute or two and then Punk is attacked from behind by the new Heyman guy, Big E Langston.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Angle/Shane from King of The Ring 2001 will forever be his best match. So much better than it had any right to be for a street fight.

The botched belly to belly suplexes that didn't break the glass were nasty as hell.

That match is the single greatest part of the invasion angle.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Since we're talking about big show, I thought I'd share this (found it on another site's comment section in an old article about show):

~~~▄▄██▌█ Weeeeeeeeell it's the Big Truck
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ It's a big bad truck to drive !!!

^^^ I doubt it made Bryan look weak really. He wanted to fight, challenged Show, attacked him head on and got the upper hand on more than one occasion before getting attacked by The Shield.

The whole thing consisted of Show not really selling crappy kicks to the knees and dropkicks whilst pushing Bryan around like a child despite not wanting to fight and finally walking away because he's having such an easy time and doesn't want to hurt Bryan. It made Daniel look really bad to me, a WWE submission expert former champion who just beat Cena clean at the last PPV shouldn't be made to look so weak against a guy who's reluctant to fight and currently traumatized. I just feel it made him look like shit in a match where him winning wouldn't hurt anyone.


Just watching through RAW.

I'm really bored of all this CM Punk bullshit. Hayman is still awesome but Punk is becoming to grate. Why does he want to fight a fat old man. Totally not interested and Mr Perfects son...don't give any shits. Less for Lesner.


If someone in the community wants a title change (even if they barely made 100 posts in the community last month), at least ask the community about it first. Don't PM a fucking mod and get it changed to whatever you want it to be because it's easier to find.

Seriously, I'm pissed about this shit. That's just fucking rude man.

I am still not happy about the thread change....the person that requested it is on my shitlist.


Just watching through RAW.

I'm really bored of all this CM Punk bullshit. Hayman is still awesome but Punk is becoming to grate. Why does he want to fight a fat old man. Totally not interested and Mr Perfects son...don't give any shits. Less for Lesner.

that angle is boring because Heyman is hiding behind someone nobody gives a shit about...
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