Why would he cut his hair, I just don't understand.
It didn't work for Kevin Nash
It was a death nail for DDP
Bret had another stroke?
Bret wrestles on special occasions. He did the Summerslam WWE vs. Nexus match. He was also US champ a couple of years ago and wrestled at MSG last year.
That would be pretty cool...
But teams are bad in this era because there aren't enough WRASSLERS that are legitimately over. Mid-carders kinda ruin it IMO. I mean, Cena/Rock vs Miz/Truth was awful because nobody gave a shit about Miz and Truth.
The story is to enforce the fact that he has "retired". Edge cut his hair after retirement so Triple H is doing the same.
I wonder if we'll get Bret v Box II tonight.
I wonder if we'll get Bret v Box II tonight.
So, how good do you think the crowd will be this week?
bragging about 16gigs of nudey cosplayHAHAHA i just looked in this thread and seen Gfex is banned.. what he get banned for???
bragging about 16gigs of nudey cosplay
bragging about 16gigs of nudey cosplay
i cant imagine him getting perma banned for thatIs it a temp ban?
Is it a temp ban?
Is it a temp ban?
Permabans means a user's avatar disappears, so G-Fex (KOG) is temp, as he still has his.
You and me both brother. I hope him and Vince can make a deal for a Stone Cold or Undertaker match since Goldberg recently said he was interested in that.![]()
Miss this guy. Rybacks finisher sucks.
Calling it now: Dean Ambrose doesn't debut this week.
That's a debunked myth.
G-Fex has a 2 week ban, but said he ain't comin' back.
I don't trust FF after XIII. And XIII-2. And Lightning Returns.Seeing as how they're in Canadia, all signs point to good.
You wanna be in my FFTactics party, spin? I got room for one more.
It's nice to see a spear where the guy actually looks like he wants to charge into the other dude and plant him.![]()
Miss this guy. Rybacks finisher sucks.
G-Fex has a 2 week ban, but said he ain't comin' back.
What was the story with Goldberg leaving? Why did he leave?
What was the story with Goldberg leaving? Why did he leave?
Dont remind meWhat is this about HHH having new hair?
Funny seeing the Steph gif Reiko posted in the HHH retires thread after seeing what he got banned for.
Dont remind me
About that Steph gif when you think about it the wwe put that segment on a PG show.
People in the wwe claim he had an ego, but the situation was that after wwe bought wcw they brought a lot of wcw guys over and they didn't do a good job of putting them over. Plus Triple H was the biggest wwf attitude era guy on the roster that was left and he wasn't going to put Goldberg over at least not in a big way.
Maybe this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsL2QSifwbA
But I don't know if he's just evading what BlazinAm said
I miss The Pounceeeeeeee!
What ever happened to Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von?
I think that gif was from (or near) the Halloween show where Cena first started rapping - which means stuff was still TV-14 then (if I remember right).
Personal/Family issues are the reason why left and is now a personal trainer.I miss The Pounceeeeeeee!
What ever happened to Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von?
He sounds like a normal, average guy not the big ego SUPER POWER monster we see in that ring.
I don't know what to think anymore.
I don't trust FF after XIII. And XIII-2. And Lightning Returns.
so do we all sing that Nah Nah Nah song??
No, we all go "YOU TAPPED OUT" while he tries to look emotional.
Seriously that Shakira thread was insane. People lost their goddamn minds up in there, for no fuckin reason.
he wont stay away... im calling it right now
I know, I've played all of the Final Fantasy games other than Tactics, 11, 12, and 9.Tactics is before all of those. Hell, it's before 8.