WWE Rock vs. Cena: Once in a Lifetime hits US stores tomorrow on DVD and Blu-ray.
The documentary gives a look backstage immediately following the WrestleMania 28 match, which shows an embrace between Rock and Cena, in addition to interactions with Vince McMahon. Below are some exclusive photos of the eye-opening scene. Grab your copy of the DVD to see it all.
Heyman having sex with Punk = Ratings
2013 wwe dvd releases
that goldberg one could be cool also a triple h documentry ughhhh
The Best of Nitro Volume 2 02/12/13
Bret Hart Unreleased Matches 03/05/13
The Best of In Your House 04/30/13
Goldberg 06/25/13
Best of MSG 08/27/13
Best of War Games 09/10/13
I think the best part of tonight's RAW is going to be the Montreal crowd.
The product would be so much better if we had hot crowds week in week out.
Aw shit, [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyFABQX62A"]there's a trailer and everything![/URL]
I highly recommend the best of 2011 dvd for anyone new to CHIKARA or someone who wants to see a bunch of awesome matches. The two August events should be added to the viewing schedule, just sayin'.
Punk doesn't need to get bigger. There aren't many Cena sized guys left. Look at the current roster and the guys in NXT. There aren't a lot of big, jacked up guys around anymore. Zeke and Mason Ryan haven't been on TV in months. Tensai is big, but he certainly isn't jacked up. Then you have Titus O'Neil, but I can't imagine him ever being anywhere near Punk.
It's just a bunch of dudes who are around Punk's size, but more cut. It's not a big deal. Plenty of guys who weren't as big or as cut up have had matches with bigger guys and were taken seriously. He could probably be a bit more toned, but I don't think he can. He mentioned about how around WM he was on a strict diet and exercise routine and was miserable with only marginal results.
His tummy bothers me a lot though. I mean I think I have a nicer body, and I sit in a office all day. I only get to work out twice a week.
You're blessed with better DNA?
What are the chances HHH comes out tonight solely to show off his hair and soak in the reaction?
I don't know what to say to this...........
His tummy bothers me a lot though. I mean I think I have a nicer body, and I sit in a office all day. I only get to work out twice a week.
You're blessed with better DNA?
What is this about HHH having new hair?
Triple H won't be on untill at least February. What you on about?
The two August events will have to be at leisure watching.....KOT will be our official starting point for Chikara viewing.
According to our favorite jewish dirt sheet writer
Triple H's haircut is part of the Brock angle.
Yes...the haircut is a work.
According to the jewish dirt sheet writer's sidekick....
It's been talks about a Survivor Series match between Team Cena vs. Dangerous Alliance 2012
DA would have Punk Brock ??? Primetime Players ???
Cena would have Triple H ??? R-Truth/Kofi ??? (Lawler probably)
So Trips isn't retired?
That would be pretty cool...
But teams are bad in this era because there aren't enough WRASSLERS that are legitimately over. Mid-carders kinda ruin it IMO. I mean, Cena/Rock vs Miz/Truth was awful because nobody gave a shit about Miz and Truth.
Do you not pay attention to TMZ?
or this thread?
The mystery person on Cena's team could be anybody ranging from The Rock to Bret.
According to our favorite jewish dirt sheet writer
Triple H's haircut is part of the Brock angle.
Yes...the haircut is a work.
Hahahahaha, someone made a thread about that?
Why would he cut his hair, I just don't understand.
It didn't work for Kevin Nash
It was a death nail for DDP
Oh you didn't know?
Bret can't compete unfortunately. He had a stroke not that long ago so he won't be able to do anything more than referee.
Rock would be good but I don't see him returning until Fast 6 is done and RR build up starts.