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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ya know...

all the stuff Punk says about being the best "wrestler" and how he list all of his mediocre accomplishments, he never says he is the only person to even beat Undertaker by submission.

Punk vs. Taker at Wrestlemania

do it!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Why is Ryback an interviewer guy now?

God I love NXT at the mo, Big E Langston is a great squasher of jobbers and I like his new 5 count gimmick

Also this Trent Barrett promo is amazing


Ha that Trent stuff is whats been running on Z True Long Island Story. WWE again takes Zacks ideas of letting trent run this angle on his show.

It's odd how quickly Dolph Ziggler went from being the next Crash Holly to Curt Hening to Shawn Michaels. How does that even work.
Im surprised that they are ever down on Ziggler since they made him, he didn't come from the Indys. Im shocked when guys like Bryan and Cesaro get opportunities but i guess Punk has made it easier for those guys backstage.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Shinsuke Nakamura vs Karl Anderson (20:00)
context: Tied for match of the year for me, and I'm not even a huge Anderson fan, and if you've never seen magical Nakamura selling, it's on full display in this match.

and it's one of the matches that debunks the 90's myth that all Japanese crowds are quiet and just clap. They get way into it near the end.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Had some friends over to watch the RoH PPV (they're more into ROH than I am) and it was just unacceptable. I hate to say it, but I'm not going to watch any more of that until I hear that more than 3 in a row were good. Wasted day.


Up and walking. No brain damage. Doctors say they "see no reason why he won't be able to wrestle again."


By the way, he's fucking Touting from his hospital bed. And still making crummy jokes at that.

Also, here's Jericho's new arm tattoo:

So I DVR'd Saturday Night Slam. Yes, I am aware it's for kids, but there is still comedy to be had watching it at 4AM on a Saturday night:

- The theme song is some generic rap song by a nobody
- they had a part on Justin Gabriel
- it transitioned into a relatively interesting segment about where wrestlers "come" from
- there was a Parts Unknown joke, but there's no way any child watching the show would have got it
- They also said about Zeke Jackson: "they make them big down there" :jnc
- the show has its own apron and titantron theme
- R-Truth & Kofi vs. Primo & Epico. The latter team was very vocal and the match was clearly worked for children
- the ref pretended to talk to Little Jimmy
- Kofi botched the finish
- Santino & Josh Matthews was on commentary...Santino dumbed down, Josh stayed the same
- they have that neck rule thing, but Sheamus performs White Noise after returning from the last set of commercials
- They had a segment about touring in the Far East
- previewed next week (the "history of the Intercontinental Championship")
- and finished with Antonio Cesaro giving a "lesson" on how to say "Welcome Back To School."
- He actually played it quite well, even mentioned how German is used for reading and writing in Switzerland.

Still needs work, but heading in the right direction.
So I DVR'd Saturday Night Slam. Yes, I am aware it's for kids, but there is still comedy to be had watching it at 4AM on a Saturday night:

- The theme song is some generic rap song by a nobody
- they had a part on Justin Gabriel
- it transitioned into a relatively interesting segment about where wrestlers "come" from
- there was a Parts Unknown joke, but there's no way any child watching the show would have got it
- They also said about Zeke Jackson: "they make them big down there" :jnc
- the show has its own apron and titantron theme
- R-Truth & Kofi vs. Primo & Epico. The latter team was very vocal and the match was clearly worked for children
- the ref pretended to talk to Little Jimmy
- Kofi botched the finish
- Santino & Josh Matthews was on commentary...Santino dumbed down, Josh stayed the same
- they have that neck rule thing, but Sheamus performs White Noise after returning from the last set of commercials
- They had a segment about touring in the Far East
- previewed next week (the "history of the Intercontinental Championship")
- and finished with Antonio Cesaro giving a "lesson" on how to say "Welcome Back To School."
- He actually played it quite well, even mentioned how German is used for reading and writing in Switzerland.

Still needs work, but heading in the right direction.

Saturday Morning Slam revie-


Ziggler to cash in tonight? hope so

The ban on the Brogue kick is probably the best opportunity he has to get away with this, maybe Sheamus would try to thwart the cash in with it and then stops short at the last second leading to his downfall, or maybe he does it anyway and Booker strips him of the belt, somehow Ziggler can use the case to snatch up the vacant belt or some weird twist like that.

I still feel he should hire that one guy who said he's open for business to beatdown Sheamus for an easy cash in, I think it was that Barrett fellow who has been oddly absent since making his return, WHAT THE HELL WWE?!


Ya know...

all the stuff Punk says about being the best "wrestler" and how he list all of his mediocre accomplishments, he never says he is the only person to even beat Undertaker by submission.

Punk vs. Taker at Wrestlemania

do it!

Jobbing at Wrestlemania is kind of pointless for him at this stage of his career don't you think?


So not worth it
Hang on, hang on... Is it time? Is it prediction time? IT IS! IT IS PREDICTION TIME! BAH GAWD KING! IT IS PREDICTION TIME!!


Battle Royal for a shot at United States Championship (Pre-show)
I love Battle Royal's in the preshow, they should make this a monthly thing, before every PPV have a battle royal to determine a #1 contender for the US title, add some prestige to the title and make the challenger seem like a bad-ass for winning a Battle Royal and fighting the champion in the same night. Do it WWE.
Right, that said, I see this one going to either Brodus Clay or Ryberg. As we all know the first stage after accomplishing a streak on the Goldberg ascension ladder is winning the United States Championship. So Ryberg winning and going onto win the US Championship tonight seems like a logical step. God knows they need to start doing with The Ryberg sooner rather then later. We all saw what happened with Clay after they managed to do nothing with him for months untill nobody cared. Now he's stuck with his 5 minute entrance and dancing with kids after every fight. It's also why out of the two potential winners, I'm going with Ryberg, who will go on to win the title later on in the night (even though I really like Cesaro and wish he could have the title for a little longer).

WWE United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro vs. Ryberg.
As said above, Ryberg will defeat RavenCesaro, for the US Title at NitroNight of Champions. 1998 is the best year.

WWE Divas Championship: Layla vs. Kaitlyn
I really do like the way they've been building up Kaitlyn, she did really improve quite a bit. Also, she seems to actually have a personality going for her, which is smart as most the divas are so 1-dimensional it's not that hard to stand out from the crowd. However, with all the teasing of Eve shenanigans, there will some sort of fuck-up finish involving Eve that has Layla win the title, maybe we're heading for a three-way at Hell in a Cell. I'd actually want to see an actual Hell in a Cell match with women beating eachother up for 10 minutes. But we're not gonna get that anyways, so it'll be Eve vs. Layla at HiaC next month. Kaitlyn? Back to NXT jobber status. Layla retains.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara
I fucking love Fatal Four-ways. They're better then three-ways because in those every time it's one vs one, while the third person lays outside of the ring for 10 minutes untill it's time to switch it up. This way there's always something to do for each man in the match. I like Miz as IC champion, the way he treats the title makes it seem like it actually means something, same goes for Cody, who revered it. Problem there was Cody never defended it so it still seemed like a prop. I think Miz will overcome the odds and win. Probably by stealing the win after someone else does his finisher. The only other alternative I see is Sin Cara winning. You could tell he really wanted the title because he pointed at it like 3 or 4 times during the segment where the HOLLA HOLLA-man made the match. And he's the only guy I can see actually coming out over Miz in this one. But since they're teaming Rey and Cara now for tag-team purposes, I reckon they'll be in the tag-division for a few months at least. So therefor, The Miz retains the IC Title.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Team Friendship
So, the token Black Person Team has had the title for ages, do nothing with it and nobody gives two shits about them. On the other hand, you have Kane and D-Bry, who are amazing together, get huge pops between them and D-Bry esp. can do no wrong, whatever you give the guy it turns into solid 24-carat gold. So Team Friendship will be victorious here. I expect the big penny belts to instantly transform into the hottest titles in WWE. Can't wait for this run, it will do wonders for the tag-divisions profile.

World Heavyweight Title: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
As per Orton, this match will go on before his match versus Ziggler. Which can only mean one thing, Ziggler is the WHC going into that match. I expect Del Rio to take the victory due to having the Bro-kick
yes, intentional
banned. Match will be the same as all their matches, maybe Otunga at ring side this time as well. So, Del Rio wins, gets bro-kicked after the match and then:

World Heavyweight Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
And out comes Ziggler with Vickie, and there we go, new WHC Dolph Ziggler.

World Heavyweight Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Randy Orton
Now Orton has been putting people over for a while now, which is a good place for the guy to be in. But most importantly, Orton is leaving after the PPV to film 12 Rounds The Sequel, so there's no way he's walking out with the title. We'll definitely see Ziggler win this one, to establish him a little bit stronger, as Sheamus will go on the fight him at Hell in a Cell, maybe in a 3-way with Del Rio, hopefully in a solo-match.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. John Cena
This is a tough one to call. On one hand, CM Punk should win and hold the title until Royal Rumble so he can drop it to The Rock, who will go on to WM to fight Cena and return the favor for last years win. However, if he holds it for 4 more months, he will surpass Cena's longest consecutive title run, and that just isn't happening. So Cena will win this one, with Punk getting the title back at HiaC or at Survivor Series. I have really enjoyed this feud. Contrary to popular opinion in THIS THREAD™. I like douchebag heel Punk and his promo's have been very enjoyable. His teaming with Heyman is amazing and I'm still hoping for a cool stable to emerge from that. Cena, on the other hand, is pretty enjoyable once he drops the funnies and gets more serious. The segment last monday (again, against popular opinion) that closed the show was amazing. Cena really did tear Punk a new one and it really hyped me up for this match. I can't wait to see it and as we know Punk vs Cena are always great matches. These two work great together. I do hope we get to see the new title as well tonight, maybe Punk can open the show to introduce the new belt to piss Cena off. Then when John Cena wins the belt from Punk he can use the fact that the new non-John Cena WWE Title is still around his waist instead of Punk. That would be a nice catalyst for the continuation of the feud.


It's looking good for King of Trios next weekend. Night One is already edited according to SMV and they're working to get two and three done so it can be put up ASAP.


They're using some awesome lighting for KOT this year:


This is from a first round match-up so no spoilers here other than a wrestling move has been done.


Ring of Honor's Glory By Honor XI: An Unbreakable Hope on October 13th:

-- Ring of Honor World Title Match: Kevin Steen versus Michael Elgin

-- Ring of Honor World Television Title Match: Adam Cole versus Eddie Edwards

-- Mike Bennett versus Mike Mondo

-- Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions S.C.U.M. (Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino) will defend their titles



Also, Matt Morgan returned to TNA at a live event last night, jumping the rail in street clothes and attacking Robbie E. He has signed a new deal with the company.
Either Kaitlyn or Layla should go Heel tonight IMO.

Two Faces against each other with a Heel [Eve] at ringside, so it has to happen.

Hopefully, going forward, one teams up with Eve and creates Team Sexy.
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