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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


Last night was great.

I still say Drew McIntyre should be revealed as Kane's son. Then, when Kane retires, he passes the mask onto Drew. Instantly over with the crowd, and guaranteed WM main event status.

Then, you could have a twist where it's revealed that Bryan, Titus O'Neil, and HHH are also Kane's sons, and you have a Fatal Four Way to determine who gets to wear the mask! Then, whoever wins gets to face their uncle Taker to see who can beat the streak. However, before the match, Taker reveals that he's actually Kane's son too, and we get the battle to end all battles! Kane's sons!

Ok that sounds cool. Like for real... Better be someone worthy..

all the rest.. lol

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Can we get a preview of results thus far?

Uh, well, I generally don't like giving too much away as it might influence voting but you're prrrrobably looking at Bryan or Punk as #1 (last month Bryan took #1 EASILY) so Punk must be doing something right. I want to get more results before I say anything definitive though, but those two are odds-on favorites.

Last night was great.

I still say Drew McIntyre should be revealed as Kane's son. Then, when Kane retires, he passes the mask onto Drew. Instantly over with the crowd, and guaranteed WM main event status.
I'm so hyped on Drew McIntyre that I might even adopt a McIntyre avatar and post facts about Scotland soon. We can now begin to chart his rise to the top: His win over Jinder Mahal on Superstars, his joint attack of Brodus Clay with Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater on Smackdown. I'm telling you folks, get onboard the McIntyre train now so you can say you've been here since the start.

Then, you could have a twist where it's revealed that Bryan, Titus O'Neil, and HHH are also Kane's sons, and you have a Fatal Four Way to determine who gets to wear the mask! Then, whoever wins gets to face their uncle Taker to see who can beat the streak. However, before the match, Taker reveals that he's actually Kane's son too, and we get the battle to end all battles! Kane's sons!
I like it, basically it insures that the Kane character will outlive Glen Jacobs while the lineage of all future Kanes can be traced back to Jacobs' bloodline.

What about this:

Because of Kane's unfortunate luck with woman, he takes a vow of celibacy but it's revealed that Paul Bearer has been keeping a sperm sample from Kane in cold storage in, get this, The Urn.

Bearer wanted to insure that he would have a career in the future by managing one of Kane's potent offspring. He goes into the Diva's locker room and makes a deal that whoever volunteers to be the surrogate will always be in the protection of Kane's son. The response was overwhelming positive, so to figure out who would be the mother it is announced that at Hell in a Cell there will be a Diva's Ladder Match with Kane's sperm sample hanging above the ring as the prize.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright you KANE fans, I went onto fanfiction.net to get some of your works. :/

A poem said:
K night in the red with black mask

A fraid to show the world

N ot just his face but his heart for

E ach one has been burnt by the world before .

A story said:
*Austin, HHH, Kane, RVD and Chris Jericho are walking in the woods with backpacks and complaining*

Austin: Can you believe this crap?

HHH: Yeah I can't believe Vince made everybody team up and go hiking to the next arena.

Jericho: God, I hate camping and forests.

RVD: What are you complaining about Mr. Canada? I thought you loved these woods.

Jericho: Are you kidding? Why do you think I live in Florida?

RVD: Because you're beach blond loser?

Jericho: Hey shut the hell up!

Kane: Why don't you both shut up?

Jericho and RVD: YOU SHUT UP!

Kane:[looks up to the sky] God, why couldn't Vince be more merciful and just let the officers take me to the arena?

Jericho: What are you complaining about freak?

Kane:[menacingly]Call me that again and I'll set your pretty blonde locks on fire.

Jericho: No! Not the hair![Runs into darkness]

Austin: Jericho you dumbass! Come back!


Others: What?

Jericho: I ripped my favorite glittery pants.

Others: *Sweatdrop*

HHH: And we chose him over Goldust why?

*The guys continue down the trail for a couple of hours, constantly complaining*

RVD: I'm hungry!

HHH: I'm sick of all this walking and all these bugs are driving me insane!

Austin: Will you two stop bitching?

*Jericho who was in the front suddenly stops making Austin crash into him, then HHH, then RVD and Kane into him.

RVD: Why'd you stop?

Jericho: Uh..guys..

HHH: What is it Jericho?

Jericho: Promise you guys won't mad.

Kane: Why can't we get mad?

Jericho: Just promise!

Austin: Fine, we promise now what is it?

Jericho: I think we're lost...

Others: What?!

HHH: How can we? You've been looking at the map all this time!

Jericho:[shuffles feet uncomfortably]

HHH:[notices something then loses it] AHHHHHHH! GOD DAMN IT!

Others: What? What is it?


Others: WHAT?!

Jericho: Actually, I haven't been reading it. I got bored three hours ago and started reading this [holds up a Raw magazine]

Others: WHAT?!

HHH:[Is about to launch himself at Jericho but RVD gets in the way]

RVD: Calm down Hunter. Maybe we're not that lost. Look, lets just set up camp, look for the arena in the morning and you can kick Jericho's ass tomorrow on Raw.

HHH:[Still looks unconvinced]

RVD:[Whispers]Besides, what'll Bischoff do to us if we turn up without him?

HHH: Fine whatever.

*The five guys set up camp in a mysteriously cleared area but they're too tired and hungry to care at the moment. They also didn't seem to notice the five-sticked figures around the area because of all of five of them arguing and complaining. HHH wants a tent to himself. Jericho's whining about forgeting his hair rollers. No one will let Kane start the fire, who gets angry and starts chucking logs. Finally the five superstars calm down and sit by the fire.*

RVD: Time to tell scary stories.

HHH:I know a good one.

Kane: What? The one about your wedding night with your ex-wife Stephanie?

All but HHH bursts out laughing

HHH:[sarcastically]Ha ha. Actually I was going to tell the one about the night with you and Katie Vick.

Kane:[rising]Why you little son of a bi-

RVD:[Interrupts] Uh, I know one.

RVD gets into a chilling tale and tells it so detailed that he literally has the four superstars trembling from fright.


HHH: Wha-wha-what was that?

Austin:[shakily] It was nothing.

*An even louder sound*


Everyone except RVD run in different directions screaming.

RVD:[laughing hysterically] Guys! It was only a story! It wasn't true!

*Austin and HHH walk back a little embarrassed*

Austin: Um...I knew that.

HHH: Like hell you did, that's why you ran.

Austin: Then why, may I ask you, did you have a head start in front of me?

HHH: .

Austin: What? That's what I thought.

RVD: Kane! Jericho! Are you guys alright?

Kane; I'm fine, just get this idiot to let go of me!

*Jericho, who had a death grip around Kane's waist, was shaking*

Jericho:[whimpers] I'm too pretty to die!

Austin: We're not going to die, just shut the hell up.

*The eerie sound of children laughing suddenly fills the air*

HHH: Oh shit! What was that?

Jesus Christ.


Apparently TNA will be running live events in the NYC area during Wrestlemania weekend....

pwinsider said:
On Friday 4/5, they return to the NYCB Theater in Westbury, Long Island, New York.

Sources also indicate that an event on Saturday 4/6 is planned for Rahway, NJ.

Let's get everyone in on this shindig.


Uh, well, I generally don't like giving too much away as it might influence voting but you're prrrrobably looking at Bryan or Punk as #1 (last month Bryan took #1 EASILY) so Punk must be doing something right. I want to get more results before I say anything definitive though, but those two are odds-on favorites.

Punk vs Cena always brings out the Punk love.

Too bad we're probably getting Big Show this month :\

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Where do you guys go for wrestling gifs?

Depends - sometimes tumblr has weird moments, but they have a LOT of badly-made ones. For slick ones, Wrestling With Text is excellent. The others just kinda happen. I don't look for em often though.


more money than God
I like it, basically it insures that the Kane character will outlive Glen Jacobs while the lineage of all future Kanes can be traced back to Jacobs' bloodline.

What about this:

Because of Kane's unfortunate luck with woman, he takes a vow of celibacy but it's revealed that Paul Bearer has been keeping a sperm sample from Kane in cold storage in, get this, The Urn.

Bearer wanted to insure that he would have a career in the future by managing one of Kane's potent offspring. He goes into the Diva's locker room and makes a deal that whoever volunteers to be the surrogate will always be in the protection of Kane's son. The response was overwhelming positive, so to figure out who would be the mother it is announced that at Hell in a Cell there will be a Diva's Ladder Match with Kane's sperm sample hanging above the ring as the prize.
Why can't we have stuff like this? This is how you get people interested, and how you get people over!
So I just found an article on WWE's website where a wrestler is paired up with a Tekken Character to advertise TTT2, i'm surprised no on mentioned this randomness.
The team ups seem random as hell but then again I don't know much about Tekken.
So I just found an article on WWE's website where a wrestler is paired up with a Tekken Character to advertise TTT2, i'm surprised no on mentioned this randomness.
The team ups seem random as hell but then again I don't know much about Tekken.

I haven't seen it yet but I'm imagining all the pairings following along race and gender lines (i.e. Eddy Gordo and Kofi Kingston). I don't know if this speaks more to how little I regard WWE.com or how racist I am.

Checking now.
Why the fuck would they want to ensure the legacy of the Kane gimmick?

Why not just create a Son of Papa Shango character while they're at it? (Except I actually want this one)
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