He's lying! He's trying to use psychology to avoid the avatar. Hit him with the Kane, Panda!
Yes, it was. He writes like a girl.I saw a weird pic of Spindashing's...birthday list? It was weird.
I've seen him in one match, I've seen him try to cut one promo, and I read his Wikipedia entry and this dude is still like one of my favorite wrestlers right now. I really need to see more of him, which I'm guessing will happen with this WrassleGAF indie watch party stuff.You will likely see that Vintage Generico DDT twice on Saturday.
sorry Soulplaya but el generico is a better hugger
Impossible!sorry Soulplaya but el generico is a better hugger
If you were a girl, you would love Kane like all women do.*hugs Soulplaya*
Tonight I'll talk on my stream, thus proving i'm a girl
If you were a girl, you would love Kane like all women do.
You're not a girl!
He's also not very good at the Spinaroonie.Kane is bad at the following things:
- playing Mario Kart Double Dash
- being Professor Beef
- giving people Sweet Chin Music
sorry Soulplaya but el generico is a better hugger
Oh I forgot I hate what's her name, that one chick, the one from Thor.
First of all, Kane invented Sweet Chin Music, and according to Miyamoto, it was Kane that inspired him to create Mario Kart.Kane is bad at the following things:
- playing Mario Kart Double Dash
- being Professor Beef
- giving people Sweet Chin Music
http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-...es-new-tna-tv-show-twitter-and-such-tons-more-- As noted on last night's Observer Radio, the entire reason for the Kaitlyn push of late was a screw-up in the women's number-one contender battle royal last week. Eve was supposed to win but missed the apron on a clothesline spot and landed on the floor. That was why there was confusion immediately afterwards and Layla had a look of shock on her face. Based on Raw last night, it's possible Eve will end up getting the match with Layla back, or they'll switch it to a three-way. Presumably we'll find out on Smackdown or next week.
-- Speaking of Eve winning, she won the Stars Earn Stripes show on NBC last night, and now that the show is over one would presume they'll push that fact pretty hard on TV. WWE didn't promote it at all on Raw given it was running head-to-head on Mondays. She will be on Attack of the Show on G4 today discussing her win (Star Earn Stripes, not Kaitlyn match) (although I suppose she could mention that). The NBC finale did just under 3 million viewers.
-- Last night's cameo with Paul Heyman wasn't an inside joke or visual gag, he'll be working with Punk going forward on Raw after signing a new deal with the company.
-- Randy Orton appears to be gone for the foreseeable future shooting 12 Rounds Reloaded for WWE.
-- Daniel Bryan will not be sad to see this video of Josh Reddick of the Oakland As coming out to his theme music and fans going "YES YES YES!" The best part is that there is one section screaming "YES!" and pumping their fists, and there is another section looking at them completely baffled.
That's amazing ahaha-- Daniel Bryan will not be sad to see this video of Josh Reddick of the Oakland As coming out to his theme music and fans going "YES YES YES!" The best part is that there is one section screaming "YES!" and pumping their fists, and there is another section looking at them completely baffled.
First of all, Kane invented Sweet Chin Music, and according to Miyamoto, it was Kane that inspired him to create Mario Kart.
Your second point is irrelevant.
Oh I forgot I hate what's her name, that one chick, the one from Thor.
-- Last night's cameo with Paul Heyman wasn't an inside joke or visual gag, he'll be working with Punk going forward on Raw after signing a new deal with the company.
Queen Amidala?
Kane is bad at the following things:
- playing Mario Kart Double Dash
- being Professor Beef
- giving people Sweet Chin Music
A few young fans are being educated with that #1WWE's Top 10 Top Rope Finishers
#10 Vader's Vadersault
#9 Justin Gabriels 450° Splash
#8 Sin Caras Exploder
#7 Shane McMahons Coast to Coast
#6 Legion of Dooms Doomsday Device
#5 Jeff Hardys Swanton Bomb
#4 Rob Van Dams Five-Star Frog Splash
#3 Evan Bournes Shooting Star Press
#2 Jimmy Snukas Superfly Splash
#1 Randy Savage's Flying Elbow Drop
They saved a riot with that #1.
A few young fans are being educated with that #1
CM Punk is educating them each week with his well loved homage.
That's what I meant, now they'll know why he does it. Although now they'll have the question of "Why does Mr. Punk's one look like a flailing monkey?".
That's what I meant, now they'll know why he does it. Although now they'll have the question of "Why does Mr. Punk's one look like a flailing monkey?".
I think he may have turned over a new leaf.That's what I meant, now they'll know why he does it. Although now they'll have the question of "Why does Mr. Punk's one look like a flailing monkey?".
A. I loved the DDP/Raven feud. Especially when Benoit got involved. Loved the Bowery cage match with Kidman taking the Diamond Cutter while hanging from the cage roof and Kanyon redoing the Dreamer/Raven chair shot.
B. I have a feeling that someone is going to get in trouble for this Kaitlyn push. Probably Kaitlyn even if it is Eve's mistake.
C. Someone should stream Slamboree 98. One of my favorite WCW PPVs.
You will likely see that Vintage Generico DDT twice on Saturday.
Ha! I wanted to stand up and applaud.I actually said Holy Shit when this first happened.
The bar had been set that low by his past elbows dropped.
Try this one! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xq...-el-generico-ddt-05-04-12_sport?search_algo=2Ithil said:I think I ought to watch some Generico matches.
This cosplayer at Dragon*Con this weekend had an uncanny resemblance to CM Punk
C. Someone should stream Slamboree 98. One of my favorite WCW PPVs.