You know how they say we don't have the technology today to put a man on the moon like we did in the 60's? That's how I feel watching that video.
Pyro, a packed house, cool set, Bruce Buffer, competent commentary, refs wearing bow ties. We'll never see that again. Like Cypher from The Matrix (only in reverse), I don't even see a wrestling match when I watch that video. All I see is Billionaire Ted's money streaming down the screen.
Never again. Nothing will ever come as close to and beat the WWF.
And please, indy dudes, save me your 'Chikara', 'ROH', 'CZW' posts, ok? I can feel your posts being typed. Don't waste your time, please.
And also, a pre-emptive 'F off' to all the WCW haters and their ringleader, Professor Beef.