At least LeRae made a booking. I'm surprised she hasn't deleted her Twitter yet, given the rumors that the E might be interested.
Team Tremendous had been picking up hype in the U.S. indies this year. They were okay in the Hoodslam match I saw them in in April.
Xavier trying to convince Rusev to watch Detective Conan cracked me up btw
It was time for a change.
holy crap homer isn't bane anymore
He's right. Seth's the only heel in recent memory who is atop of the card and is doing all these top rope move, outside dives, and flippy indie moves. It's terrible. It garners no heat whatsoever.
Reminds me, that fucking awful superplex into Falcon Arrow spot. STOP IT!
Seth could sell it as doing moves that ARENT risky for Seth Rollins, only for scrubs like Johhhn Cena or the Vigilante Sting. Seth is that good. He can pull that flippy shit 24/7 with no risk, no wear on his body whatsoever.
Because Crossfit.
Crossfit can sponsor the next PPV even!
I can't get behind a guy who, as the top heel, is more worried about making the fans pop for his spots than making them hate him.
I do honestly wonder what Seth wants to do, rather than what creative want him to be. Especially since they seem to neuter his more outrageous stuff (like the curb stomp).
I'd prefer to see him as a cocky face but that doesn't fit with the Authority timeline so who knows where he will end up. H feud would be easy avenue to turn him but I'm really not interested in seeing H wrestling again.
Hard to be a really effective disgraceful heel in the social era I guess? I loved the whole "Imma kill Christian anyway" bit when that happened.
I still don't know what Seth's character is because it just feels like he's the accidental champion. But he's a heel. And he's had a lengthy reign despite being a fluke champion.
So he's like a Mick Foley... but a heel so not to the character's strengths. He's not really a cocky heel because every week is him saying how he did it even though no one believed in him and him telling Hunter and Stephanie backstage that he can't do it.
Champions not coming up with their own thing is pretty normal now. I watched enough ROH recently to be subjected to a Jay Lethal promo. Remember how he did that funny thing where he dressed up like Flair and acted like Flair?
Well, apparently since the last time we saw Jay, his new thing is just to completely rip off Ric Flair's promos. Not even like 'oh it's the same kind of character,' it's the exact same cadence, it's the exact same hand gestures, it's the exact same formatting. The only thing that is supposed to make you think he's original and not just ripping off Flair wholesale is that he doesn't wear a giant blonde wig anymore.
Seth did the same type of "high spot high spot pop for me" shit in ROH when he was a heel. I don't think creative has much, if any, involvement in match layout. It's not like Seth is a HBK type heel, where his athleticism is part of his dick head character. He's Edge 2.0. He shouldn't have a spot where he does 2 dives, then plays to the crowd before doing a tope. He shouldn't be doing phoenix splashes in every big match. Unless they change his character, Seth's moveset doesn't make any sense with his character, and that's on the writers and him, because the writers don't control what he does in the ring.
AKA: Fuck Rollins.
I think what's funny is CZW has produced more interesting new indie guys than ROH at this point.
OMG Rusev is a Windjammers fan.
Jeff Gerstmann needs to get him on Bombcast.
So after RollinsCena and the OwensCena series can we stick a fork in psychology in the WWE? I rewatched the Money in the Bank OwensCena and its just move kick out move kick out forever.
I think what's funny is CZW has produced more interesting new indie guys than ROH at this point.
ROH hasn't been interested in their usual shtick of signing guys who started making waves in IWA-MS/CZW/PWG for a good few years now. They rely on their try-out camps instead, so that's why the current crop of younger talent is guys like Adam Page, Will Ferrara & Donovan Dijak, rather than anyone with any actual hype about them. Dalton Castle's fucking amazing, though. Best thing about ROH by a mile. Other than #BIGMIKE, of course, but I'm sure it won't take long for some tepid ROH booking to ruin him as well.
Does anyone know how long Elgin has left in ROH before he could go over to NJPW and work full time there?
"I buy games every week and play them for about an hour." Sounds like me lol.
Boxing booking squash matches as PPV matches and making millions off it
Boxing is still relevant? lol
Was there any buzz for this PPV coming into last night, though? I sure as hell forgot it was happening until this past week.Its funny that this is true and yet they've had the biggest PPV buy of all time this year.
Was there any buzz for this PPV coming into last night, though? I sure as hell forgot it was happening until this past week.
Was there any buzz for this PPV coming into last night, though? I sure as hell forgot it was happening until this past week.
Was there any buzz for this PPV coming into last night, though? I sure as hell forgot it was happening until this past week.
Also probably not the smartest move to book a fight in the middle of a NFL opening week, and a College Football night.I think Mayweather poisoned the well with the last fight, there was never any chance of big mainstream buzz about a fight which Mayweather promoted as his last and was against a competitor that had near to zero credibility.
Seth did the same type of "high spot high spot pop for me" shit in ROH when he was a heel. I don't think creative has much, if any, involvement in match layout. It's not like Seth is a HBK type heel, where his athleticism is part of his dick head character. He's Edge 2.0. He shouldn't have a spot where he does 2 dives, then plays to the crowd before doing a tope. He shouldn't be doing phoenix splashes in every big match. Unless they change his character, Seth's moveset doesn't make any sense with his character, and that's on the writers and him, because the writers don't control what he does in the ring.
AKA: Fuck Rollins.
This is totally fair, but to be fair to Rollins, I don't think they've known for a while WHAT kind of heel they want him to be. The writing for him is so terrible. He's just kind of whatever they need him to be that night. The moment where it really jumped the shark was when they had him almost paralyze Edge, I think. It was heelish, sure, but him being some kind of sadist makes zero sense for his character, and will undermine any attempt at a future face run.