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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


What would be a good random PPV to watch on the Network?

I want to watch something without using my brain too much.
Rob Lynch of the London Riots landed on his head off a suplex at ENDVR tonight, and didn't move. The half hour of hushed silence between that and him being stretchered out were the eeriest, scariest experience I've had.

Thankfully it wasn't his neck, he did his shoulder in and has a possible concussion. The show restarted afterwards with his blessing, the last thing he said as he was stretchered out was "Sorry for ruining the show", bless him.


Alright so I've finally made my way up to Wrestlemania 16! I once thought I could get through all the Raws and PPVs from 15 to 16 since they got put up on the Network but the secret about late 98 early 99 Raws is that they are not all that watchable for someone who wasn't there at the time. I checked on on some of the more notable Raws, like the Austin beer truck, the formal introduction of Shane O' Mac as a character, Shawn Michaels return and Mankind winning the belt but have just been sticking to the PPVs. There is only so much of D'Lo/PMS miscarriages, DX segments, the fucking Oddities, Ryan Shamrock a person can take.

I'm going to watch all the Wrestlemania lead up Raws, just to see the best that 1999 can throw at me.

Raw 299
February 15, 1999

Just coming off St. Valentine's Day Massacre, with its great, 90s as fuck theme music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwQSoa8N0MA) we got HBK trotting out to the ring. He stumbles through a quick promo introducing firstly, Stone Cold who had just beaten Vince in a cage match to earn a match vs Mankind at Wrestlemania. Hold on a sec though, we got fucking 1999 Michael Cole on commentary, oh joy. An even more soulless robot than we have today, if that is possible. His voice is straining already, after clearly blowing it out last night. Himself and Lawler walk all over each other, clearly lacking chemistry.


Mankind comes out! It only struck my tiny little brain now that as of this Raw the WM main event was face vs face. Both men had been battling the Corporation, Austin tussling with McMahon and Mankind in that career making feud for the Rock. So where's the swerve bro? McMahon strolls out, first playing a "broken man" and then turning on the crowd and asking them if they "wanted blood". They do. McMahon wants Stone Cold to say sorry for nearly killing him. Deafening asshole chants. Stone Cold does his shtick, its incredibly over. McMahon says the people deserve a Mankind Rock rematch tonight in one of his eyepoppingly best facial expressions. The people cheer for this! Wrestling fans! Rocky steps out to big ROCKY SUCKS chants. Demands a match right now with Mankind as well. Foley gets the people to cheer his balls. A ladder match gets made. Suddenly, "Paul White" gets his Raw debut as the guest ref for this match.

We come back to ole double J Jeff Jarrett accompanied by Debra who is not wearing a much. THE REAL DEAL D'lo comes down with Ivory. Attitude Era template feud here: catfighting, heels denying female babyfaces from being exhibitionists, sexism and a lot of camerawork that has influenced NJPW. Ivory runs in, right in front of the ref and breaks up a figure 4. No DQ. D'lo starts selling his left leg but hits the Low Down anyway. Catfight for a huge huge pop. DQ. Debra smashes Ivory in the back with the guitar. Owen Hart shows up to do absolutely nothing. "I told ya naht to piss her aoweff". In the back we get a short Corporation circlejerk over Paul White.


Oh no its DX HHH and XPac. They are just coming off a loss to Chyna and Kane with Chyna picking up her first in ring victory over Hunter. HHH has a braid in his hair. HHH calls Kane a "big red retard". Chyna is wearing less than Debra. XPac calls Shane and Chyna a bitch. Shane busts out the "XPunk". HHH calls Shane a "puss". Shane and Kane (great tag team name there) make a match against XPac and HHH. Leaving the juvenile insults aside this was short, snappy and had an immediate outcome, like the opening segment.

OH NO its Ryan Shamrock and Val Venis as we go to break We come back to Billy Gunn coming out for his match against Val, who is won the IC belt via Ryan Shamrock interference. I think this is the true beginning of the irrelevancy of the IC belt right here. Mr. Ass has to be my least favorite gimmick as my current Attitude Era watching. I get where the Ziggler comparisons come from. Billy is chewing gum like a true MDMA fiend. Val comes out he gets that big, shrill female pop. Val reaches into his taint and slaps Mr. Ass with the tainted hand. Ryan gets knocked off the apron and Billy is distracted, Val hits what Cole identifies as a "fishermans suplex" (it was a bridged German) for the 3. Val dumps Ryan out of absolutely nowhere for no good reason. What? The Ministry are shown purposefully shambling towards the camera backstage.

After the break, Ken runs in backstage and starts choking out Billy Gunn who was conversing with Ryan. Ken is screaming "Stay away from me" which is hilarious considering he should be screaming stay away from her. Paul Bearer starts off the Ministry promo in ring after a typical cool but slow entrance. As Paul says himself "You don't get to hear the fat man talk much these days". Taker starts talking about taking over the WWE entirely and that he has "The key to his heart", I guess that's Stephanie? Light boring chants throughout this. Mideon looks hilariously out of place. Bossman walks down and challenges Taker to a 3 man tag.


ITS KANE. Time for the DX vs Corporation tag, European belt on the line. Kane tags in Shane who immediately runs away. HHH and XPac hit Total Elimination on Kane who no sells so hard he tosses XPac out of the ring. Chyna nails XPac on the floor with a clothesline. Kane beats up HHH a bit and Shane gets to get some shots in before getting overwhelmed. XPac murders him with a spin kick, Chyna gets hit by Shane on accident. Kane takes a bump onto the announce desk. Crowd is insanely hot for all of DX's offence. Chyna gives Shane the belt and he smashes XPac with it, Chyna grabs the belt and gets out, great attention to detail by her there. Shane O' Mac is the European Champion! Chyna is presented as being the person in the driving seat here, pulling Kane back from going after HHH afterwards and orchestrating the whole title win.

Shane's going to Wrestlemania baby! Blackman vs Holly, Holly rushes Blackman and gets a suplex on the ramp for his troubles. They immediately run backstage to some boos from the crowd. The usual Hardcore garbage stuff. Throwing random crap at each other, going outside. I haven't liked these matches since they started showing up. Drozz attacks Blackman for reasons, Holly retains. Holly starts shooting saying he's gotten shitty gimmicks, awful names and bad tag team partners. Also sprach Hardcore Holly. Bart Gunn walks out, looking a lot like Randy Orton's brother. Holy shit they are using Brawl for All as a jump off for a feud! Holly has to resort to the hometown namedrop for any sort of reaction from this.

Alright I'm going to cut this off here as this post is getting big with gifs, I'll type up a separate post for the rest of the show.
Would it suffice when I point out this isn't very well argued?

All of those examples you gave would be alleviated if WWE stuck to the clear face/heel dynamic harder instead of letting half of the roster just kind of float for whatever is needed on any given show. The only way you could be restrianed creatively by stick with good guys and bad guys is if you're a really shitty writer. Good guys can have an edge, and bad guys can be sympathetic, you can have good vs good and bad vs bad and having them be compelling.

The shows would be a lot better if the heels weren't giant pussies and the faces weren't giant assholes. It ends up where no one is likable. Except for Rusev. Stay gangster.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also to this day I am still baffled how Buff Bagwell ever was a draw.

People thought he looked good, he had good charisma, he could draw a bunch of heat, he could work decent matches and he was the perfect stooge. Of all the people in WCW you could ask of 'why they were a draw', I figure Buff is pretty obvious.


People thought he looked good, he had good charisma, he could draw a bunch of heat, he could work decent matches and he was the perfect stooge. Of all the people in WCW you could ask of 'why they were a draw', I figure Buff is pretty obvious.

I always hated the guy.


What made Bagwell dope is the fact that he's 90s as fuck. From the ugly ass hat to the showboating. Plus his "blockbuster" finisher is heavily slept on when it comes down to good finishers.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I do find it funny that Lance Storm hates Russo because Russo is the only person who pushed Lance Storm. There was a time when Lance had a heavyweight title shot and it almost seemed plausible thath e might win it.

And I don't know why he did because Lance was fucking boredom incarnate.


People shit on Russo, but dude pushed so many no names and midcarders during final years of WCW. He made Jarrett into a household name and gave us that godtier Billionaires Club vs New Blood feud which should have gone further.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Violent Jay and Shaggy 2 Dope cited that Buff had a new woman in every town multiple times a day. And Violent Jay talked about how he took this rat to the hotel room and all she wanted to do was ask him about Buff Bagwell, what he was like, what he smelled like, what kind of girls he liked, etc
Violent Jay and Shaggy 2 Dope cited that Buff had a new woman in every town multiple times a day. And Violent Jay talked about how he took this rat to the hotel room and all she wanted to do was ask him about Buff Bagwell, what he was like, what he smelled like, what kind of girls he liked, etc

Makes sense given buffs new profession
Violent Jay and Shaggy 2 Dope cited that Buff had a new woman in every town multiple times a day. And Violent Jay talked about how he took this rat to the hotel room and all she wanted to do was ask him about Buff Bagwell, what he was like, what he smelled like, what kind of girls he liked, etc

Who are you going to believe though, the Insane Clown Posse or every picture of Buff Bagwell EVER?


What If:

The first hour of Raw was devoted to NXT talent. The show would be called NXT on RAW. Raw woukd be back to two hours and WWE could keep their advertisers.
What If:

The first hour of Raw was devoted to NXT talent. The show would be called NXT on RAW. Raw woukd be back to two hours and WWE could keep their advertisers.

Do you mean just re-running NXT before Raw are do you actually want to have it be part of the Raw taping, which would probably mean that they would be booked by the same hacks that book the main roster?


What If:

The first hour of Raw was devoted to NXT talent. The show would be called NXT on RAW. Raw woukd be back to two hours and WWE could keep their advertisers.

3 hours of WWE produced wrestling is bad.

Maybe if they changed up and didn't run arenas every night and changed the look.

Every show is the same sterile production and it sucks
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