Any WrassleGAFfers want to contribute to
I can't get behind a guy who, as the top heel, is more worried about making the fans pop for his spots than making them hate him.
Gotta be honest, the whole heel/face dynamic should die out these days, atleast mostly. Brock was celebrated as heel, the reasons for making Rusev heel were racist, Undertakers new run as heel is pathetic, Cena sucks and who likes that Authority gimmick. Oh yeah, also the New Day backfire. Also, Kayfabe is mostly dead these days. Besides godking Rusev we only have Braun Strowman.
If they don't have good reasons to be heel or face, just let them go over on what they can.
You know what happens when everyone tries to look good?
Nobody looks good
In every sport ever everyone tries to look good. From Usain Bolt to Ronda Rousey to Muhammad Ali.
those aren't scripted to tell a story
I thought I was done with being sick, but being sick isn't done with me. What a fucking plague
I thought I was done with being sick, but being sick isn't done with me. What a fucking plague
You are the least Vince McMahon Vince McMahon I've ever seen.I thought I was done with being sick, but being sick isn't done with me. What a fucking plague
So after RollinsCena and the OwensCena series can we stick a fork in psychology in the WWE? I rewatched the Money in the Bank OwensCena and its just move kick out move kick out forever.
I thought I was done with being sick, but being sick isn't done with me. What a fucking plague
You are the least Vince McMahon Vince McMahon I've ever seen.
Same here Vinnie Mac. Fucking cold is no selling my meds.
I made the mistake of spending a couple hours splitting wood, feeling ok. Whipped my ass, and all my symptoms I'd been fighting this week returned with a vengeance and I didn't want to do anything except have a fever and stare at nothing
Even Daniel Bryan could split wood without succumbing, friend.
Let this be your inspiration back to health.
Gotta be honest, the whole heel/face dynamic should die out these days, atleast mostly. Brock was celebrated as heel, the reasons for making Rusev heel were racist, Undertakers new run as heel is pathetic, Cena sucks and who likes that Authority gimmick. Oh yeah, also the New Day backfire. Also, Kayfabe is mostly dead these days. Besides godking Rusev we only have Braun Strowman.
If they don't have good reasons to be heel or face, just let them go over on what they can.
CZW is always...eventful?
Oh, and Rusev loving Windjammers is fucking hilarious to me, as is him still shitting on Lana in that damn video
Yeah, Seth pulling face spots is something I'm not a fan of same as everyone else but if they're going to be done it should be out of desperation. But I've also never liked when personalities sharply change with their alignment or they do in an illogical manner.
I fucking hate that heels in WWE seem to always revert to being a coward. But at the same time when Austin turned he should've been with the justification that he realized after his neck surgery that his time was running out and he wasn't ready to lose his spot, it seemed like that's the way they were going with Vince being his "insurance policy" but then they never really pulled the trigger. He should've completely sold out and not done those comedy bits, as great as they were didn't do him any favors, neither did the invasion happening either.
Besides that, fuck I miss how hot crowds were in the late 90s and early 00s.
Even with doing stuff like showing up on UpUpDownDown Rusev still keeps a bit of kayfabe alive with referencing Lana and his at least staying somewhat in character is something I respect considering how many don't do it these days.
Well I hope you get to feeling better, lightweight. You missed a heck of a show last night. Ragnaroookkkk!I made the mistake of spending a couple hours splitting wood, feeling ok. Whipped my ass, and all my symptoms I'd been fighting this week returned with a vengeance and I didn't want to do anything except have a fever and stare at nothing
Completely disagree. Wrestling needs stricter adherence to face/heel dynamics. Very, very rarely has wrestling ever worked well with the "shades of gray" stuff. The most successful angles have always been clear good guy vs bad guy. Wrestling is not really a medium for deep, rich storytelling. What happens every time with two shades of gray characters in angles together is both end up as pieces of shit that no one wants to get behind.
Nash finally deleted that Madison Rayne tweet.
Josh Matthews is the real life Rusev
What did it say? Also fuck Josh Matthews and his shitty arm tattoo.
It's a picture of a naked woman taking a photo of herself on a bed and it was on Nash's twitter for a long time. It looks a lot like Madison Rayne.
I did not say grey characters. I did not say completely dropping heel/face. I said only working in black and white stiffles creativity. Cena is a tremendous worker who does alot of social work. Why is he so controversial? Enforced face, burying talents. Why did New Day not work? How does it look when in one week Henry defends America against Rusev and in the next week they work together, because both are heels now? Why does noone care if Brock is heel or not? And why does noone want Big Show, no matter if heel or face?
Bryan's got some good arms in that pic
I thought I was done with being sick, but being sick isn't done with me. What a fucking plague
My Zune finally broke and I was thinking about if I should just get another off-brand MP3 player to leave in my car or to just convert over to my phone.
I don't even know what a non-Apple mp3 playing device even is at this point.
Uhhhh... Did anyone take a screen shot?It's a picture of a naked woman taking a photo of herself on a bed and it was on Nash's twitter for a long time. It looks a lot like Madison Rayne.
Uhhhh... Did anyone take a screen shot?
Sombra's new shirt