Was there someone else interested in Deception IV: Nightmare Princess? It's on sale for $29.99 right now on PSN.
Nope but it was an out of touch angleDo you think Brock gives a fuck about putting HHH over? At all? Or anyone?
Cool, let me know if you hear anything.
My friend hooked me up with the Skull Snaps album a few weeks ago (along with a bunch of other old private press stuff) and I was thinking it was some new local band I'd gotten a free album off of bandcamp from. Finally got around to listening to it today and was really enjoying it, then "It's a New Day" came on and I was blown away.
Brock just cares about his paycheck.Do you think Brock gives a fuck about putting HHH over? At all? Or anyone?
Matches have consequences. She didn't win at Summerslam.
Brock has the same mentality as Nash about wrestling.
I wonder how many of his more hardcore fans know that.
She made the champ tap out on raw
Which is why her team got the shot at Summerslam. Which she failed to capitalize on. Ergo, matches have consequences.
But the big book of WWE rules clearly states that should a challenger defeat the champion in a non-title bout, they are promised a rematch with the title on the line.
We can have Brock wrestle a guy who has 20 years of name recognition among casual and lapsed fans, and is a 7 foot giant, or we can have Brock wrestle internet darlings who prob won't even have a good match with him because he doesn't have particularly competitive wrestling matches against anyone who couldn't conceivably headline a Wrestlemania because we're paying out the ass to keep him.
I wonder which we should choose.
Brock's beatdown of Show at RR 2014 isn't even close to his worst match of the return. It's actually quite amusing.
it's a waste of brock, but 90% of his return to WWE has been a waste that turned out pretty decent
We can have Brock wrestle a guy who has 20 years of name recognition among casual and lapsed fans, and is a 7 foot giant, or we can have Brock wrestle internet darlings who prob won't even have a good match with him because he doesn't have particularly competitive wrestling matches against anyone who couldn't conceivably headline a Wrestlemania because we're paying out the ass to keep him.
I wonder which we should choose.
On the other hand, it is a house show and Brock's total 1990 Superstars squash of Kofi was a ton of fun in Japan. I think putting him in the ring and murdering another mid card guy is going to be more fun than putting him in there with a bigger name, but also knowing he isn't going to be doing a PPV quality match with it. The Japan show was super popular on the Network and it was sold on a Brock Lesnar squash match. Why change the formula so quickly?
Having him demolish Bo would be great.
On the other hand, it is a house show and Brock's total 1990 Superstars squash of Kofi was a ton of fun in Japan. I think putting him in the ring and murdering another mid card guy is going to be more fun than putting him in there with a bigger name, but also knowing he isn't going to be doing a PPV quality match with it. The Japan show was super popular on the Network and it was sold on a Brock Lesnar squash match. Why change the formula so quickly?
Having him demolish Bo would be great.
He already did that, and there is not even a shred of a reason to watch it again.
With Show at least there is always the stupid knock out punch (riiiight) and there is the freakshow aspect of someone that size getting tossed like a rainbow around the ring and then F-5'd a few times like he was Hornswaggle.
He already did that, and there is not even a shred of a reason to watch it again.
With Show at least there is always the stupid knock out punch (riiiight) and there is the freakshow aspect of someone that size getting tossed like a rainbow around the ring and then F-5'd a few times like he was Hornswaggle.
You know who I miss? These slick motherfuckers.
What have Jinder and Drew been up to since the split? I always thought Jinder had a great look and WWE would've capitalized on having a functioning human being to go for Khali's Indian market.
Drew has been cutting the most cringeworthy promos of the last decade.
Jinder has been doing the indys while Mcintyre has had a tna stint and some British Indy stuff.
Taylor Swift's New Music Video Accused of "Channeling White Colonialism"
man, the thread has died down so much, I'm talking about Tiffany on WWECW
I hate to ask, but how have Jake and Scott Hall been doing as of late? I know Scott had setback a few months back, but I've heard nothing about Jake.
Tell me more #1 fan Pepsicrazy
Lana and Sandow. Both massively over. Both more buried than Ascension. Way to go.
No, ima go with the finish still makes no sense
Jason Statham is legit cool. I'd buy him several pints and allow him to drive us all home.
I would contend that there's more money to be made from that... or Owens-Brock or D.Brine-Brock... than there is with seeing him destroy Show for the umpteenth time. Especially if it means Show has to get built up for a few weeks on television for this disposable squash match with a pre-ordained outcome.I think Big Show is the best of both worlds, though. Big Show is not quite a jobber, as he's kept consistently strong enough that you could almost conceive of him being a threat to Brock based on his size, but you know that Brock is just going to fucking murder him. So you get name recognition and a squash. Win-win.
Believe me, I'd kill to see Cesaro-Brock, but from WWE's perspective, is there really a lot of money to be made in that?
I would contend that there's more money to be made from that... or Owens-Brock or D.Brine-Brock... than there is with seeing him destroy Show for the umpteenth time. Especially if it means Show has to get built up for a few weeks on television for this disposable squash match with a pre-ordained outcome.
That said, at least Brock gets to beat someone again after losing two straight main events. He's got to build up his BS credibility against someone so he's back in "monster mode" for his next series of losses against Cena, Triple H, Taker, Dwayne or Roman Reigns.