Huh? How is that supposed to work?I bet you that CSI re run gets better ad rates than WWE does though.
Why did Rollins just lose clean to Sting before the PPV?
"And possibly Sheamus"
Fuck you Cole.
Why not? It was a tag match and Rollins looks like a wimpy bitch almost 100% of the time.Why did Rollins just lose clean to Sting before the PPV?
Ryback during the promo tonight specifically mentioned KO's history and said that it was "inspiring". It's implicitly a part of everything he does.
It's not controversial to say that KO has lacked direction since the Cena program. Shitting on the promo cadence that he's been using for years and which suits his character is, especially when you're so schizo and absolutist in how you express your opinions.
I turned on RAW for a couple minutes there because you guys were talking about the Stingerrr. Why did Cole mention Sheamus out of the blue? It was weird and funny.
HoganWho's the third man?
I turned on RAW for a couple minutes there because you guys were talking about the Stingerrr. Why did Cole mention Sheamus out of the blue? It was weird and funny.
I bet you that CSI re run gets better ad rates than WWE does though.
Who's the third man?
New Day special going on the WWE network right now.
I enjoyed that match. Easily Sting's best outing from an in-ring perspective. The fact that his hair stayed in place for the whole match definitely helped.
Re: The conversation about shows way before Raw earlier today. You should all watch Rick & Morty and Gravity Falls.
Dang. Dang...CMLL has blackballed Parka and Wanger.wont allow talent to do any indies with ether of them on it
Dang. Dang...
laughed out loud at "and possibly sheamus!"
really what money is there to be made with that statement
Best pure striker on the roster right now.
Does Xavier ever get to wrestle anymore? I feel like he doesn't.
Why do people care if Nikki broke the divas division title reign? If AJ had a great and memorable reign, you'd have a point but I remember no feuds and no programs nor matches that stood out from her reign. It's not like Cena's recent US reign or something. Hell, do people remember the longest womens title reign? Where Trish spent 7 months of it injured at home, not defending the title?
So Sting officially in "wrestling in a t shirt" shape huh?
Dude didnt look bad as mania. No need for that shirt.
lol Paco.
You're right, what point is there in reminding people that he's the MITB holder, who has said he was looking to cash in at NOC, who was put in a match with Cena to wear them both down for Rollins, and who tried to cash in last week.
Because they want to pretend that WWE is a petty, cruel company that would go out of their way to make a talentless (their words not mine) wrestler like Nikki Bella break precious AJ's (a "wonderful" wrestler, I wanna see the receipts) record. Because they took Punk's shitty shoot on WWE, which was financially motivated, and want to be a part of this so-called rebellion.Why do people care if Nikki broke the divas division title reign? If AJ had a great and memorable reign, you'd have a point but I remember no feuds and no programs nor matches that stood out from her reign. It's not like Cena's recent US reign or something. Hell, do people remember the longest womens title reign? Where Trish spent 7 months of it injured at home, not defending the title.
Sounds like the Jericho podcastThis New Day special isn't informative, but it is entertaining. Xavier "Babymouth" Woods, Big E the slumlord, Kofi going through drive-throughs with his Jamaican accent, Xavier showing up to DSW and FCW with his resume.
Sounds like the Jericho podcast
it's sheamus
So Sting officially in "wrestling in a t shirt" shape huh?
Dude didnt look bad as mania. No need for that shirt.
You are old. We are old fucks watching the same shit we grew up onSo Sting vs Big Show in 2015?
Fuck I feel old