The only option that makes any sense to hide is Rowan. But I don't know why Rowan isn't back in the Wyatt Family if he's able to wrestle (last I heard he wasn't).
I mean okay Daniel Bryan maybe but that seems ridiculously unlikely.
Rowan is an epic let down if it is him because he was an overgrown jobber, NOT someone you go to for back up when there is a monster.
Hell he could not even beat Harper.
Not going to lie, I was hoping to hear Brock's music start playing.
Kane is one that I have been expecting, but why not reveal it.
"You surround yourself with monsters, well we found a monster" *cue the flames*
So we have Corbin? Joe? Both of those could have had a response and the segment SHOULD have ended with a brawl.
Bo? they could sell it. But Bo goes from joke jobber to monster slayer?
The Rock?
How would they not push that for buy rate.
Almost anyone except Rowan could have boosted buy rate by having a brawl tonight.
Does Sheamus have a match? Could them pushing his cash in be a swerve?