WWE needs to put out a game based on Triple H. I'm not talking about a showcase mode for 2K whatever...I mean a batshit crazy action platformer from Platinum games.
WWE needs to put out a game based on Triple H. I'm not talking about a showcase mode for 2K whatever...I mean a batshit crazy action platformer from Platinum games.
Is that that fucker MDogg
Only if there are retailer exclusive preorder skins of riding pants HHH and Terra Ryzing.
Like the Mortal Kombat game spinoffs?
WWE Mythologies: Triple H
Nah, HHH needs to be the final boss.
HHH is the king of kings, he should be a world leader in Civ VI
Hes such a draw rating went down!
It's crazy that nobody didn't do a WWE mod of CIvilization 5. We got Blizzard and Elder Scrolls but no damn WWE?
Robo Vince man...here is the mocap of the concept.
It'd be down to Cena vs. Triple H. WWE is not a multipolar environment.
Raw doing a poor rating isn't due to Sting - them NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO HYPE UP STING'S FIRST WWE TV MATCH just ensured that it had no chance to draw. Given how poorly they've used him, it's not like it would've popped much of a number anyway.
It'd be down to Cena vs. Triple H. WWE is not a multipolar environment.
a lot of people in WWE should be fired, actually
I thought it was Evans, given the pants. It could be Matt Cross.
Raw doing a poor rating isn't due to Sting - them NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO HYPE UP STING'S FIRST WWE TV MATCH just ensured that it had no chance to draw. Given how poorly they've used him, it's not like it would've popped much of a number anyway.
I think Owens presently looks better for some reason. That picture of Owens makes him look skinnyfat
Bayley is the best face WWE have had in 15 years.
On behalf of Wrasslegaf, I think it's time to put the belt on Reigns. You all know it's a long time coming and he deserves a piece of the strap. Anything but Seth "I'm killing myself for the business because I'm not drawing" Rollins.
Clickhole has you covered:
What can I say?
I might be a bit naive here but blaming the ratings on the performers rather than the material and booking they are given to work with is unfair.
Like Roman. Or Bray. Or soon-to-be Seth.
Owens Then:
Think he looks better or worse now? I think he looks great then.
As opposed to what...
No lies.. It's nice having a face that is consistently a good person. Man, if only Cena wouldn't randomly be a total bully jock dickhead sometimes or Bryan wouldn't get into smarmy sarcastic passive aggressive mode in various promos.
No way man. I think Reigns should get it in the near future probably but right now I'm digging his and Dean's story too much. And it'd probably be best for him to win it off someone like Cena.
Damn I was spending forever trying to figure out who posted that. Thanks!
They're the true saviors of pro wrestling by golly, and hey, if they need to be both the top heels and top babyfaces because SOMEHOW no other act can get over, then that's just what's gonna have to happen. It's not like either can ever be made to look weak or anything.
Sounds reasonable enough. Cena wouldn't be a good pick for the match though...I would say somebody like Sheamus since they both equal in match quality. I would see a good match coming out of those two...
That one person in the crowd clapping.
C'mon man, I gotta go over.
Bayley is the best face WWE have had in 15 years.
Yeah I don't know about the match quality, I just think that'd get Reigns the best reaction.
Or his first title reign could be as a heel.
Jesus Christ, guys. Titus O'Neil is an incredible human :~)
Titus O’Neil walked into a restaurant with two homeless people one night. The restaurant refused to serve him. The next day, he comes in with a lot more of the less fortunate and says, “We’re all human.”
O’Neil has since resurfaced on television and is arguably one of the most popular wrestlers on TV. He’s recognizable by all ages and has the capacity to be a leader in the ring. O’Neil’s stature and ability make him an incredible superstar, but what makes him a better man is the fact that he shares his blessings with the world. O’Neil could just as easily be another guy who’s featured on TV and uses the money he’s earned to buy for himself, and I’m sure he does, but he doesn’t take what he’s earned and keep it for himself. He spreads the wealth to those less fortunate than himself. Although O’Neil’s money may only go to feed a few mouths at a time, the man we all see on TV every week is making a difference by simply being a good person.
Wow. Just wow.
Jesus Christ, guys. Titus O'Neil is an incredible human :~)
Titus O'Neil: in a better world, he would have gotten a Batista push.
Jesus Christ, guys. Titus O'Neil is an incredible human :~)
Titus ONeil walked into a restaurant with two homeless people one night. The restaurant refused to serve him. The next day, he comes in with a lot more of the less fortunate and says, Were all human.
ONeil has since resurfaced on television and is arguably one of the most popular wrestlers on TV. Hes recognizable by all ages and has the capacity to be a leader in the ring. ONeils stature and ability make him an incredible superstar, but what makes him a better man is the fact that he shares his blessings with the world. ONeil could just as easily be another guy whos featured on TV and uses the money hes earned to buy for himself, and Im sure he does, but he doesnt take what hes earned and keep it for himself. He spreads the wealth to those less fortunate than himself. Although ONeils money may only go to feed a few mouths at a time, the man we all see on TV every week is making a difference by simply being a good person.
Wow. Just wow.
Who else going to Night Of Champions?
TNA was just canceled today by DMAX which covers Germany and Austria.
Shiiiiiiiit, better start saving for an unexpected £250 expense this November. It'll be worth it just to not have to worry about PROGRESS tickets any more, but with half the allocation given over to season tickets I'm not so sure this'll ease the current difficulties fans face with getting tickets.
Jesus Christ, guys. Titus O'Neil is an incredible human :~)
Titus ONeil walked into a restaurant with two homeless people one night. The restaurant refused to serve him. The next day, he comes in with a lot more of the less fortunate and says, Were all human.
ONeil has since resurfaced on television and is arguably one of the most popular wrestlers on TV. Hes recognizable by all ages and has the capacity to be a leader in the ring. ONeils stature and ability make him an incredible superstar, but what makes him a better man is the fact that he shares his blessings with the world. ONeil could just as easily be another guy whos featured on TV and uses the money hes earned to buy for himself, and Im sure he does, but he doesnt take what hes earned and keep it for himself. He spreads the wealth to those less fortunate than himself. Although ONeils money may only go to feed a few mouths at a time, the man we all see on TV every week is making a difference by simply being a good person.
Wow. Just wow.
Jesus Christ, guys. Titus O'Neil is an incredible human :~)
Titus ONeil walked into a restaurant with two homeless people one night. The restaurant refused to serve him. The next day, he comes in with a lot more of the less fortunate and says, Were all human.
ONeil has since resurfaced on television and is arguably one of the most popular wrestlers on TV. Hes recognizable by all ages and has the capacity to be a leader in the ring. ONeils stature and ability make him an incredible superstar, but what makes him a better man is the fact that he shares his blessings with the world. ONeil could just as easily be another guy whos featured on TV and uses the money hes earned to buy for himself, and Im sure he does, but he doesnt take what hes earned and keep it for himself. He spreads the wealth to those less fortunate than himself. Although ONeils money may only go to feed a few mouths at a time, the man we all see on TV every week is making a difference by simply being a good person.
Wow. Just wow.
Shiiiiiiiit, better start saving for an unexpected £250 expense this November. It'll be worth it just to not have to worry about PROGRESS tickets any more, but with half the allocation given over to season tickets I'm not so sure this'll ease the current difficulties fans face with getting tickets.