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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

So GMG has WWE 2K15 for less than $10 and I'm still not feeling compelled to buy it...

2K should be embarrassed that they don't have Sasha, Charlotte, Becky and Bayley as part of the NXT roster in 2K16. Of course they still also have Yuke's developing and women are hard for them because of their hair or something which they still absolutely suck at.

Finn's got a new, non-Demon entrance entrance, kinda like the one from the Smackdown taping.


Lmao the male stripper pose at the end, this guy is gonna make SO much money.

Damn WWE red hat wearing sign guy was there, he actually works for them doesn't he? As for Balor, yeah they'll fuck it up just like pretty much everything else not named John Cena.

Look man, I just saw Highlander and I really wanted to test it out

Also, that Stephen Amell tweet thread is stupid as shit. Everyone getting worked into a shoot over some of the most sugarcoated tweets of all time
He needed to get his privilege checked bro.


Here was the attendance of TNA first house show in a while:



Plus for the ROH pay per view the attendance was 550 according to John Pollock. Thats below their average right?

It seems that NXT in the same area affected them. The first one did like 2000-2500 and the 2nd show was sold out.


Honestly, Kane as the Third Man would be kind of interesting. To have him come back as the big red machine again, put him in a mask and feud with Bray over what it means to provoke fear, that would be pretty cool.

I like Kane, he's a decent wrestler, he's just in a shitty position when he's in the Authority because it means all he can really do is interfere in matches or job to whoever that month's star face is.

He is always fantastic at house shows, because he can break character a little more, and it is super entertaining when he works the crowd.

Kane not continuing to be involved with the Wyatt story when he first came back from being kidnapped from them was awful. Unfortunately it's too late to really do anything with it at this point, I think.


Straight talk: I would rather Nikki Bella keep the title than give it to Charlotte. Ms. Flair does nothing for me post-NXT.

We need a Paige heel turn, and prepare the road to survivor series, where the ex-twins - paige - random diva, faces the 4 horsewomen in a SS classic elimination match.

I kinda agree with this. I thought Nikki looked better than Charlotte in their match on Raw.

Charlotte has really done absolutely nothing since coming to Raw, but because she's Flair's daughter, she gets the first push.

The weak link of the 4HW has never been bayley. Its charlotte. She has skill in ring, but less charisma than a stone.
Straight talk: I would rather Nikki Bella keep the title than give it to Charlotte. Ms. Flair does nothing for me post-NXT.

I kinda agree with this. I thought Nikki looked better than Charlotte in their match on Raw.

Charlotte has really done absolutely nothing since coming to Raw, but because she's Flair's daughter, she gets the first push.


Here was the attendance of TNA first house show in a while:


Plus for the ROH pay per view the attendance was 550 according to John Pollock. Thats below their average right?

It seems that NXT in the same area affected them. The first one did like 2000-2500 and the 2nd show was sold out.
If ROH wants to compete need better production values and better venues.

Sinclair doesn't seem to care at all.
I haven't watched pro wrestling actively since about 2005, but since I do plan on attending next year's WrestleMania I am going to make an attempt to be up to date with the current feuds and stories.

Wow, I barely know who any of these guys are. Tonight I became aware of.

Ryback (remindsm e of Goldberg to be honest)
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
Seth Rollins (might h WWE's best heel in a while)
New Day
Roman Reigns (this guy has mega star potential)

Holy shit, Sting is with WWE now... Never thought I'd see the day...


Gold Member
I didn't understand why sometimes some of you would have 'Maggle' in your posts.
Then I found the JBL song and I found that because I listen to the cheapheat podcast.
Some of you are absolutely insane.


Here was the attendance of TNA first house show in a while:


Plus for the ROH pay per view the attendance was 550 according to John Pollock. Thats below their average right?

It seems that NXT in the same area affected them. The first one did like 2000-2500 and the 2nd show was sold out.

TNA looks to be in fine shape! It's only a matter of time before Dixie announces the new tv deal , exclusively on Hulu Plus...


Daniel Bryan will be the Third Man. I'm willing to be money on that... but not a lot of money.
Is there a purpose for this feud that I'm missing? It's just Roman and friends vs. Wyatt's. It reminds me of random three guys vs. Shield thing they did for months on end almost two years ago. It feels like, something needs to come out of this, and that's either a Dean or Roman heel turn.


It's gonna be Erick Rowan and you will like it, GAWDDAMNIT!

He is still injured.

Well if they want to get a reaction from the crowd then it can be Bryan, Cesaro, Jericho, the Rock, or Samoa Joe and Balor.

If they want no reaction or a negative one then it will be Kane.
It's gonna be Erick Rowan and you will like it, GAWDDAMNIT!


I reeeally think that heel turn for Roman everyone is clamoring for is coming and Rock jobbing to him will solidify the transition.

Funny thing is, I agree. If you turn Roman heel now you can "save him" in the way Cena wasn't saved. Like, ironically, The Rock was saved. From the smarky audience. I think he'll do great as a heel and can work like a motherfucker too. Underrated in that department. Just drop all the Shield outfit and shit, doesn't help him at all. Especially as Rollins was pushed as the leader, he should of kept that stuff and not Roman IF someone had to keep one!


He is still injured.

Well if they want to get a reaction from the crowd then it can be Bryan, Cesaro, Jericho, the Rock, or Samoa Joe and Balor.

If they want no reaction or a negative one then it will be Kane.

if they go nuts with Kane Pyro and he has an oldschool mask on fans would mark out in the arena.


I reeeally think that heel turn for Roman everyone is clamoring for is coming and Rock jobbing to him will solidify the transition.

The problem is there is not a single face Roman can beat to convince people he's a heel. Cena? They'll cheer him for it as they did Seth. Who else? Ambrose? Maybe but I don't think people give two shits about 'brose
That's a main event problem, and how they lack main event talent when you wipe away the part-timers. A Cena-Roman feud is Mania quality and I'd expect them to do that. Seth will inevitably turn face, but I've seen those two face off so much - and I don't watch all that often.

I think of Bray, and he's faced almost everybody there is to feud with (expect Orton but that's a pointless feud waiting to happen).
Is there a purpose for this feud that I'm missing? It's just Roman and friends vs. Wyatt's. It reminds me of random three guys vs. Shield thing they did for months on end almost two years ago. It feels like, something needs to come out of this, and that's either a Dean or Roman heel turn.

There really is no purpose. Shield won at SummerSlam, even pinning Bray. All of the interest is coming from Bruan Strowman who they're building up to be really strong, which means the Wyatts are due for a win, and the mystery partner is probably someone expendable but popular enough for a surprise pop, i.e. Jericho.

I want Bryan back desperately, and WWE need him now more than ever. More than they think, I would say. But I don't think I could enjoy watching him wrestle. I think i'd be scared to death he'd get hurt again. I'm so mixed.

I'd wager he's at least got a good retirement run in him. Who knows?
I reeeally think that heel turn for Roman everyone is clamoring for is coming and Rock jobbing to him will solidify the transition.

The problem is there is not a single face Roman can beat to convince people he's a heel. Cena? They'll cheer him for it as they did Seth. Who else? Ambrose? Maybe but I don't think people give two shits about 'brose

Dean gets good pops. A feud might help both of those guys out
There really is no purpose. Shield won at SummerSlam, even pinning Bray. All of the interest is coming from Bruan Strowman who they're building up to be really strong, which means the Wyatts are due for a win, and the mystery partner is probably someone expendable but popular enough for a surprise pop, i.e. Jericho.

I'd wager he's at least got a good retirement run in him. Who knows?

100% not. I just don't care. I hope he never faces the Undertaker again because it'd be a waste of the Undertaker. The dude just sucks now. I can't remember the last time he was involved in a match where I though "Ah, wow. That was good!"
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