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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line



I never watched WCW growing up and literally have no nostalgia for Sting and even I find it embarrassing how he is treated in WWE. He looks like such a joke and a never was it's incredible. The Dudleyz and RVD have been treated as bigger deals in their runs.


There's like 0% chance Roman does a heel turn in the near future, he's the face of that anti-bullying campaign, that's how the WWE works nowadays.
I never watched WCW growing up and literally have no nostalgia for Sting and even I find it embarrassing how he is treated in WWE. He looks like such a joke and a never was it's incredible. The Dudleyz and RVD have been treated as bigger deals in their runs.

Sting and the Dudleys will win belts and Kane will return on the same night


if Sting leaves champ and Kane shows up as the third man, we'll truly have entered the darkest timeline

I still think Sting should win and then Sheamus should cash-in for the Title. You have to do the cash-in before the Rumble, though. There's NOTHING for Rollins between now and then, unless they want to blow off him beating HHH.
What's the deal with that Ryan Smile? I saw Whiplash going into him on twitter a few weeks back, something about paying to get into a show he wasn't booked on so he could heckle a wrestler he's got beef with. I saw a few matches of his last year and was pretty impressed, but the general consensus seems to be that he's a bit of an idiot. Also, bitter about all the attention Seb & Tom are getting, which I found quite funny.

Super late on this sorry but I was at a PCW show a couple years back and a bloke stood behind us bitching and moaning about everyone and how he could do it better, found out later it was him.

I know he does the graphic design for a few companies but never seen him in the ring, seems to get himself involved in any Facebook drama as well

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's going to,be fake kane

The imposter Undertaker

There's like 0% chance Roman does a heel turn in the near future, he's the face of that anti-bullying campaign, that's how the WWE works nowadays.

The other face of the anti-bullying campaign is Big Show who's been a heel whose entire gimmick is beating up little people because he happens to be huge so yeah that doesn't mean anything.

I still think Sting should win and then Sheamus should cash-in for the Title. You have to do the cash-in before the Rumble, though. There's NOTHING for Rollins between now and then, unless they want to blow off him beating HHH.

It's WWE and they won't stop mentioning the "guarantee" that cashing-in wins the title. This means that he'll try and fail due to Randy Orton interference.

3 more PPVs of Orton-Sheamus ensues


I reeeally think that heel turn for Roman everyone is clamoring for is coming and Rock jobbing to him will solidify the transition.

The problem is there is not a single face Roman can beat to convince people he's a heel. Cena? They'll cheer him for it as they did Seth. Who else? Ambrose? Maybe but I don't think people give two shits about 'brose

Holy shit a heel Roman beating the Rock clean would be amazing.



I never watched WCW growing up and literally have no nostalgia for Sting and even I find it embarrassing how he is treated in WWE. He looks like such a joke and a never was it's incredible. The Dudleyz and RVD have been treated as bigger deals in their runs.

You've presented the serious, stoic Sting in this rivalry, but also the so-called 'Joker Sting' as well. Is the idea to demonstrate all the different ways your character can play mind games?
I suppose it is. This is one of the things I always try to tell the younger guys when they ask for advice. I try to tell them to step outside of their comfort zones, try something different. "Joker Sting" – some people loved it, some people hated it. To this day, some people say, "I wish you'd go back to the blond flat-top haircut." Don't have enough hair anymore for that. That ain't gonna happen. No more neon colors. And some people just want the Crow, and, "Oh, just go up to the rafters, we wanna see that again." You can't please everybody all the time, that's for sure, and I can't say that I have blown it or failed over the years by trying different things and trying to evolve and show different sides of my character. Hopefully, it's working.



Quick review of the first RAW episode in '93... squash matches ahoy!

Yokozuna vs Koko
Steiner Bros vs Executioners
Max Moon vs HBK
Undertaker vs Damian Demento

Rob Bartlett or whatever his name is sucks. He's pretty bad and I'd rather hear the trio we have now on RAW. On the promo for the upcoming Royal Rumble, some of the wrestlers got a chance to talk for a few seconds... which were fine. At least these guys make it seem unscripted. Nothing blow away or anything but guys like Perfect and Duggan were talking about how they were gonna participate in the Rumble... it was alright.

RAW was promoting old Superstars and All American Wrestling. I've completely forgotten about AAW.

Best part about this RAW, besides Bobby Heenan in some really corny segments trying to get into the building, is Scott Hall and his wonderful character doing a promo in the ring with Vince. I love the way how he tries to do his best Al Pacino Scarface impression, and its bad, but I don't give a crap because there's a charm to it. And I just love the way he calls Bret's nickname... "HitMENG!"... jesus christ, hahaha.


So not worth it
I hope Paige and the other women realize that since this Divas Revolution is not really taking off, WWE will soon lose interest in it and drop that whole thing. They're not really known for taking that wait and see approach.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Halloween Havoc 96 main event of Hogan/Savage ends with a delusional, shitty Roddy Piper promo.

Watch Starrcade, he's not delusional. Then for real shits and giggles, watch the main event a year later. Hogan sells for and loses cleanly to a man with no hips. Then beats the biggest face in the company pillar to post and wins clean.


So not worth it
Watch Starrcade, he's not delusional. Then for real shits and giggles, watch the main event a year later. Hogan sells for and loses cleanly to a man with no hips. Then beats the biggest face in the company pillar to post and wins clean.

To be fair, Nick Patrick fucked up what was supposed to be a screwjob fast count (allegedly sure to a shoot Hogan pay-off).


I hope Paige and the other women realize that since this Divas Revolution is not really taking off, WWE will soon lose interest in it and drop that whole thing. They're not really known for taking that wait and see approach.

So far for vince and dunn, the divas revolution is just paige vs sasha every week, every show, and soon, every ppv.
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