So far for vince and dunn, the divas revolution is just paige vs sasha every week, every show, and soon, every ppv.
So they're treated like every other division/title bracket in the WWE. Congratulations everyone.
So far for vince and dunn, the divas revolution is just paige vs sasha every week, every show, and soon, every ppv.
So they're treated like every other division/title bracket in the WWE. Congratulations everyone.
The line fed to Cole this week was "The Divas revlotion really started with Nikki Bella"So far for vince and dunn, the divas revolution is just paige vs sasha every week, every show, and soon, every ppv.
meng and mang, be prepared to hear that alot. It keeps going even when he drops the rest of the accent in WCW.
I completely forgot the last segment of that show... Crush ranting with Doink and Crush just saying 'BRAH!' every 5 seconds. It was adorable.
Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez bodying Hadley Griffith so far.
I'm about ready to resub to the Network again to watch that 97 stuff they added, but I'll immediately fall into that trap of, 'I do not want to watch full 2 hours of any kind of wrestling in a week, much less a day.' It's why I usually pick at my matches over the course of a week rather than all at once.
It's why I liked Lucha Underground so much. It was 1 hour long and it never wasted ANY of that time.
Mediocre one hour wrasslin>good 2 hour wrasslin, though great wrasslin can be 2 or 3 hours.
I hope New Day wins tomorrow.
Please Vince
When will the Night of Champions thread go up?
Why would there be a Night of Champions thread
its just a random tier 2 PPV
Why would there be a Night of Champions thread
its just a random tier 2 PPV
When will the Night of Champions thread go up?
I doubt it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the New Day and the Dudleyz were still feuding by the time Royal Rumble comes around, or even to WrestleMania if they stick a break in there. The only 2 tag teams that get a reaction are 1) a face team of old people 2) a heel team of new people. Its like modern-WWE magic.
Make sure to put some puns in the OP.I can put it up. Just need a witty thread title
Why would there be a Night of Champions thread
its just a random tier 2 PPV
Make sure to put some puns in the OP.
I like me some puns.
It sure is gonna Sting when he loses to Seth Rollins.
Tito Ortiz about to win a belt
In 2015
Why is someone as talented as Neville stuck in pre show hell??
Guys, who does this look like to you:
Why would there be a Night of Champions thread
its just a random tier 2 PPV
how does beating a past his prime Tito prove that he's a "World Champ"? Is this what Night of Champions will look like?
There's only so much room on the card, Neville is a small guy, and Neville is also the second coming of Justin Gabriel.
He will have a nice career, but his "talent" won't change things for him.