Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So notomorrow?Cesaro
not unless he's the third man and there to eat a pin from Brawn Strobogo
So notomorrow?Cesaro
WCW went out with a bang, TNA, well...
It can't even die with dignity, TNA gonna TNA till the mediocre end.
This was the crowd at the TNA house show 10 minutes before bell time.
That's really sad.124 in attendance, for those wondering
Real hero uploaded the heavyweight and tag titles from last nights NOAH card
Holy crap
I hope Paige and the other women realize that since this Divas Revolution is not really taking off, WWE will soon lose interest in it and drop that whole thing. They're not really known for taking that wait and see approach.
Watch Starrcade, he's not delusional. Then for real shits and giggles, watch the main event a year later. Hogan sells for and loses cleanly to a man with no hips. Then beats the biggest face in the company pillar to post and wins clean.
It's fine, but honestly the main draw of this feud is the fact that Flair, and Arn worked a feud against each other for a few months all for the soul purpose of fucking with Sting.I'll have to watch Flair/Arn in Fall Brawl 95 again. I don't remember it, tbh. I've fallen in love so much with the Pillman/Mero match that I forget everything else after that.
dead at him seriously trying to tell Mecca that was 750
dead at him seriously trying to tell Mecca that was 750
In this wwe the greatest moment in the history of the wwe is hhh winning at mania 16 and hhh lead evolution.WWE not putting more emphasis behind WCW sucks, because it could help them build the network. 'Come see the company that forced us to become better' but they have too much ego to do something smart like that.
WCW did have some pretty stupid shit in 97 besides the ending to Starrcade from Hogan presumably paying Patrick off because he's a dick shit. Football players wrestling. Kevin Greene, Reggie White. Oh, and they lost. Think about that. Celebrities wrestling AND LOSING. Booking 101 failure. Let's also not forget the Jay Leno incident.
But Sting defeating Hogan should've sent the NWO into a spiral that eventually destroyed them. Instead they had to have NWO Wolf Pack, NWO Silver and probably other stupid shit that I didn't really care about. At least they had Goldberg murdering people. Oh, but they had to beat him with a taser. A TASER.
In this wwe the greatest moment in the history of the wwe is hhh winning at mania 16 and hhh lead evolution.
They don't care about anything else except putting hhh and steph over
Thatt was the worst mania main event ever IMO. It's just a highlight to show why the whole "Authority" angle is terrible because honestly? For me, and a lot of people, HHH has 'Go Away X-Pac' Heat. I can't stand him as a character. Stephanie either. They just suck and bring everything down.
I'd rather see John Cena wrestle Ryback in an iron man match every week on Raw than see those 2 ever again.
Thatt was the worst mania main event ever IMO. It's just a highlight to show why the whole "Authority" angle is terrible because honestly? For me, and a lot of people, HHH has 'Go Away X-Pac' Heat. I can't stand him as a character. Stephanie either. They just suck and bring everything down.
I'd rather see John Cena wrestle Ryback in an iron man match every week on Raw than see those 2 ever again.
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Sting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins (c) vs. John Cena for the United States Championship
Ryback (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship
The New Day (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz for the WWE Tag-Team Championships
Nikki Bella (c) vs. Charlotte for the Divas Championship
Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and a mystery partner vs. The Wyatt Family
Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev
Pre-Show match: Neville and The Lucha Dragons vs. The Cosmic Wasteland
Miz/Cena. Yoko/Hogan.
HHH is a GOAT heel.
Hype is wasted on this b tier special event.
Impossible, he never drew a dime as top heel.HHH is a GOAT heel.
what's gonna happen on the next page?
He never actually said it's 750 people. It could be 750 chairs for all we know.
I kind of want to buy a new Pokemans game. Never played them 3D ones.
We need the ratings...just posting so we can get to the next page faster
The idea of the rock showing up to a B ppv with no promotion is hilarious to me.
And yet he showed up at a house show in the same circumstances.
Anyway! GAF, if you could do a brand split which talent would you have on RAW/SD! with champions appearing on both shows so we wouldn't have to have two world titles again.
Should be interesting, also bear in mind RAW has an extra hour. GO!
The idea of the rock showing up to a B ppv with no promotion is hilarious to me.
Especially to fight bray