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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Holy crap



wcw fall brawl 1995-


flair vs arn was kick ass

this pre main event promo from the taskmaster is fucking insanity. what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

and then the big shoe comes out and snaps hogan's neck, killing him instantly. as heenan laughs his ass off. too good.


I'll have to watch Flair/Arn in Fall Brawl 95 again. I don't remember it, tbh. I've fallen in love so much with the Pillman/Mero match that I forget everything else after that.
I hope Paige and the other women realize that since this Divas Revolution is not really taking off, WWE will soon lose interest in it and drop that whole thing. They're not really known for taking that wait and see approach.

Watch Starrcade, he's not delusional. Then for real shits and giggles, watch the main event a year later. Hogan sells for and loses cleanly to a man with no hips. Then beats the biggest face in the company pillar to post and wins clean.

That made me so angry back then. Sting should've, if not squashed him, decisively beat him. Give Hogan can get his rematch but it should've been the beginning of the end of the nWo capped off several months later with Goldberg being the one to put the final nail in their coffin. Fucking egos and greed...


I'll have to watch Flair/Arn in Fall Brawl 95 again. I don't remember it, tbh. I've fallen in love so much with the Pillman/Mero match that I forget everything else after that.
It's fine, but honestly the main draw of this feud is the fact that Flair, and Arn worked a feud against each other for a few months all for the soul purpose of fucking with Sting.

Just think, they worked a fucking cage match just to swerve Sting. That is fucking insane, and idiotic. But because Flair, and Sting have amazing charisma in the ring, and on the mic it fucking works.
In 1997, like many of us wrestling fans I was a complete Sting mark, I loved everything WCW and Sting related. My username on a local NZ Gaming forum which I registered back in 1997 is Sting, I still post on it to this day lol.

Starrcade 97 was the biggest deal ever in my young life, I can't remember being as excited ever before as I was watching that event (maybe the day I got my NES). It was insane! We printed up posters and put them up at school advertising the PPV lol, just assuming everyone was as excited as we were about this business.

I remember thinking the ending was pretty lame but most of the time you could say that about wrestling and the storylines in general so I didn't think much off it. Sting was the champ and that was all that mattered.

My faith remained through early 98, but admittedly had started diminishing after the stupid Nitro the night after shit, and Thunder etc. I still believed even though it wasn't going how I personally would have booked it I figured they'll get there in the end. And they did at SuperBrawl, Sting won the belt 'properly' and everything was set on course again - right? Right??

At Uncensored he vs Scott Hall and I figure ok not really anything special but its pretty cool I guess, he won the WW3 rumble so he was supposed to get a title shot, it made sense. I really enjoyed that match. He had an amazing match with DDP on Nitro. But that was about it, I don't remember much else from my fav guy being champ, all I wanted for that whole time and I can't even remember what else he did cause they made it meh.

And then surprisingly at Spring Stampede he lost and just like that it was over.... I was really angry! F**k Macho Man. >:|

What should have been the end of the biggest and coolest feud, the thing they spent over a year building towards, turned out to be a dud because of.... terrible booking/Hogan's ego? I think that was the time I lost my younger self's unconditional love for this wrestling shit, the day I was no longer a mark. :(

Looking back now it still really makes me angry, how could they have stuffed it up so badly? Sting vs nWo was the biggest thing going, every week what Sting did on Nitro was all anyone could talk about. All that work, all the awesome build, for nothin.

I still love and miss WCW, I really hate how stupid WWE get to now write the history books because they won. But I know even back then, after I could finally admit to myself it wasn't good, they blew what should have been truly fans, the biggest night in the history of our sport, I would never be the same again.


WWE not putting more emphasis behind WCW sucks, because it could help them build the network. 'Come see the company that forced us to become better' but they have too much ego to do something smart like that.

WCW did have some pretty stupid shit in 97 besides the ending to Starrcade from Hogan presumably paying Patrick off because he's a dick shit. Football players wrestling. Kevin Greene, Reggie White. Oh, and they lost. Think about that. Celebrities wrestling AND LOSING. Booking 101 failure. Let's also not forget the Jay Leno incident.

But Sting defeating Hogan should've sent the NWO into a spiral that eventually destroyed them. Instead they had to have NWO Wolf Pack, NWO Silver and probably other stupid shit that I didn't really care about. At least they had Goldberg murdering people. Oh, but they had to beat him with a taser. A TASER.

dead at him seriously trying to tell Mecca that was 750

Hahahahaha, you bullshitter. Didn't have 750 over the three shows. I feel bad for Jeff Hardy to be honest, he's better than this shit. And screw talking about the demise, you lot are done for in 6 months. Number two my ass, ROH are surely on level with you if not better. Better talent, better crowds, same TV deal in USA. More room for growth. More marketability.


WWE not putting more emphasis behind WCW sucks, because it could help them build the network. 'Come see the company that forced us to become better' but they have too much ego to do something smart like that.

WCW did have some pretty stupid shit in 97 besides the ending to Starrcade from Hogan presumably paying Patrick off because he's a dick shit. Football players wrestling. Kevin Greene, Reggie White. Oh, and they lost. Think about that. Celebrities wrestling AND LOSING. Booking 101 failure. Let's also not forget the Jay Leno incident.

But Sting defeating Hogan should've sent the NWO into a spiral that eventually destroyed them. Instead they had to have NWO Wolf Pack, NWO Silver and probably other stupid shit that I didn't really care about. At least they had Goldberg murdering people. Oh, but they had to beat him with a taser. A TASER.
In this wwe the greatest moment in the history of the wwe is hhh winning at mania 16 and hhh lead evolution.

They don't care about anything else except putting hhh and steph over


In this wwe the greatest moment in the history of the wwe is hhh winning at mania 16 and hhh lead evolution.

They don't care about anything else except putting hhh and steph over

Thatt was the worst mania main event ever IMO. It's just a highlight to show why the whole "Authority" angle is terrible because honestly? For me, and a lot of people, HHH has 'Go Away X-Pac' Heat. I can't stand him as a character. Stephanie either. They just suck and bring everything down.

I'd rather see John Cena wrestle Ryback in an iron man match every week on Raw than see those 2 ever again.
Thatt was the worst mania main event ever IMO. It's just a highlight to show why the whole "Authority" angle is terrible because honestly? For me, and a lot of people, HHH has 'Go Away X-Pac' Heat. I can't stand him as a character. Stephanie either. They just suck and bring everything down.

I'd rather see John Cena wrestle Ryback in an iron man match every week on Raw than see those 2 ever again.

Miz/Cena. Yoko/Hogan.
Thatt was the worst mania main event ever IMO. It's just a highlight to show why the whole "Authority" angle is terrible because honestly? For me, and a lot of people, HHH has 'Go Away X-Pac' Heat. I can't stand him as a character. Stephanie either. They just suck and bring everything down.

I'd rather see John Cena wrestle Ryback in an iron man match every week on Raw than see those 2 ever again.

HHH is a GOAT heel.


Seth Rollins (c) vs. Sting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship


Seth Rollins (c) vs. John Cena for the United States Championship


Ryback (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship


The New Day (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz for the WWE Tag-Team Championships


Nikki Bella (c) vs. Charlotte for the Divas Championship


Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and a mystery partner vs. The Wyatt Family


Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev


Pre-Show match: Neville and The Lucha Dragons vs. The Cosmic Wasteland


Hype is wasted on this b tier special event.


A lazy Sunday before a PPV seems to be a good time to pick my road to WM15 Raws back up.

Raw 299
Feb 15, 1999


Shamrock, Test and Bossman the Corporation's midcard contingent are out for a 6 man tag against the APA and Mideon. Holy shit its Test! Apart from clips from the infamous December to Dismember Elimination Chamber match, this is my first time seeing Test. Even better we get a crowd shot of Butterbean! Shamrock looks in ridiculous shape, some high quality gas in the tank for sure. Classic AE heel vs heel faction match here with nothing happening until Taker comes out with Shane. He's kidnapped him, he's going to sacrifice him to the Lord of Darkness, he's going to rip his heart out, he's gonna.....make him bring a letter to Vince? Clearly using the USPS is forbidden in the codex of the Ministry. The Corporate B Team don't even attempt to try and help Shane although they are hopelessly outnumbered. I suppose this is the genesis of the Corporate Ministry angle.


So with that match completely forgotten about its time for Rock and Mankind, ladder match for the big one. Rock is getting a huge face pop more or less here, with light boos. No matter how hard he tries to screw Mankind he's just too damn good on the mic to be a fully despicable heel. Nevertheless he runs down Birmingham and Stone Cold to get his Rocky Sucks chant back up and going. Some great fans in the crowd have dressed up as "Corporate fans" all suited out, great stuff. Poor Mick hobbles down to the ring, selling the injury from last night but its hard not to think that he isn't selling it at all. Stone Cold? Stone Cold! Crowd goes crazy. He slaps on the cans and we get to hear his dulcet tones on commentary.

We got to the outside IMMEDIATELY, within 5 seconds of the bell. That's Attitude. Mick nearly cartwheels over the steps, slamming his knees into them off a whip from Rock. Why Mick why? Steve asks where JR is, Jerry wishes he was back too. I echo those sentiments. Rock grabs a chair, that's Attitude. Slams Mick's knee right off it, with authority. Rock goes outside to get a ladder and Foley nails the ladder with a chair as Rock brings it in, continuing the assault with gunshot chairshots as Rock falls down flat, ladder laying on top of him. Mick hits Mr. Elbow to a big big reaction. A kid clearly flips off the camera. Rock brutalizes Mick's knee with the chair as Mick attempts to climb the ladder. The ladder falls on Mick as he tumbles. Rock is ruthlessly going after Mick's knee here. "Get that ass up the ladder ya dumb bastard", Austin lays on the motivational treacle hard as Foley again, catches Rock with a wicked sounding chairshots. 95% of the offence here is chair orientated. AGAIN, Rock goes after Foley's knee as he climbs the ladder into a crazy dangerous looking fall. Why Mick why. There is less selling here than a PWG match as the fellas head out into the crowd.

Foley sends Rock down onto a fallen barricade. Hits one elbow. Misses a second, his elbow with a sickening rebound off the metal. Why Mick why. Back to the ring. Rock tells an audience member to shut up, you dumb son of bitch. Back out of the ring, to the ramp, Rock suplex to Foley on the steel. Someone throws a sock at Foley, Rock picks it up, spits on it and tosses it back. That ain't sanitary. To the Spanish announce table, Mick sets Rocky up for a powerbomb (???), Rock low blows, Rock Bottom through the table. That has to be it? Nope, still very little selling of this insane shit, Foley interrupts Rock on the ladder back in the ring, more low blows. Big DDT to the Rock. Every huge move is accompanied is accompanied by a guttural "BOOM" from the crowd. Socko comes out. Rock with his own DDT "planted" as Michael Cole starts his journey to make the English language a horrific meaningless soup. No selling of the DDT, both are on the ladder, Foley sticks a dirty sock into the Rock's mouth. WELLLL ITS THE PAUL WHITE. Huge chokeslam off the ladder, au revoir Mick, you had a nice long cuppa with the belt there. Crowd is a bit quiet a first, picks up with boos. Stone Cold hits a stunner to the Rock for an ungodly huge reaction. I think these guys are going to make a lot of money.


Overall a very active show with tons happening as is apropos of the time. The main event was just a lot of huge, dumb spots with minimal selling and an interference finish. A bit of a flat ending to the Rock Mankind series but considering the insanity of the I Quit match, i can't blame them for not being able to keep pace. I'm looking forward to the first really big Rock/Austin match. I'm still split on Ministry Taker. On one hand it is so incredibly late 90s cheese, tapping into that Buffy/Blair Witch/Charmed aesthetic. It's also been given a lot of money and time to be something very unique within the course of the show. However Taker is really terrible as the mouthpiece for the group and his slow, meandering promos are nearly unbearably bad for the most part. Having Paul as the talker for the group could have been great, with Taker assuming the role of the silent overlord of DARKNESS. Secondly throughout my viewing nobody except for Taker has really been presented as a legitimate threat to anyone. Mideon who DRANK OF MY BLOOD loses forever. The feud with the Corporation that they are building to is two huge heel groups with no clear good or bad guy and that 6 man got zero reaction so I don't hold much hope for the Corporate Ministry angle to actually be any good. We'll see! Sable fucking sucks, the Ryan Shamrock stuff sucks. That's Attitude.
The idea of the rock showing up to a B ppv with no promotion is hilarious to me.

And yet he showed up at a house show in the same circumstances.

Anyway! GAF, if you could do a brand split which talent would you have on RAW/SD! with champions appearing on both shows so we wouldn't have to have two world titles again.

Should be interesting, also bear in mind RAW has an extra hour. GO!


Flair is saying he's ready to wrestle, if they want Sting to throw him off the top rope, he's ready to go. Please no.

And yet he showed up at a house show in the same circumstances.

Anyway! GAF, if you could do a brand split which talent would you have on RAW/SD! with champions appearing on both shows so we wouldn't have to have two world titles again.

Should be interesting, also bear in mind RAW has an extra hour. GO!

Remove Smackdown, replace with NXT.
What's a B level PPV without a B+ wrestler? It's Danny Boy's time to shine!!! I would assume the mystery partner would be taller though...so Kane? Maybe a Hell No reunion?
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