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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Scott Hall, despite being awesome for the early part in his run, actually doesn't do a ton in WCW. Now I know the Outsiders were treated as a special event ala Hogan but even then Nash has way more singles matches even before the alcoholism becomes out of control.


Nikki Bella holding the record for longest Divas Champion is a travesty. They need to give that record to someone who deserves it, asap. She's not good at promos nor in the ring.
I'm salty
I am completely and utterly clueless about moolah, what did she do?

11 Nov 2007 09:56:44
Greg Grant of 333
The Life and Times of the not so fabulous Moolah

It's wrong to speak bad of the dead, but the comments in the mainstream
press and even AP wires come dangerously close to making Moolah seem like
some kind of saint, and from a pro-wrestling point of view as some kind of
legendary tough shooter. That's utter bullshit. I want to clear up a
couple of points, while taking nothing away from Moolah's ability to have a
strangehold on women's wrestling from mid '60s to mid '80s in North America.

Lets get this out of way first, so I don't have to dance around the
subject - Moolah was a pimp. From her sprawling 42 acre estate in Colombia,
South Carolina, Moolah would send out her half-trained underage
female-wrestlers to "photo shoots" that would by the standards of today be
considered pedophilia and pornography. She sent trainees to wrestling
promoters in set numbers. Renting them out to promoters in bulk, with the
understanding that the girls would have sex with the promoter and all the
wrestlers on the roster who wanted them. Promoters liked free sex, but what
they also liked is for boys not to go outside looking for it and possibly
running into trouble. Sex on a road with a steady and pliant group of
semi-attractive women in return for money, that is what Moolah offered. The
women that were sent out on this tours were not told of this "arrangement"
ahead of time. They found out about it on the road. Those that refused to
have sex with promoters and wrestlers, were raped. (see: Luna Vachon's,
Sherri Martel's, and Susie McCoy's shoot interviews).

DVDVR said:
According to Luna’s Aunt Vivian, Moolah is indeed a lesbian. Moolah was a big drinker while Vivian was training and that Moolah would sleep with the girls at that time. When Luna started training, she never saw any of that. However, Moolah DID send Luna out west at age 16 to pose for pictures taken by a prominent cardiologist. The pictures were all with clothes on, but it was bullshit to send young kids out there to be taken advantage of when they thought they were going to learn how to wrestle. Moolah didn’t take advantage of Luna much longer because Luna left the camp shortly after that.
Scott Hall, despite being awesome for the early part in his run, actually doesn't do a ton in WCW. Now I know the Outsiders were treated as a special event ala Hogan but even then Nash has way more singles matches even before the alcoholism becomes out of control.

He peaked with razor Ramon. Would love to see him vs prime Austin


Nikki Bella holding the record for longest Divas Champion is a travesty. They need to give that record to someone who deserves it, asap. She's not good at promos nor in the ring.
I'm salty

It's a title from 2008 that has a pink butterfly for a belt. Not worth being worked up for.


She's booked for the next WSU show:

The jobber fell the wrong way in the second shot. This looks faker than a lucha underground match.

First and foremost, in the 1950s she pimped the young women she trained out for money, got them hooked on drugs and used them as favours for promoters. She also basically destroyed women's wrestling in the US by teaching her inferior ability to all those young trainees and sabotaging other women wrestlers of the time (in the 30s/40s, women's wrestling was a big draw and very different in style to the "Divas style" Moolah used).
She also cost the Jumping Bomb Angels their WWF stint in the 80s, I believe.

There's a documentary about women's wrestling of the time out that has some details on that, and a lot of articles. Meltzer's obituary for her ripped her to shreds too.

Holy fuck.. I mean fuck... Fuck Moolah. . I mean shit. Those poor girls.. Fuck the WWE for up lifting her... I thought she just cheated the IRS (which she probably did, because how to write off prostitution on your taxes)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
One time he was tag champions with Giant and Giant wasn't there so he squashed some jobbers in a handicap match and he wore both tag titles on his waist in his entrance.


It was awesome.

One of the interesting but expected results of teaming him up with Big Sexy is that people forget just how beastly the guy was. Then every once in awhile he'd do a singles match and you'd be like, oh, right, Scott Hall is very nearly a giant himself.


Sting collected some nasty bruising in that match but it didn't have the deep purple muscle tear discoloration so that's good.

I can't believe I fast forwarded through a PPV only to see Y2J and his concaved inner pectorals be the mystery man and then see the show end with Dollar Store Knockoff Cain standing tall. In MMXV.

PInk Tape


First and foremost, in the 1950s she pimped the young women she trained out for money, got them hooked on drugs and used them as favours for promoters. She also basically destroyed women's wrestling in the US by teaching her inferior ability to all those young trainees and sabotaging other women wrestlers of the time (in the 30s/40s, women's wrestling was a big draw and very different in style to the "Divas style" Moolah used).
She also cost the Jumping Bomb Angels their WWF stint in the 80s, I believe.

There's a documentary about women's wrestling of the time out that has some details on that, and a lot of articles. Meltzer's obituary for her ripped her to shreds too.

Jesus. I had no idea about this either.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
So is everyone happy with the #DivasRevolution now? Damn shame Nikki lost her title tonight.
So much for all that "pull" Cena had backstage regarding Nikki let's just ignore the privilege of Charlotte having been handed the title due to being Ric Flair's daughter.



There's no fucking conspiracy.

The Divas division has been booked like hot dripping garbage for a decade.

WWE's primary goal was to eclipse AJ's title reign record. They've achieved that goal, and now the Divas Revolution storyline is getting to move forward. It's pretty cut and dry.
So much for all that "pull" Cena had backstage regarding Nikki let's just ignore the privilege of Charlotte having been handed the title due to being Ric Flair's daughter.

I don't even understand how it can even be ignored. She even had "woooo" on her fucking top. The last thing the Divas (or anyone) need is Ric fucking Flair's presence. He's jinxed everyone he backs...ask the 49ers and Cleveland. Get his drunk ass off the screen.

I think people were just pissy about AJ's terrible reign being erased...as it should.


First and foremost, in the 1950s she pimped the young women she trained out for money, got them hooked on drugs and used them as favours for promoters. She also basically destroyed women's wrestling in the US by teaching her inferior ability to all those young trainees and sabotaging other women wrestlers of the time (in the 30s/40s, women's wrestling was a big draw and very different in style to the "Divas style" Moolah used).
She also cost the Jumping Bomb Angels their WWF stint in the 80s, I believe.

There's a documentary about women's wrestling of the time out that has some details on that, and a lot of articles. Meltzer's obituary for her ripped her to shreds too.

Pretty much.

I don't know if there's ever been concrete proof of the sex stuff (it's mostly from other peoples' accounts, but I don't doubt that it happened).

But she did more or less have a stranglehold over the Women's Title, basically owning it and all the decision-making that went with it. She screwed lots of people over that damn title.

For example, The Original Screwjob: Wendi Richter was supposed to defend her title against the Spider Lady back in '85.
Moolah dons the Spider Lady's outfit and comes into the ring. Richter gets pissed, and the whole thing turns into a shoot.
Moolah forcefully gets Richter into a submission and the ref quick counts so Moolah wins the title.
I seriously thought the match would be over after that table spot. They really need to take it easy on the olds. No need for them to do that extra shit.
Do you think Vince yelled "WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE" when he came through the curtain like he did for Taker at 30 or did he just walk up and piss on the last piece of WCW's legacy?


Do you think Vince yelled "WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE" when he came through the curtain like he did for Taker at 30 or did he just walk up and piss on the last piece of WCW's legacy?
I thought Bubba Ray was dead after that Big E splash on the apron. I don't think they'll be doing that again.
His face was purple for a while after that.

With the big hits to the head Bubba's taken in his career, he shouldn't be taking those spots.


How is the WWE so dense that they can't see that an 56 year old man can't be taking table spots and suicide dives out of the ring, Sting can barely even run. I guess Vince just wanted to kill the guy on screen cause it doesn't make sense otherwise.

Fake edit: You could tell the injury was real, or else they wouldn't have had a doctor in as soon as Sting plummeted to the mat making him look like a 78 year old in the process.


How is the WWE so dense that they can't see that an 86 year old man can't be taking table spots and suicide dives out of the ring, Sting can barely even run. I guess Vince just wanted to kill the guy on screen cause it doesn't make sense otherwise.

And they want to do Undertaker vs Brock in Hell in a Cell?
They are just looking for the next lawsuit they can spend time fighting once they get past the concussion suit.

His face was purple for a while after that.

With the big hits to the head Bubba's taken in his career, he shouldn't be taking those spots.
I thought it was more neck than anything. He may have been hanging over the apron too far. Either way, it didn't look right.

First and foremost, in the 1950s she pimped the young women she trained out for money, got them hooked on drugs and used them as favours for promoters. She also basically destroyed women's wrestling in the US by teaching her inferior ability to all those young trainees and sabotaging other women wrestlers of the time (in the 30s/40s, women's wrestling was a big draw and very different in style to the "Divas style" Moolah used).
She also cost the Jumping Bomb Angels their WWF stint in the 80s, I believe.

There's a documentary about women's wrestling of the time out that has some details on that, and a lot of articles. Meltzer's obituary for her ripped her to shreds too.

Yeah, Moolah was human garbage. Too bad no one has really done an expose on her.


Didnt watch.

What happen to Sting?
Took hard bumps and his 56 year old body did not react well. Fell over in the middle of running the ropes. They finished the match but it looked like an audible. He was able to get up and do a final submission to pin reversal spot, but he wasn't in good shape afterwards. His back looked really fucked up.
Interesting that happened to Bubba after reports of him taking liberties with some younger guys years ago. Perhaps we witnessed ourselves a shoot. Big E welcomed him back to WWE and let him now it's a New Day.
On LAW he said it seems to be a neck injury. Hope he didn't fuck up a vertebrae :[

Also said Taker plans to keep wrestling past Mania, so lol

Wouldn't be surprised to see him beat Brock


I thought Sting was going to get hurt as soon as I saw him take the table spot. He's in his fifties, and doing that kind of thing, as well as the powerbombs to the turnbuckle, and jumping from the top rope to the outside, just seems unnecessary. You're older, more fragile, and it's important to keep that in mind. I cringed at each of those three moments because I thought he was going to get hurt. It's a shame that it turned out that way.

His matches need more focus on storytelling than anything else. It's still possible to put on an engaging match that way, and he shouldn't need to go the extent of performing bigger spots. This is also why he needs someone like Cena working with him instead, since at the very least, he'd get a safe match that would likely be pretty good due to Cena's style.


I thought Sting was going to get hurt as soon as I saw him take the table spot. He's in his fifties, and doing that kind of thing, as well as the powerbombs to the turnbuckle, and jumping from the top rope to the outside, just seems unnecessary. You're older, more fragile, and it's important to keep that in mind. I cringed at each of those three moments because I thought he was going to get hurt. It's a shame that it turned out that way.

His matches need more focus on storytelling than anything else. It's still possible to put on an engaging match that way, and he shouldn't need to go the extent of performing bigger spots. This is also why he needs someone like Cena working with him instead, since at the very least, he'd get a safe match that would likely be pretty good due to Cena's style.
The booking of this feud has been fucking dumb from the word go.
Yeah was anyone clamoring for a Rollins/Sting feud other than for the possibility of Sting being champ? Pointless now. Should have had him and Cena become the WCW US Tag Champs.
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