According to Meltzer its a Neck injury, and a serious one at that. Per his comment it occurred during the 2nd Turnbuckle Powerbomb( wtf they did this spot twice is beyond me) and make sense since you could see Sting stumble etc right after it.
This is fucking HORRIBLE. This is not the way the career of one of the greatest Wrestlers should end.
Fucking sucks.
Seth vs cena was easily the best match of the show, it was way better than their summerslam match.
So I caved and got Destiny: Taken King yesterday after seeing (literally) my entire friends list full of people playing it. I'm not up to the new content yet but I'm already seeing changes and I like it.
The Jim Ross show was great. Especially his special guest! Scott Hall!
(Sorry for the over exposed picture)
I sure heard a lot of stories about Ric Flair's erect penis. Erect mind you.
Night of Champions was fun. Awesome seats! Lower bowl almost all the way in front.
I thought the crowd was great, don't know how it came across TV.
Sina and Seth did good work.
Nice, did you go with your kids?The Jim Ross show was great. Especially his special guest! Scott Hall!
(Sorry for the over exposed picture)
I sure heard a lot of stories about Ric Flair's erect penis. Erect mind you.
Night of Champions was fun. Awesome seats! Lower bowl almost all the way in front.
I thought the crowd was great, don't know how it came across TV.
Sina and Seth did good work.
According to Meltzer its a Neck injury, and a serious one at that. Per his comment it occurred during the 2nd Turnbuckle Powerbomb( wtf they did this spot twice is beyond me) and make sense since you could see Sting stumble etc right after it.
This is fucking HORRIBLE. This is not the way the career of one of the greatest Wrestlers should end.
Fucking sucks.
Come on man.
Makes sense. The bruising Sting collected throughout the match looked rough but I noted it didn't have the look of a serious injury (torn muscle of any kind, i.e. no internal bleeding). But then seeing he was clearly fucked up, I was left wondering what sort of injury he could have suffered. The turnbuckle powerbomb spot happened quick enough and the camera angle didn't provide a good shot.
Rollins should consider putting that move into a reserve "whoa he must be serious he did the powerbomb into the corner!" role. It's not cool enough or central enough to his character, nor is it a finisher, to justify using it.
According to Meltzer its a Neck injury, and a serious one at that. Per his comment it occurred during the 2nd Turnbuckle Powerbomb( wtf they did this spot twice is beyond me) and make sense since you could see Sting stumble etc right after it.
This is fucking HORRIBLE. This is not the way the career of one of the greatest Wrestlers should end.
Fucking sucks.
It's good. I'll be happy to play witchu.
Glad you had fun. Looks fun.
Most things that Ziggler does isn't cool.I saw Dolph's pants. He looks like if you combined Rick Rude, HBK, and Beefcake. But it isn't a good thing. It's like when Megatron and Ratchet combined in the old TF comic, just less cool.
Nice, did you go with your kids?
In my dream scenario Ziggler would get Sherri Martel as his manager, it would help him a lot.
Makes sense. The bruising Sting collected throughout the match looked rough but I noted it didn't have the look of a serious injury (torn muscle of any kind, i.e. no internal bleeding). But then seeing he was clearly fucked up, I was left wondering what sort of injury he could have suffered. The turnbuckle powerbomb happened quick and the camera angle didn't provide a good shot.
A neck injury. Damn. At least Sting is going out with some nice paydays and post-in-ring company money from the only game in town instead of rotting away in front of 150 people for TNA or some such thing.
Rollins should consider putting that move into a reserve "whoa he must be serious he did the powerbomb into the corner!" role. It's not cool enough or central enough to his character, nor is it a finisher, to justify using it.
Yeah, Sting had that bruising similar to what Taker had in the last Brock match, I presume from that mixture of age/lack of regular ring work. I'm presuming Seth would have won regardless of the injury, given the post match stuff, but it's a shame to see it end like that.
Rollins doesn't necessarily need to stop using the corner powerbomb, he just needs to use it against guys better able to handle it. Sting is not one of them any longer.
Yeah, Sting had that bruising similar to what Taker had in the last Brock match, I presume from that mixture of age/lack of regular ring work. I'm presuming Seth would have won regardless of the injury, given the post match stuff, but it's a shame to see it end like that.
Rollins doesn't necessarily need to stop using the corner powerbomb, he just needs to use it against guys better able to handle it. Sting is not one of them any longer.
Seth threw him into the ring post, I think his head snapped back and he hit the ring post or something.
After that move is when he staggered, Seth whipped him and he just fell over and the doc came in. So that's why I think it wasn't the entire match, but that specific moment, so I'm with Meltzer on that one.
So when is Shaemus going to cash in MITB and make us suffer through a shitty 2 month title reign?
So when is Shaemus going to cash in MITB and make us suffer through a shitty 2 month title reign?
Same. He did collapse after the power bomb first though. You could tell that wasn't selling. He did get up but then collapsed again after the irish whip. That is when the doctor came to the ring and the ref checked with him.
Stang did put it all out there, and I admire and respect the fuck out of him for showing up in shape and ready to rock. Get well soon Stanger.
Ahhhhh shit. I can't decide if getting that short comeback run makes this better or worse. Poor fuckin' guy.![]()
For those who don't know, Travis (one of the more prominent stars of modern British wrestling) was diagnosed with stomach cancer in August of last year, but managed to make a heroic comeback after being given the all-clear and in August of this year he made his return to the ring. He wrestled eight matches on his comeback tour, the last being against Marty Scurll at PROGRESS Chapter 21, but was seemingly injured after the match when Scurll kicked him in the stomach and locked on the chickenwing. PROGRESS announced that Trav wouldn't be appearing in the tag match at ENDVR the next week, which was assumed to be storyline, but this morning Trav''s said he's had to have another surgery and is calling time on his wrestling career. Super sad for him, but glad I got to see him wrestle one last time.
honestly I just want to get it over with
Say what you will about TNA, but they never nearly killed Sting, at least.
Wait Owens beat The Ryback and is IC Champ now!?
He doesn't deserve that cursed belt
So next month we get to watch another legend almost die again.
I don't know man
According to Meltzer its a Neck injury, and a serious one at that. Per his comment it occurred during the 2nd Turnbuckle Powerbomb( wtf they did this spot twice is beyond me) and make sense since you could see Sting stumble etc right after it.
This is fucking HORRIBLE. This is not the way the career of one of the greatest Wrestlers should end.
Fucking sucks.
Plus it's probably not going to be a good match again. To me that's a waste of Brock. Actually both Brock appearances next month seem like a waste.
Honestly it just feels like they are stalling before they feel like Reigns is ready.I know, right? And because WWE creative is awful and predictable, he'll likely cash it in the same night an over face beats Rollins for the title. And Vince will be at gorilla going "HATE HIM. HATE HIM LIKE THE SUPER HEEL HE IS. DAMNIT, WHY AREN'T THEY BOOING HIM, WHY ARE THEY ALL LEAVING! WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY REACT TO A HEEL CASHING IN LIKE THIS ANYMORE DAMNIT"
They nearly killed his relevance
Honestly it just feels like they are stalling before they feel like Reigns is ready.
And I just want to get that title reign over.
Honestly I wouldn't mind some attitude era title swaps right now but they are so anal on who can and who can't be the champ after guys leaving or finding success elsewhere.
Just put the strap on Steph or HHH Vince. You book the program around them anyway.
WWE: Two months, two main events with old men nearly killing themselves. Subscribe to the Network to get a third month in a row!
Power of the PS4.
I'd be lying if I said I was paying much attention to the PPV last night, it really was like background noise for me but damn I didn't notice Sting actually taking the damage, I thought they were just doing the ol' "legend opponent only loses because injury" booking ploy.
Props to Stinger.
Looks like we need a new champ, a safer man, a reliable man, a company man...