only the truest, most realest ones:the SF EX fans
PS 3S chars are lame. We only need Sean. Also Elena is a butthead
only the truest, most realest ones:the SF EX fans
PS 3S chars are lame. We only need Sean. Also Elena is a butthead
¡HarlequinPanic!;179533762 said:I'm confused: so which street fighter fans are acceptable?
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Just sticking (largely borked) versions of 3s characters in USIV doesn't cut it, damn it! They totally fucked up Elena. I'm just going to have to accept that Street Fighter will never again be as fluid and satisfying for me as 3s
Ziggler needs to go back to Heel , but be billed and booked like HBK was during his early Heartbreak Kid run.
just a reminder that the Rusev/Ziggler saga is still not resolved.
they were lazy as fuck, just porting sfxt charas over. very lazy. it suffered.
I pretty much hate all 3 characters besides Alex.
Bootaaay, i was watching a couple of early 2000 NJPW matches randomly, and i saw a Kazuyuki Fujita match. i noticed his theme uses a version of Inoki's theme, what's up with that? and he came to the ring with the old IWGP belt, was that meant to be a homage to Inoki?
Elena is lame, BOOTS, she's fanservice city
Aw man, but
She plays great in 3s, she was my third main (behind Alex & Ibuki) and you can really throw people off-guard by chaining her unique strikes well. I pretty much love every character in 3s, got so used to playing with all of them.
Don't get banned again, friend.
Kaladin said:It's not even midnight where I live. Unacceptable.
Ibuki huh? Don't be such an asshole. How could you?
Urien and Q, that's all it is.
Sunny who are your guys?
Who are your faves on the roster? Who do you root for?
Yeah, pretty much. Fujita was Inoki saying to everyone else in the locker room "this is what you should be, but aren't", he was Inoki's chosen one.
¡HarlequinPanic!;179536735 said:all y'all fighting game fans in here need to find killer instinct~
I agree. So many people wrote it off because the original KIs sucked (they did) or they don't want to like Microsoft, but it's fantastic.
It's less that Sunny and more that most people don't have or want a BONE.
You cant outsmart carnival folk. Theyre the cleverest folk in the world!
What, the poors? Buy all systems, play all games, enjoy life
The fan run-ins on former Shield members has gotten a bit too...odd, you know? 4 incidents in about a month screams incompetency with their security team to a high degree.
The fan run-ins on former Shield members has gotten a bit too...odd, you know? 4 incidents in about a month screams incompetency with their security team to a high degree.
Yeah, is it weird that these all seem to happen with the SHIELD guys?
Money isn't the problem
That and a general hatred for paying to play online.
Hell I still don't have a PS4, too busy playing Wii U and 3DS games with the occasional trip to Vita town.
Right now I don't even have a PC that can run modern games.
Yeah, is it weird that these all seem to happen with the SHIELD guys?
Killer Instinct and Rare Replay are literally the only two BONE exclusives I care about. I think I can go without. Hell I still don't have a PS4, too busy playing Wii U and 3DS games with the occasional trip to Vita town. Money isn't the problem, time is.
That and a general hatred for paying to play online. Talk about a carny scam. I get most of my AAA games on PC every few years when I bother to upgrade. Right now I don't even have a PC that can run modern games...yet I'm not off put by it.
Killer Instinct and Rare Replay are literally the only two BONE exclusives I care about. I think I can go without. Hell I still don't have a PS4, too busy playing Wii U and 3DS games with the occasional trip to Vita town. Money isn't the problem, time is.
That and a general hatred for paying to play online. Talk about a carny scam. I get most of my AAA games on PC every few years when I bother to upgrade. Right now I don't even have a PC that can run modern games...yet I'm not off put by it.
Since the Razor's Edge got brought up, I have to say that I think Razor/Scott Hall is kind of quietly pretty high up on my list of favorite wrestlers. I loved his finisher and the guy had a ton of natural charisma.
Roman's crowd entrance maybe?
There's still SO much coming out on PC that can run on dogshit PCs. With a PC you're never alone.
Xbone is desperately hurting for some good notable exclusives. It's kind of sad that one of their most notable selling points are a collection of old Nintendo games.