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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
in any other year maybe

Witcher 3 and MGS V in the same year is just absurd

Neither of those are sniffing my GOTY list, which is really indicative of a super strong year for a bunch of games selling me experiences I've never had before, and that goes a long way for me. Both LiS and Her Story are games I've NEVER played, thematically, and it goes a hell of a long way.


Mad Max is better than both Witcher 3 and MGSV


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of GOTY contenders, I can't lie and say Destiny won't be one of them. The strides they've taken with the Taken King is almost surreal. I hated the vanilla game but I can't hate here. Will likely make my top 3. Just waiting on Fallout 4 and Battlefront.

Does it really count for you though? It wouldn't for me. But everyone has different criteria on what's allowed.


Neither of those are sniffing my GOTY list, which is really indicative of a super strong year for a bunch of games selling me experiences I've never had before, and that goes a long way for me. Both LiS and Her Story are games I've NEVER played, thematically, and it goes a hell of a long way.

I still need to play them, someday... gotta be more careful with what I play considering the stupid $80 price point in canada...

I really wanna play Until Dawn too but i'm not dropping $80 on a god damn interractive movie

(edit: $80 + 15% taxes)


Speaking of GOTY contenders, I can't lie and say Destiny won't be one of them. The strides they've taken with the Taken King is almost surreal. I hated the vanilla game but I can't hate here. Will likely make my top 3. Just waiting on Fallout 4 and Battlefront.

As someone who's a lowly level 19 Warlock who hasn't sniffed either of the expansions yet, when does the new/good stuff take effect? I only played about 2.5 hours last night so I haven't really been able to gauge/appreciate the updates fully yet.


Until Dawn is probably in my top 5 for GOTY as well. And I'm saying this as someone who fucking hates the Heavy Rain glorified movie style.

1) Mario Maker
2) Bloodborne
3) Mad Max
4) Splatoon
5) Until Dawn

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So you're calling games your GOTY without even beating them huh


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Unless the game suddenly takes a huge nosedive in the final hour or two I doubt my opinion of it is going to change.

It always can, look at Space Marine. Amazing game, terrible end boss and ending. God I loved Space Marine.
GOTY is Super Mario Maker. I haven't played anything else since it launched and I'm playing it like 3 hours a day. I've got 12 courses created and I'm not stopping until I create a full, Nintendo reminiscent, 32 course Super Mario Bros. game in it.
Though I might get held up by the upload limit if people don't start starring my courses.

I totally regret both my PS4 and XB1 purchases. Got the PS4 for MGSV and I haven't even given that a second thought since Mario Maker came out. Got the XB1 because I had ridiculous amounts of GameStop gift cards and all I have for that is Mega Man Legacy Collection.

My game time is dedicated 100% to Wii U and 3DS for now.


GOTY is Super Mario Maker. I haven't played anything else since it launched and I'm playing it like 3 hours a day. I've got 12 courses created and I'm not stopping until I create a full, Nintendo reminiscent, 32 course Super Mario Bros. game in it.
Though I might get held up by the upload limit if people don't start starring my courses.

I totally regret both my PS4 and XB1 purchases. Got the PS4 for MGSV and I haven't even given that a second thought since Mario Maker came out. Got the XB1 because I had ridiculous amounts of GameStop gift cards and all I have for that is Mega Man Legacy Collection.

My game time is dedicated 100% to Wii U and 3DS for now.

I regret my Xbox One purchase because I bought it almost entirely for Master Chief Collection, and we saw how that went. I don't regret my PS4 purchase, I have a bunch of games for it and I'm having plenty of fun with it.

I've put 77 hours into Mario Maker in basically a week. GOTY for sure.

PM me one of the codes to a level of yours, I'll give you a follow and star a bunch of your levels


man i'm like the opposite... the idea of booting up my WiiU makes me physically sick, the idea of having to play with my stupid gamepad plugged in a wall because the battery sucks, the idea of having to go through these horrible horrible WiiU software menus, the idea of having to buy extra space because my WiiU is always full... The idea of having to update it for 15 minutes every time I wanna play because I never use it...

and then comes the idea of paying $60 for Mario Maker and having to manually type in my friends code because Nintendo are too dumb to have the friend system integrated in their own game...

plus for some reason, everytime I start it after not touching it for a while, it gives me an error and I have have to reset it

I really hate a lot of things about my WiiU

EDIT: oh yeah, also trying to play with my girlfriend and realizing many games REQUIRE a Wiimote, and syncing anything on that piece of trash never works as intended


man i'm like the opposite... the idea of booting up my WiiU makes me physically sick, the idea of having to play with my stupid gamepad plugged in a wall because the battery sucks, the idea of having to go through these horrible horrible WiiU software menus, the idea of having to buy extra space because my WiiU is always full... The idea of having to update it for 15 minutes every time I wanna play because I never use it...

and then comes the idea of paying $60 for Mario Maker and having to manually type in my friends code because Nintendo are too dumb to have the friend system integrated in their own game...

plus for some reason, everytime I start it after not touching it for a while, it gives me an error and I have have to reset it

I really hate a lot of things about my WiiU

Nintendo makes really great games. But they suck at basically everything else regarding gaming in the 21st century. Mario Maker honestly legitimized the stupid Wii-U gamepad though, making levels is so fucking slick with that thing. This new president they have might actually kick them in the ass a little and get them going again though.
I'm pretty hooked on Nobunaga's Ambition at the moment, it's super addictive and scratches that "just one more turn" itch. The mass battles are a lot of fun, but I've found it gets to the point where it's actually easier to ignore them and continue controlling the battle from the strategic map. Either way, this game's like crack if you like your turn-based strategy.


I have a Wii U, 3ds, and a Mac Mini from late 2011... I have to build a better PC one day. =p

1 - Splatoon
2 - Mario Maker (not that far behind though)
3 - Pokemon Shuffle

Lots of stuff I still have to play in Nintendo territory... the Kirby for WiiU, Yoshi for WiiU, Xenoblade Chronicles, Majora's Mask 3DS, Code Name: STEAM, Box Boy, etc.

I could survive with Splatoon, MK8, Smash 4, Mario Maker and Pokemon Shuffle for a very long time, though...


First time hearing Strowman's voice...it's deep and creepy and great.

I think Wyatt will always be over because for fans (like me) who primarily watch PPVs, the WWE's promo video team always makes the Wyatts look like a million bucks by cutting out all the fat of his feuds.

That and a great entrance.
man i'm like the opposite... the idea of booting up my WiiU makes me physically sick, the idea of having to play with my stupid gamepad plugged in a wall because the battery sucks, the idea of having to go through these horrible horrible WiiU software menus, the idea of having to buy extra space because my WiiU is always full... The idea of having to update it for 15 minutes every time I wanna play because I never use it...

and then comes the idea of paying $60 for Mario Maker and having to manually type in my friends code because Nintendo are too dumb to have the friend system integrated in their own game...

plus for some reason, everytime I start it after not touching it for a while, it gives me an error and I have have to reset it

I really hate a lot of things about my WiiU

You sound like me when I'm talking about my PS4 or Vita.

About half of what you're saying is totally ridiculous and off the mark though.

I regret my Xbox One purchase because I bought it almost entirely for Master Chief Collection, and we saw how that went. I don't regret my PS4 purchase, I have a bunch of games for it and I'm having plenty of fun with it.

I've put 77 hours into Mario Maker in basically a week. GOTY for sure.

PM me one of the codes to a level of yours, I'll give you a follow and star a bunch of your levels

Here's the code for my first level.

Pesca 1-1

Let me know what your Mii's name is because I've been meaning to follow you and play your levels.

Little known fact: If you save 4 levels in a row in your Coursebot you can tap the arrow on the left to play them as 4 consecutive stages with accumulating coin totals and lives.
It always can, look at Space Marine. Amazing game, terrible end boss and ending. God I loved Space Marine.

Speaking of SPACE MAUREENS, WH40K: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion on iOS is not bad, even if it's nothing new if you've played any other game by Rodeo Games, such as Hunters or Warhammer Quest.

Rusev could be a credible SPACE MAUREEN. He's already been carried on a tank.


FGC Waterboy
I actually do agree with this. It's funny, all of the positive stuff Sony did for the PS4 was a direct result of the XB1 rumors and how the PS3 was viewed as sony getting fat/lazy, and then Sony jumps out to a massive lead and promptly sits on their ass again.

Sad thing is that so many people ended up hating the initial idea of the X1 that they gave Sony a lot of undue credit. Sony's always sort of sat on their ass ever since PS2. PS3 was for getting Blu-Ray over (which it did), and now PS4 is basically "haha microsoft is evil please buy our device even though we have no real games"

At least MS got off their duff after the online thing (also - I bet you there's at least one executive who is getting the digital download vs disc numbers for the X1 these last 3 months who is super angry that a large chunk of the folks who got mad at X1 being online are buying all their games digitally over XBL.)

Also, they saved KI and have been supporting the crap out of it, so I'm happy. MCC has done its job for me - being able to play Halo with my brother online was what it was for, and it does that. Halo 5 looks awesome. Gears of War 4 looks good. I want my Marcus Fenix collection with remasters of all of the Gears of War games, kthxbai.

Good question. I did run the "if this had been released last year" scenario in my head. I don't know. As a whole, the game experience is vastly different than what we got last year even if it is mechanically the same. I don't know. I just know I can't stop thinking about it.

So you're new to the franchise altogether or did you drop out after last year?

I was hooked with the DLCs and Taken King. The Taken King has much bigger hooks than the base game does even with all the refinements to user interface and in-game economics. Design wise, the Dreadnaught, which is the setting core to the Taken King experience, is better designed and differently designed I might add too. This is because they inject a lot of puzzles and mysteries into exploring the area which is not something you see in the base game. That element of design gives the Dreadnaught more life and gravitas to it than any other area before it because you're working way through, given a hint on how to proceed but are never told what to do next.

For example, I was roaming around last night when an army of warriors appeared. After a serious battle, a relic suddenly appeared in the middle of the room I was fighting in. I had no idea what to do with it. It just showed up. Wasn't part of the quest or anything. I grabbed it and continued exploring eventually finding 6 statues one of which holds the relic I found. When I entered it, a change in the next room happened. No explanation.

Good sense of mystery and exploration. Very dynamic.

In related news; they hired one of the senior D&D designers away from Wizards of the Coast.

Reasons I bought an Xbox One:

* I have ~2,200 songs for Rock Band for the Xbox 360

YEP. Had X1 released with backward compat from the get-go I suspect X1 would have ended up taking the lead in North America just because of the pre-existing user base. The dirty rumor I always hear is that many of the big publishers / developers asked both Sony & MS to not lead with backward compat, because it would destroy the market for re-masters / "upgraded" versions of their old games.


this is why GOTY discussion might get heated this year. Creation games are super niche and from what I understand this is a great one

I didn't even think about that. I can only imagine what gaming side would look like if the GOTY is Nintendo's Super Mario Maker. Only on WiiU!


Sad thing is that so many people ended up hating the initial idea of the X1 that they gave Sony a lot of undue credit. Sony's always sort of sat on their ass ever since PS2. PS3 was for getting Blu-Ray over (which it did), and now PS4 is basically "haha microsoft is evil please buy our device even though we have no real games"

At least MS got off their duff after the online thing (also - I bet you there's at least one executive who is getting the digital download vs disc numbers for the X1 these last 3 months who is super angry that a large chunk of the folks who got mad at X1 being online are buying all their games digitally over XBL.)

Also, they saved KI and have been supporting the crap out of it, so I'm happy. MCC has done its job for me - being able to play Halo with my brother online was what it was for, and it does that. Halo 5 looks awesome. Gears of War 4 looks good. I want my Marcus Fenix collection with remasters of all of the Gears of War games, kthxbai.

KI's resurrection has been pretty crazy, I gotta admit. Happy to see it doing well.

Sony's mindset with the PS4 always seemed to be "we're just trying to not fuck up". Honestly it's all they really needed to do, though. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with a bazooka with all the XB1 DRM shit and Nintendo's entire Wii-U reveal was a Sin Cara level botch.
So regarding a standard announce table spot:

Are rasslemen supposed to throw down the monitors away from the table so their opponents don't hit/land on them and they just forget sometimes or is there no hard-and-fast rule about it?


So regarding a standard announce table spot:

Are rasslemen supposed to throw down the monitors away from the table so their opponents don't hit/land on them and they just forget sometimes or is there no hard-and-fast rule about it?

They hardly ever forget to take them out. I don't know if it's a requirement.


So regarding a standard announce table spot:

Are rasslemen supposed to throw down the monitors away from the table so their opponents don't hit/land on them and they just forget sometimes or is there no hard-and-fast rule about it?

that spot right there is on the commentators to take them out before the match.

I don't understand why they don't just use tablets instead of production monitors.

I'm sure they could figure out something else.


One has rhythm combat, the other literally takes even that away

Can't fool me, bjork!

They are similar in concept, I'll give you. But they're different enough to be ranked separately on my list. Unless I never pull another good unit on Dragon Ball, and then it's off the list. I'm too deep into OPTC to quit now.

that spot right there is on the commentators to take them out before the match.

I don't understand why they don't just use tablets instead of production monitors.

I'm sure they could figure out something else.

How about don't have table spots. It was interesting in like 1994 when Sabu was doing it, but it hasn't been since not long after then.
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