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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That Transformers game, I have a feeling that'll be disappointing. The lack of environmental variety being the biggest noticeable issue I've seen every time they show the game off. They show that big Town Square area off CONSTANTLY.


That "Craziest thing a GameStop employee has said to you" thread is full of some eye rolling shit. People apparently forget employees of stores are there in order to get you to buy shit.
That "Craziest thing a GameStop employee has said to you" thread is full of some eye rolling shit. People apparently forget employees of stores are there in order to get you to buy shit.

it's like all of us going back and forth about wrestling characters, stories, arcs, pushes, etc. when really they just want us to buy some fucking mountain dew


That Richard Dawkins has gotten really good.

EviLore going to town on the community is like getting home from work to find a live car chase on TV.


FGC Waterboy
Aren't we all?

We are literally paying for Bungie's education in the genre.

I would laugh; but knowing several of the people on the Destiny team prior to release - there's entirely too much truth in this. Bungie may have credited themselves a little too much on the execution of the Halo series, and not given MS enough credit.


They are similar in concept, I'll give you. But they're different enough to be ranked separately on my list. Unless I never pull another good unit on Dragon Ball, and then it's off the list. I'm too deep into OPTC to quit now.

How about don't have table spots. It was interesting in like 1994 when Sabu was doing it, but it hasn't been since not long after then.

you might be right there.

They haven't done a single real chair spot in a long time now.


Mad Max is better than both Witcher 3 and MGSV




The problem is when said employees go out of their way to extend unsolicited advice hinged on their biased and fanboyish views.

I hate that company so much. I used to direct my hatred for it squarely on the shoulders of the employees but now it's more geared towards the president who said some profoundly disgusting things about anyone willing to work for him and the company.

What if I told you that all of the big groups that sell video games to you do some pretty shitty things? Have you heard about how awful working in an Amazon warehouse apparently is?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I worked at a Gamestop for several years.

You could really spot the types who were going to go home and post some 'epic story about this online' after they didn't get some game they wanted and silently shuffled away or we didn't get them their pre-order sticker because the carrier didn't ship them to us but somehow I held your fucking Harvest Moon stickers behind the counter because I totally want that hot garbage.


DDP should be the headliner of the hall of fame.

For all of the Kliq shit we don't hear any stories of Nash, HBK, or HHH helping out people like DDP has.

HHH gave you NXT and HBK gave you Bryan. It's never enough for you people is it?

Nash was about getting paid so I expect it there. Nash is too busy being great to help some chumps.


Like some of the complaints gamers have towards Gamestop are really stupid. Like "ohmygod they ask me to preorder every time i buy something", no shit sherlock, their job is to get you to buy more shit at their store. Do you get pissy any time a waiter asks you if you want desert at a restaurant or if you want another beer?

This is just me but I also don't really give a shit if my totally undamaged box and disc that contains everything it's supposed to have game isn't in it's original plastic wrap and still marked as new.

I would laugh; but knowing several of the people on the Destiny team prior to release - there's entirely too much truth in this. Bungie may have credited themselves a little too much on the execution of the Halo series, and not given MS enough credit.

Plus aren't a lot of the higher up Bungie employees that actually made Halo gone now?
One time I had an employee tell me I need to reserve the next Legend of Zelda game because Nintendo could "release it without warning any day now."

This was like a year before Skyward Sword was announced.


Never ever work in a vidya gaem store. It's like working at a nursery except the parents never come to get their kids and it's the worst paying job I ever had.

I would be a horrible kideo game store employee because I'd be criticizing too many people on having shitty taste in games


I somewhat disagree with you guys. I know they're obligated to ask me if I want to preorder X, but it's still annoying as hell. And often time it's the accumulation

would you like a protection plan?
would you like to preorder X?
would you like to preorder Y?
would you like an Edge card?
you sure about that protection plan?

That's some shitty marketing strategy and i'm glad their business is dying

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If I can give any of you part-time, still in school wrasslegaffers advice, it's really just don't work any kind of job in electronics. The pay is terrible, and they expect you to know the product more than anyone in any other parts of the store know the product. They also have quotas you have to meet but you don't get a commission for those, you just get to keep your job. They think you want to work that job because it's 'a fun job' because that's what everyone thinks before they work that job.

You might not want to work fast food, but fast food is definitely better than that shit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Back when the first EO game came out it was basically a Gamestop exclusive and had a tiny ass print run. Got it sold to me as new about two weeks at launch and I expected it to have a save file on it. Low and behold, it does. Instead of throwing a nutty on the internet I have a sensible chuckle about it, glad that I got the game.

I also once worked myself into a shoot by chatting up a cute girl at a Gamestop while buying a cheap copy of F-Zero GX and was so out of it I didn't notice until months later that the disc was never in the case.


One time I had an employee tell me I need to reserve the next Legend of Zelda game because Nintendo could "release it without warning any day now."

This was like a year before Skyward Sword was announced.

I have seen people been given blatantly false information just to make a quick buck. I remember actually stepping in one time. I'm not watching some mother who is just there to get something for her child being pulled over the barrel.


ahhh it hurts. thanks for the laughs.

for some reason, had a random image of Kevin Owens' parents dropping him off at WWE and never coming back to pick him up.

I was already laughing at Data's post since I can somewhat relate. Then, you image made me spit out water. Thanks. :)


If I can give any of you part-time, still in school wrasslegaffers advice, it's really just don't work any kind of job in electronics. The pay is terrible, and they expect you to know the product more than anyone in any other parts of the store know the product. They also have quotas you have to meet but you don't get a commission for those, you just get to keep your job. They think you want to work that job because it's 'a fun job' because that's what everyone thinks before they work that job.

You might not want to work fast food, but fast food is definitely better than that shit.

I worked in a grocery store during school. Wasn't the best pay but god damn I have to admit I actually enjoyed the job. Got decent exercise since i was lifting and moving things constantly in the back room. It wasn't a very stressful job. And you didn't need to know much about the actual products aside from where they were.


I work in a grocery store now. It's nothing special, but it keeps me fed. I made more to work at the anime shop, though. Figure that one out.


Caught up with Night of Champions after falling asleep last night.

Nikki Bella actually impressed me and I say that as someone who she's consistently bored to tears over the past six months. Where has this Nikki been?

The third man was one of the dullest choices they could make. Nothing against Jericho, he just seemed to be someone they had going spare as opposed to someone who'd give a boost to the match-up.

And thanks to that pesky John Cena, I have an avatar-bet to succumb to. Give me this evening to make it. :/

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I did one of those jobs that would have been commission based thirty years ago but its now about getting warranty quotas or your fired type of job. That part got me down. Upselling with no real incentive can be hard.

The only saving grace is outside of stores like Gamestop where people want to work so that there's always someone lined up to take your job most electronic departments are so desperate for bodies that you won't actually get fired if you quit upselling, just talked down to a lot.


That model of selling is dying.

When I walk into a store, there's a general reason as to why. I know what I want. So the key to selling is to ask me an open ended question about what that is. conversing, what are your likes, dislikes, etc goes a long ways. Depending on the traffic in a retail store, how you hit these points changes on a case by case basis, but the intent is still the same: know your customer. If you know me, you would not be asking me dead end questions that result in a no. Knowing your customer is also how you get repeat business. People will argue that this model wont work in a transnational business but I don't believe that to be true.

The reason the script above doesnt work is because it's catered more to the script and not the person it's directed to.

It's only a matter of time before our credit cards and retinas are scanned as we walk into a store. By the time we walk up to the counter the employee already has all the information they need on us.

"oh, I see you purchased FIFA## last year. Are you interested in preordering it this year? If you decide to do so today we can offer you ##% off."



FGC Waterboy
That Richard Dawkins has gotten really good.

EviLore going to town on the community is like getting home from work to find a live car chase on TV.

I used to love posting in main OT and talking about stuff. Now? Now it feels like the leftist equivalent of the early 2000s when conservatives used to demand change for vague, qualitative reasoning that involved shitty causation / correlation mistakes and terribly done studies that support their own view. You have to have the "right" opinion, otherwise you're a shill / whatever / bandwagon hoooooooooo. Heaven forbid there's nuance involved in complicated topics. Like, it makes me mad, and I'm a tree hugging hippie who lives in Seattle of all places, and even I think OT has gone insane from "toeing the line"

I'm glad he's taking a dump on them. They need to get their asses out of their heads.

Plus aren't a lot of the higher up employees of Destiny that actually made Halo gone now?

I think so - but that's fairly common in game development.


That model of selling is dying.

When I walk into a store, there's a general reason as to why. I know what I want. So the key to selling is to ask me an open ended question about what that is. conversing, what are your likes, dislikes, etc goes a long ways. Depending on the traffic in a retail store, how you hit these points changes on a case by case basis, but the intent is still the same: know your customer. If you know me, you would not be asking me dead end questions that result in a no. Knowing your customer is also how you get repeat business. People will argue that this model wont work in a transnational business but I don't believe that to be true.

The reason the script above doesnt work is because it's catered more to the script and not the person it's directed to.

It really depends on the business in question, though. A place like a comic shop can get a customer who likes to spend money and they really like Green Lantern, so you can order in more Green Lantern shit and it will sell. Unless I'm wrong, Gamestop locations have little influence on how many units of something they're going to receive, and in bigbox stores, it's almost impossible to stray from your schematics.

In a small place, it does do wonders. My old hentai man and my blind dude who built gundams, guaranteed sales every time.

NoRéN;179548736 said:
It's only a matter of time before our credit cards and retinas are scanned as we walk into a store. By the time we walk up to the counter the employee already has all the information they need on us.

"oh, I see you purchased FIFA## last year. Are you interested in preordering it this year? If you decide to do so today we can offer you ##% off."


Gosh I hope not. "Your retinas show that you were just watching the Brady Bunch porn parody. Would you like to buy the Brady Bunch on dvd?"
What did you guys think of last nights PPV?

I thought it was pretty bad.

Ill never forget Sting 1989-1998, I will always think of him as my favorite during that time.

That said I don't ever want to see him in a ring again, I knew that after WM. I don't think well see him wrestle again.

The Charlotte NIkki match was pretty weak. Nikki beat her up for 15 min, and then Charlotte gets the win after one offensive move. Pretty weird physiology.

Rusev, is pretty damn special when a mic is in his face. "No your not excuse" I love his shit.
What is wrong with Y2J's chest? Its turning into Scott Steiners. I have never like Y2J after he ditched the pants.

I don't like this new Wyatt dude, and his finisher is laughable.

New Day continues to be amazing, and maybe the only reason I still watch, along with Brock.
If I can give any of you part-time, still in school wrasslegaffers advice, it's really just don't work any kind of job in electronics. The pay is terrible, and they expect you to know the product more than anyone in any other parts of the store know the product. They also have quotas you have to meet but you don't get a commission for those, you just get to keep your job. They think you want to work that job because it's 'a fun job' because that's what everyone thinks before they work that job.

I can honestly say that Best Buy was the most fun job I've ever had, but that was largely based on the employees and management, which of course are going to vary depending on the store. I agree with you otherwise; for the pay you get, retail often is not worth it.

If you do want to work retail because you need money, then go for an Apple store. Low(er) quotas, much higher pay, and less stress depending on the location's foot traffic. A former coworker who went to Apple from Best Buy said that even though he's bored out of his mind there (there's no real need to upsell much of anything), the pay is fantastic.


NoRéN;179548736 said:
It's only a matter of time before our credit cards and retinas are scanned as we walk into a store. By the time we walk up to the counter the employee already has all the information they need on us.

"oh, I see you purchased FIFA## last year. Are you interested in preordering it this year? If you decide to do so today we can offer you ##% off."


A discount, you say? I'm listening.


No idea where the game-retail chat has appeared from, but I'll counter the negativity to say the two and a half years I worked at Gamestation was the best job I've had so far.

Admittedly, that was in many ways due to having a damned good team to work with. Plus, the minimum-wage was offset by the 25% discount off new games and 33% off pre-owned. I saved enough money through that, that it ended up like being on a slightly more reasonable wage.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A discount, you say? I'm listening.

Amazon and other smart online retailers already do that for a wide range of products. Hell it can be real enlightening to browse Amazon on someone else's account.

One time I accidentally did it while signed into my mom's account and got a Kindle for 50 bucks less than what they were offering on my account.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The thing about Gamestop also is that there is no lateral movement. Unless someone quits. My brother started working at a grocery store last year and moved all the way up to management through working a lot of hours and working hard. And it's a chain store as well. My former assistant manager has worked at Gamestop for over 10 years. She's been an assistant manager for over 8(Which she got because the original one quit). She is STILL an assistant manager. They've gone through 4 managers at their store and she is still an assistant manager.

I like a lot of people at my store and that's the only reason I stuck around as long as I did though all I did was feel regret now about how I could have been working the job I went to after that during school and made more money, gotten more hours and gotten cross-trained for any other position that I wanted. But it's funny to go in there now and see all the ThinkGeek shit, all the FunkoPop, all the obviously desperate attempts by that company to stay relevant. I actually don't think Gamestop is near as bad to its customers as it was to its employees.

I've moved entirely to digital now and occasionally Amazon anyways. And on the Destiny note, every time I play it I just think, 'I could be playing WoW instead' which I'd rather do. Just more to it from years of it existing, and I find the lack of abilities in all these 'online RPG shooters' incredibly underwhelming. Borderlands was the same way.

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