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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

someone buy me this shirt please, i will wear it to all indy shows and nxt london

also fuck disco (the music and the man)
Rollins should stop the buckle bomb. In the ladder match with Ambrose he did that series of his running setup but on the floor and Dean's tailbone hit first instead of his back almost every one. I was cringing hard. A run to sitout powerbomb would be the same effect and be safer.
This is what happens when an indie guy makes it to the big leagues and only knows movez as a way to work a match. It ends up costing careers, and ratings...



Well of course Sting wouldn't be able to take bumps well. He's a 56 year old wrestler that's only wrestled one match since WCW closed down, MAGGLE


I don't understand why Sting's old ass agreed to some of those bumps. Who would even approve that for a 56 year old?

Why would Sting agree to anything but a one-sided beatdown of Hogan at Starrcade '97? Because he doesn't want to ruffle feathers. He just aims to please, the poor bastard.
I don't understand why Sting's old ass agreed to some of those bumps. Who would even approve that for a 56 year old?

I was thinking the same thing. It was pretty stupid. The whole match was a travesty. I knew he had nothing left after WM. I don't understand any of the thought process in using him.

Beat by HHH in a really bad match.
Beat by Rollins in a match that had stupid bumps, and Sting was already devalued.

Im done. Ill always have 2007.


I was thinking the same thing. It was pretty stupid. The whole match was a travesty. I knew he had nothing left after WM. I don't understand any of the thought process in using him.

Beat by HHH in a really bad match.
Beat by Rollins in a match that had stupid bumps, and Sting was already devalued.

Im done. Ill always have 2007.

Not true at all.
It doesn't feel like it but then you realize sting is 12 years OLDER than hbk was when he retired for good.

Maybe you got out there, adrenaline hits, get excited, and forget your age. Sucks, wish he would have came back in 2001.


Here's the question: in theory, could anyone, regardless of age, have been hurt had they landed poorly at that moment?

The answer is yes. This is why we should not jump to any conclusive statements as to whether this is about whether Sting was physically capable. They have doctors for those assessments. I truly believe this was just a bad bump and sometimes bad bumps are nothing more than what they are. That sting was 56 at that moment is incidental.

But he could've hurt Kane instead and got him off TV, see


You know what makes everything better...not bothering with WWE and just following NJPW.

Seriously...other than a few character actors if you tune into wrestling to see good wrestling then you should just look overseas at this point. I gave up years ago on WWE and only paid attention because Daniel Bryan, Kevin Steen, CM Punk, Pac, Matt Sydal, and El Generico started showing up and invariably everytime I tuned in it was to see those great workers being forced to use their talent to make bodybuilding actors with average to less than average skill as wrestlers appear to be better than what they were. Pretty pleased Steen, Punk and Bryan got over, but I always wait with a feeling of dread knowing that theyre not folks likely to stay at the top of the card even once they reach it in that fed.

Your best workers shouldn't be used as a midcard to make your less gifted performers appear better. I've always felt this was the biggest problem in the WWE. They see someone incredible and think "Wow! That guy will have some amazing stuff that will make my own guys look way better if they beat him!" They look at the best around and seem to only think of them as something to make whatever they were gonna push anyway seem better than it was instead of realizing that they aren't pushing the best performers. This is why ratings tend to drop because we know we wont be getting the best matches because "our guys" don't get over and have to job to bad wrestlers.

Sorry...just sick of so much right now in wrestling. Give me NJPW anyday. Better talent, better wrestling, better booking.


It doesn't feel like it but then you realize sting is 12 years OLDER than hbk was when he retired for good.

Maybe you got out there, adrenaline hits, get excited, and forget your age. Sucks, wish he would have came back in 2001.

HBK unfortunately retired very young. I would have loved to see 10 more years of just WM matches. At the same age HBK retired, 44, Ric Flair was in the WWF in 1993 nowhere near even thinking about retiring.
HBK unfortunately retired very young. I would have loved to see 10 more years of just WM matches. At the same age HBK retired, 44, Ric Flair was in the WWF in 1993 nowhere near even thinking about retiring.

Yah me too, but hbk was banged up even back in 2002 with back, and his knees. Id rather he retired at 44 and be with his kids than end up like Misawa (even though he was 46) or something.


Yah me too, but hbk was banged up even back in 2002 with back, and his knees. Id rather he retired at 44 and be with his kids than end up like Misawa (even though he was 46) or something.

God this. A million times this. The guy took a belly to back suplex and suffered spinal cord injuries that caused him to go into cardiac arrest. Lost consciousness and died. You may be able to play the character, but your body just wont take that after a certain point. Even little bumps can linger as you get older.

I wish wrestlers had better health representation and options post retirement for employment. Folks waste there life to become famous only to realize they were only famous for their youth and once it ended so did their entire livelihood even if they were still able to try and tell their character's story. I keep expecting Taker do just die or something because he wont play it smart and use his standing within the company in a less public role.

Guys need to be prepped during their later years to aid the company in a manner that doesn't involve jeopardizing their chance at any sort of golden years.
NoRéN;179562863 said:
Theres a lot of questions I want answered too. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 2016 is a few months away and this is a good start.

Eric Van Wagenen is confirming Season 2 on his twitter so its happening. Hope they can keep the production values up. Hyped for the Season 1 marathon before it starts back up.


Why are the Dudleyz back again anyhow? Its like WWE is eating their own scraps hoping to find a good meal. That package expired a long time ago man...


Look, I get we love Sting but let's not place all the blame on the agent as though a 56 year old has no responsibility for agreeing to these spots. He's a grown ass man.

I'msure the same people somehow lame WWE for Daniel bryan's dumbass "concussion soup" offense that led to his semi-retirement.
I don't even understand the point of having Taker wrestle either. He's looked like shit for a while now. Hell, he even collapsed after his last match with Brock. Why is still doing this shit? What point is there left to prove?

I did too.

Undertaker collapsing was a work. Do you really think he'd wrestle another match if he really did collapse against Brock?

Also the first match he got a concussion early on in the match. That could happen to anybody and a lot of wrestlers regardless of age would struggle after that.
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