Maybe he shoudln't do a flippy indie shit spotfest match like the one with Seth.
Rock didn't need to powerbomb Hogan into the ropes to make a match feel exciting.
Nope. All he needed was fucking Canada.
Maybe he shoudln't do a flippy indie shit spotfest match like the one with Seth.
Rock didn't need to powerbomb Hogan into the ropes to make a match feel exciting.
Cena wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place, he's too strong for that
Huh? Kane didn't even debut until October. And I'm not counting any of the post WM14 stuff. That was the real blowoff of the feud, the stuff after that was a result of kane now being a main-event talent.
oh wait, you mean 1998 right? Yeah, that's not the feud.
I definitely enjoyed the build with Paul Bearer and the vignettes they'd do (prior to Badd Blood). The debut for Kane was really cool and is probably one of the best debuts they've ever done. He had an awesome presence. Did it go on too long? Probably, and I always felt Kane should've gone over at that following Mania.
Why is it the pass out babyface spot with Cena and others looks so stupid yet the Austin pass out at 13 looks so awesome?
13 felt like a story and everyone one just feels like they needed an out to a finish.
Why is it the pass out babyface spot with Cena and others looks so stupid yet the Austin pass out at 13 looks so awesome?
13 felt like a story and everyone one just feels like they needed an out to a finish.
Why is it the pass out babyface spot with Cena and others looks so stupid yet the Austin pass out at 13 looks so awesome?
13 felt like a story and everyone one just feels like they needed an out to a finish.
Why is it the pass out babyface spot with Cena and others looks so stupid yet the Austin pass out at 13 looks so awesome?
13 felt like a story and everyone one just feels like they needed an out to a finish.
Why is it the pass out babyface spot with Cena and others looks so stupid yet the Austin pass out at 13 looks so awesome?
13 felt like a story and everyone one just feels like they needed an out to a finish.
Laugh if you like, but bigorexia is real. The day you start lifting is the day you're forever small. We deal with it a lot in FitGAF.
¡HarlequinPanic!;179813749 said:13 worked because it was the climax of a fued that was really unlike anything seen on WWF programming in a long while. A true blood fued between two people that completely hated each other (in kayfabe). Bret returns after being called out for months and steals a win from stone cold in a rollup, they engage in a game of cat and mouse that lasts for months, sees bret pick up and drop the title, and ultimate him snapping at the people t hat he used to depend on.
The match itself shows the two of them in complete desperation, the spot where austin tries to strangle bret with an electrical cord until bret manages to get his hands on a bell to clock austin says it all really. The sharpshooter spot and the passout is like a point of no return for Bret where he refuses to break it as he finally gets revenge on the guy who had gotten under his skin more than anyone else in the company.
Cena fueds sadly don't have that kind of long term writing to it, its not his fault. Things in WWE typically move too fast to sink in like that, and if they don't they just repeat the same segments over and over with neither character really growing. In another world Cena-Orton colliding again would be momentous, right now its bunk.
It did go on too long. Paul Bearer started saying shit about UT's big secret or whatever shortly after WM 13. Then Kane debuted in October. Then Kane just randomly came out and slaughtered fools, which did nothing for anyone. Of course he can do that, he's the UT's brother so he has powers or whatever.
Cool actual debut and a cool look, but I was tired of Kane well before their WM14 match. Kanearooni is his finest moment.
Folks, opinion time
Braun Strongmann...
Future of World Wrestling Entertainment? Sexual? Best thing ever? He will get fed anyway, so how could I care?
WM14 would've worked better if it was Bret v. Austin for the Title.
I enjoyed the slow burn - taker refusing to fight his brother, the fake reconcilliation, the betrayal at the rumble...
WM14 would've worked better if it was Bret v. Austin for the Title.
Folks, opinion time
Braun Strongmann...
Future of World Wrestling Entertainment? Sexual? Best thing ever? He will get fed anyway, so how could I care?
He's dope. Awesome look. Bright future.
I'm just shocked as to why it worked fine with Brock and yet look at this one with Sheamus and a rising Rusev.
Why not just have Rusev tap him out there? Instead you feel like you've been ripped off and its a cheap attempt at trying to get a heel over.
We need more enhancement talent in WWE. I have no idea why Bo Dallas, Jack Swagger, and R-Truth aren't jobbing every night to make others look good.
I mean if Goldberg just wrestled Nash everynight he wouldn't have gotten over.
You need Jerry Flynn's and Hugh Morris's out there to make guys look strong while a feud is being booked.
He's dope. Awesome look. Bright future.
He looks like Snitsky.
They should've had him come in as Snitsky's son.
Folks, opinion time
Braun Strongmann...
Future of World Wrestling Entertainment? Sexual? Best thing ever? He will get fed anyway, so how could I care?
Strowman has a fantastic look but he doesn't look like he can move well, so I don't see much for him long term once cena or reigns pins him and breaks his mystique.
I prefer my monsters in the kane/taker/umaga/bigelow/vader etc vein.
WWE still in Monday Night Wars mode where matches that would be served well on PPV are free on TV...
I think he just wanted to have them lol, I mean does it really matter?So he will be fed to Cena or Reigns soon?
Also what's the deal with the nipple piercings?
How is this the first time I'm seeing this official typo
This is hilarious
I think he just wanted to have them lol, I mean does it really matter?
I also think he looks fine.
I actually think someone did make one on gaming side but it got buried.Is there an OT for UpUpDownDown? These uploads by Xavier Woods are amazing.
Xavier Woods , Seth Rollins, and Mark Henry breaking character playing Turtles in Time. How awesome is that?
Laugh if you like, but bigorexia is real. The day you start lifting is the day you're forever small. We deal with it a lot in FitGAF.
I think he just wanted to have them lol, I mean does it really matter?
I also think he looks fine.
All things considered, this isn't even that bad.
I actually think someone did make one on gaming side but it got buried.
I actually think someone did make one on gaming side but it got buried.
LOL, they look like pogs
Wow, that was fun. thanks for sharing. I subbed.