quick mexican crunchy food wrapping![]()
Sephy ruining spoiler tags, one post at a time
Robocop sucks
oh. that explains why brisk tacos sucked.
I guess OMERTA on it? But that shit's been obvious to me since day one when he wouldn't stop bothering me, and it's been even more blatant since then
Got through the MGSV prologue yesterday, its terribly slow pace ensures I'll never do New Game again. So I need to make this playthrough count. I only rolled my eyes twice in the first hour!
Prologue spoiler:
I rolled my eyes at the fucking stupid whale. I hate fucking goddamn Metal Gear when it's being so fucking stupid
then you'll love this game because as soon as this prologue is over it's the least stupidthat MGS has ever beenand most boring
Omerta's Omerta. I think Stro was Bronx-Man if he even came back. However he was IP banned so unless he moved (not likely) I think you're jumping at shadows. Like Seth Rollins is with Sting.
then you'll love this game because as soon as this prologue is over it's the least stupidthat MGS has ever beenand most boring
gameplay is really, really good. just repetitive.
Does Kiefer still suck as Snake?
Sting looked good last night.
Omerta's Omerta. I think Stro was Bronx-Man if he even came back. However he was IP banned so unless he moved (not likely) I think you're jumping at shadows. Like Seth Rollins is with Sting.
Unlike the president I don't just kowtow to whatever special interest groups yells at me the loudestI'm only upset the OT name isnt "It's a new month, yes it is!"
Nah fam
And here's an MGS spoiler, Mad Max is cooler
Unlike the president I don't just kowtow to whatever special interest groups yells at me the loudest
It's a licensed game. I have zero expectations.
I think last night might have been the best he's looked since debuting in WWE save for maybe his initial intro, no goofy overcoat, hairgame on point... yeah he was missing the bat though.He does! It's KILLING me he doesn't carry the bat though. The bat would be everything to me.
And here's an MGS spoiler, Mad Max is cooler
Sting should really only be wearing the black trenchcoat and should always have the bat.
LOL, what a terrible cover for a great game
I apologize for Bronson's recent implication that black people aren't special. That is unacceptable behaviour from one of our most prolific Twitter ambassadors
oh Mad Max is published by WB.
into the trash it goes
One's published by WB, one's published by Konami. Konami has made WB seem like the lesser of two evils, somehow
Neither are evil, if they publish games you want to play, buy them![]()
Does Kiefer still suck as Snake?
What? You didn't like how they capitalised on Sasha's popularity and rewarded her amazing Takeover performance by having her job to Paige in a match she would have lost in under 1:40 minutes if it wasn't for interference from 2 jobbers?
Neither are evil, if they publish games you want to play, buy them![]()
that's my new year resolution actually, to stop caring about who publishes what and just buy whatever I want to play
I still have a hard time with WB and Ubi though
There must be a new day gif for me to convey my disappointment with my ISP.
Nikki shouldn't be giving the belt to Charlotte, she should be giving it to THE BOSS
I'm honestly starting to get in the same boat as this, I'm getting tired of getting swept up in the whole "this publisher does this/that" shit. I want to try to start ignoring that bullshit (unless it literally starts affecting the games). Destructoid's community used to have the old STFUAJPG saying (shut the fuck up and just play games), I want to get back to that
Does Kiefer still suck as Snake?
I agree with SOME of it, like Kickstarter is garbage, and pre-ordering is real stupid... but if I want to play NHL 16 i'll buy NHL 16 damnit
plus I have a super judgmental group of friends, that doesn't help
I'm honestly starting to get in the same boat as this, I'm getting tired of getting swept up in the whole "this publisher does this/that" shit. I want to try to start ignoring that bullshit (unless it literally starts affecting the games). Destructoid's community used to have the old STFUAJPG saying (shut the fuck up and just play games), I want to get back to that