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sEx machina: Call to ban sex-bots

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No, you said "We've had vibrators and fleshlights for a long time now and things seem better than they ever have been between the sexes (in western culture)."

I quoted and bolded the sentence, you clearly made a statement that you're now saying never happened.

So I'm sorry, but perhaps you need to re-read what you actually wrote. I have made nothing up, it's clearly written.

Which was in reply to a post by another user comparing sex with robots to meth addiction. You see what you've done is jumped into a conversation and started injecting not just your personal theories, but some warped interpretation of the meaning of my post.

But hey by all means friend, twist away.

Edit: Just to further point it out to you, because my previous post was obviously a smashing success, I never said I didn't post about vibrators and fleshlights (fucking lawl), I never said it was the basis for equal rights (holy crap really?!?!?)...
You have no idea how funny that was for me just now to type that. Seriously.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I can see sex with a robot not being as fulfilling as you'd think. It'd be barely above masturbation.

SO MUCH of the thrill of real sex is the psychology that you're doing this erotic thing with another person. If you know it's just a machine... that's as erotic as doing it with your hand.


Which was in reply to a post by another user comparing sex with robots to meth addiction. You see what you've done is jumped into a converstation and started injecting not just your personal theories, but some warped interpretation of the meaning of my post.

But hey by all means friend, twist away.

That "other user" was also me. And the meth addiction wasn't the comparison, it was the response to the problem that was meant to be compared, as I clearly re-stated for clarity purposes. But even your stated response that indicated that sex was somehow harmless needed a correction.

And please, tell me how I twisted that sentence that states without any noted sarcasm that sexual aids directly correlated to an improvement in relations between the sexes.

Please, read what you typed again and tell me what exactly I missed in what you typed, since you appear to be injecting meaning that isn't present in what you wrote. But please feel free to stay, I'll leave now, I have to go to bed.
I can see sex with a robot not being as fulfilling as you'd think. It'd be barely above masturbation.

SO MUCH of the thrill of real sex is the psychology that you're doing this erotic thing with another person. If you know it's just a machine... that's as erotic as doing it with your hand.

you underestimate how far technology can go
Android 18
if it gets thats far its over
That "other user" was also me. And the meth addiction wasn't the comparison, it was the response to the problem that was meant to be compared, as I clearly re-stated for clarity purposes.

And please, tell me how I twisted that sentence that states without any noted sarcasm that sexual aids directly correlated to an improvement in relations between the sexes.

Please, read it again and tell me what exactly I missed in what you typed. I'll read it in the morning when I wake up, so please feel free to stay, I'll leave now.

Oh was it?
Was it really?

sex became a meth-addiction when the robots came. And people weren't even sex addicts. They weren't the ones to commodify sex. They weren't even the ones treating actual people like objects. They just wanted to have sex with a robot some day..

Seems like those hypothetical people aren't the problem, but the market that stands to make a fuckload of money on sexbots will be taking money from someone else who also just so happens to be selling another aspect of sex.

Could've fooled me.


Oh was it?
Was it really?

Could've fooled me.

It was him. He was the meth addict sex robot guy. I was just mocking him. Its true.

Its true...

watching thie interviee Dr. Richardson did, she wants robots to be helpers, and she wants them to have real relationships with people, but she wants those relationships to be therapeutic, like autistic children she keeps mentioning. It's almost ironic that she doesn't see the threaputic possibilities of sexrobots. And also telling that she can't imagine a woman wanting to be with a sex robot. I'd like someone to ask her that question with the camera rolling.


It was him. He was the meth addict sex robot guy. I was just mocking him. Its true.

Its true...

Aaaaaaand there we go. My apologies, you did quote another user, who was mocking me, and injected a response aimed at the comparison I had made that seemingly missed the mark in intention. But my response to what you specifically wrote? Again, tell me where I mis-read something in what you actually wrote as you have implied I have. You seem to not want to address that directly and just throw shade instead.
you underestimate how far technology can go
Android 18
if it gets thats far its over

Android 18 was a cyborg.

If you're getting to the point where you're basically building mechanical humans then the whole 'sex robot' idea is pointless, they'd have the same agency as people and hopefully the same rights. And if you take that agency away then you're creating a race of slaves. Even if for some reason that doesn't bother you, it should still undermine the 'intimacy', see every story about a love spell/love potion ever made.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Android 18 was a cyborg.

If you're getting to the point where you're basically building mechanical humans then the whole 'sex robot' idea is pointless, they'd have the same agency as people and hopefully the same rights. And if you take that agency away then you're creating a race of slaves. Even if for some reason that doesn't bother you, it should undermine the 'intimacy'.

You hit the nail on the head.

If they are autonomous, they're not sex robots. If they're not autonomous, the erotic thrill of a sexual encounter is greatly diminished, and it's about as erotic as masturbation (albeit with a much better toy).


Yes. That'd be day 2.



we're not anywhere close to having advanced AI sex robots that need human rights and consent and agency discussions. We have neither the advanced AI, or even the robots that people would want to have sex with. We have none of the things that are being discussed or considered for hypothetical banning.

We have lumps of silicone and latex that quiver and moan based on a prerecorded script. Are we really worried about the humanity or the rights of these things? No. We are not.

once they're androids they probably won't be sold as sex toys and we probably don't need to worry about it.

Ploid 3.0

Aren't sex robots better for women though? It's so easy for a robot for a woman to be made and work well than something for a dude I'd imagine. Dildos are all over the place, some vibration machine, and hand held, and just put all of that in a torso body or something, don't even need legs. The ultimate sex machine for women.

I don't see many sex bot type stuff for men. Flesh light, some weird contraption I saw posted on gaf a while ago that could be programmed to work with a video, and maybe some vagina mold things porn stars sell. Women got it made, why get mad at the dudes?

I always wondered why people would be against a type of sex bot. I remember a particular group of feminists that were against them a while ago. Maybe their reason was the same as this, that it makes people objectify women. I would think if they'd actually rather have sex with a sexbot why would they care about a real woman. Get that tech going to take those dudes out the pool.


Just wanted to chime in: I'm also a robot ethicist, and I'm of the opinion that sex bots are fine.

you're wrong. I'm a robotehntisch, whatever, and soon women will be treated no better than the sexbots their male counterparts abandoned them for. Get ready for feminism to go down the drain and be replaced by robo-rights.
You know, I'm not going to argue that those kinds of devices would have no negative effects on people or society as a whole, but I'm really not up for living in a society that would start using force to prevent people from enjoying those aspects of life because it might lead to harmful ideas.

If it was about the effect it had on the robot or AI, assuming it was sentient and had the ability to suffer, then I'd find that more agreeable, but this kind of reasoning is not something I consider worthy of legislation. Sorry.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Just wanted to chime in: I'm also a robot ethicist, and I'm of the opinion that sex bots are fine.

They let robots be ethicists?

That is NOT fine with me. BE GONE FOWL ROBOT.

Ploid 3.0

Is your significant other bored, wants real kids that could be annoying, expensive, and unruly? Get them a robo Kid. Always obedient, kind, and does the chores.

Also try Robo pet v-5.3. Activate bodily function for the fun walks and poop collection game. Real growing synthetic fur!

Future don't fail, I want a robo dog, seriously. Home security mode better be in it.


Guys, please don't mock my profession.

Gaining my doctorate in robot ethics was the proudest moment of my life. I was the first member of my family to go university. My parents and siblings worked two, sometimes three jobs at a time to help pay my tuition fees because they didn't want anything to distract me from my studies. I have two grandparents with no formal education beyond grade three, and the tears in their eyes as I handed them each a copy of my dissertation (I Robot: You Penis) were surpassed only by their convulsions of joy when I presented them with hard-backed copies of my first published book, Robot For Her Pleasure (also available on Kindle).

Dr. Richardson and I may be on opposing sides of this debate, but it is a debate few other eminent philosophers dare to engage in. I imagine her educational experience was not dissimilar to my own, and I'd appreciate it if posters could respect that her position is grounded in an extensive knowledge of robot ethics that required years of studious graft, even if they don't share her philosophy.


Guys, please don't mock my profession.

Gaining my doctorate in robot ethics was the proudest moment of my life. I was the first member of my family to go university. My parents and siblings worked two, sometimes three jobs at a time to help pay my tuition fees because they didn't want anything to distract me from my studies. I have two grandparents with no formal education beyond grade three, and the tears in their eyes as I handed them each a copy of my dissertation (I Robot: You Penis) were surpassed only by their convulsions of joy when I presented them with hard-backed copies of my first published book, Robot For Her Pleasure (also available on Kindle).

Dr. Richardson and I may be on opposing sides of this debate, but it is a debate few other eminent philosophers dare to engage in. I imagine her educational experience was not dissimilar to my own, and I'd appreciate it if posters could respect that her position is grounded in an extensive knowledge of robot ethics that required years of studious graft, even if they don't share her philosophy.

lmao, you're actually serious :p

no wait. are you actually serious?
I thought you were making a joke about being a robot and an ethicist.

it seems the good doctor is decidedly non-sex based robot interaction, and you're not. that's understandable to a small degree, but she takes things pretty far. To the point that I'm glad she's not actually in charge of anything, considering her non robot ethics based opinions.
you're wrong. I'm a robotehntisch, whatever, and soon women will be treated no better than the sexbots their male counterparts abandoned them for. Get ready for feminism to go down the drain and be replaced by robo-rights.

Excuse me but I'm a Robot Ethics Meta-Analyst and I don't think any of you are certified professionals.

I would advise you to take a class in Robo-Gender Studies or Robology before talking about a subject you clearly know nothing about.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Aren't these guys who are into robots about as far removed from sexual desire with actual human females? Serious question: Are they reducing females to the idea of a warm hole... OR... do they really just want a warm hole? If someone makes an entry wound into the crotch or ass (depending on preference) area of their anime body pillow and stuffs a flesh light or dildo into said entry wound and calls him or her their sexy lady-bot or dapper man-bot then they've probably made a long-term commitment to leave the human relationship business because whatever's being exploited here has nothing to do with perceived gender-roles in inter-human sexual interactions.

Look, I'm just saying that we shouldn't do things to anger the psychopaths :(

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Once the robots become at least about as intelligent and genuinely affectionate to their owners, like say cats and dogs pets are, IMO it is going to be really weird thinking about treating them as any lesser creatures than those pets.
Once the robots become at least about as intelligent and genuinely affectionate to their owners, like say cats and dogs pets are, IMO it is going to be really weird thinking about treating them as any lesser creatures than those pets.

So basically people are just gonna have pet sexbots with huge dicks/boobs floppin' around?


Ah yes, the good 'ol argument about how sex is evil. We might be living in the XXIth century and have realistic androids, but the Victorian puritan mentality about sex as a gateway to other icky scary things is as alive as it ever was. It was idiotic back then, and it is still idiotic nowadays.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So basically people are just gonna have pet sexbots with huge dicks/boobs floppin' around?
I mean generally, speaking about robot rights. We have developed a complex set of rights, rules and culture around the pets. Mistreating them is against the law, and people are generally disgusted by the thought of mistreating them because of their affection to their owner and the assigned role in society. If the robots ever reach that kind of pets status and that level of intelligence and self awareness, people would most likely be weirded out at the thought of mistreating them just the same.


Ah yes, the good 'ol argument about how sex is evil. We might be living in the XXIth century and have realistic androids, but the Victorian puritan mentality about sex as a gateway to other icky scary things is as alive as it ever was. It was idiotic back then, and it is still idiotic nowadays.

she's worried that it will harm human relationships....further..than they already have been by modern whatevers. But its not like dildos have brought about the apocalypse. It's not like people do these things in public, or share them. Porn is ubiquitous, but you don't have people just walking up to other people and jerking off in front of them.

Now that's a visual.

i'm sure it's like somebody's japanese anime.
What someone does in their own personal sexual time has nothing to do with anyone else. What is with this "nanny" attitude?

Such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable, said campaign leader Dr Kathleen Richardson.

It's hilarious how someone thinks they can speak on the behalf of people for what they should be doing in their sexual activities.

Sex toys in general from simple dildos (objects) to sex machines where you attach dildos to, all the way to fleshlights should be banned too if you're going to argue about objects. These machines will already have these attached, this is what people will be fucking, you're just now attaching it to a physical body. Nothing really is changing. Last I checked I haven't heard of sex toys from machine dildos to blow up dolls really having a bad effect. If the wide range of existing sex toys aren't harming human relationships I don't see how this will. Do you really think most people will prefer having a robot sexual relationship over a human? Is it really that bad to have a sexual encounter and not always have it have some sort of profound meaning? If you want to fuck and the other person is willing, just do it. A lot of people have relationships just for fucking but remain single. Isn't this the same as having a robot then? Is this really that bad? How is it any different then?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'm far more interested in a full immersion VR sex program than I'd ever be in some kind of weird sex robot(especially the early ones are going to be weird for a long time most likely).

It does sound like a waste of robotics.

But... any "full-immersion" VR sex is going to involve robots

I can see sex with a robot not being as fulfilling as you'd think. It'd be barely above masturbation.

SO MUCH of the thrill of real sex is the psychology that you're doing this erotic thing with another person. If you know it's just a machine... that's as erotic as doing it with your hand.

VR introduces a pretty potent "This is real." factor, at least in the moment. The best VR sex will involve robots, and the best robot sex will involve VR. Unless we're talking next century or something.
I mean generally, speaking about robot rights. We have developed a complex set of rights, rules and culture around the pets. Mistreating them is against the law, and people are generally disgusted by the thought of mistreating them because of their affection to their owner and the assigned role in society.

Do you have to get your sex robot 'fixed'?

Seriously though yeah as soon as it has a certain amount of intelligence it becomes immoral to mistreat it. Does having sex with a robot count as mistreating though? Isn't it kinda anthropomorphizing to think about it that way.

Like, a robot wouldn't have the same response to sex as a human would. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, it's late here.

Lego Boss

To be honest as someone who works at University (and lives near to De Montfort Uni), I think that Dr Richardson is doing this more for 'impact' (i.e. self/institutional promotion) than actually believing what she says.

She's not stupid, she knows that the sci-fi gender theme is going to excite everybody and she's tapped into it. Good on her for finding a niche and nice that it fits with the BBC's current 'Are robots going to eat the world?' agenda (although I thought robots had already replaced the presenters on BBC News 24).
The various analogis for robots don't really work because we are building robots for a specific purpose. There is like no reason to build robots with self awareness, a service robot would just be quite efficient at faking emotions.

And even if robots with self awareness are possible we can determine all kinds of parameters.
Every sperm is sacred.

Most people have a simple view of robots in that they equate the "inner life" of a robot with it's physical appearance. So in that sense a human looking robot could be in a position where it is loved but not be able to understand any abstract concept more than your washing machine. The creation of such objects will create emotional responses in people who see them depending more on their visual characteristics than their complexity or behaviour.

Personally I think that robots as elaborate as this will be expensive and hard to maintain, replace and dispose of. The idea that men will go to the supermarket with a walking sex toy is far fetched.

At any rate I think women will see more appeal in a sex toy with a realistic partner you can develop an emotional attachment to with a perfectly sized dick that never goes soft.
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