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sEx machina: Call to ban sex-bots

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
At any rate I think women will see more appeal in a sex toy with a realistic partner you can develop an emotional attachment to with a perfectly sized dick that never goes soft.

Exactly. Women already have way more complicated and high tech sex toys than men, and use them in much greater numbers.
I think the solution to this discussion is to see sex robots first. Then we talk.
We shouldn't be talking about something that does not exist yet. (But I would want one)


I have to start my post with a disclaimer: while I find the topic of ethics surrounding sex, prostitution and sex as a commodity (this is the part that would include robots) incredibly interesting I am not really comfortable discussing it and arguing about what is "right". Simply because it is a topic where I have changed my views many times and also very recently. However there are some details here I would like to comment on without getting into the bigger discussion of how sex robots will affect society and if we should let that happen.

That's like saying a veggie burger promotes meat eating.

Sex robots is essentially giving the insane meth addict an option for a lifetime supply instead of giving them the truly obvious help they need.

I find these two analogies equally good and valid for the discussion, both also contribute to illustrate why this is a topic I'm not comfortable with discussing in detail.

It's amazing how the male sexuality is always conflated with discarding all non-physical values of a women. It's also amazing how sex-bots are seen as an only male venture.

Only men would use sex bots? Sex bots would be exlusively female bots?
How can you be a doctor and be this stupid.

I think that could be connected with the idea of both male and female prostitutes mostly service men. There are probably actual numbers to be found, but I'm not going to spend time on finding it, and rather go with anecdotal evidence that out from what I have knowledge of illegal and regulated prostitution, escorts, sex call centers, human trafficking, health care services for users of prostitution that I have seen in real life (without seeking it out) and been presented with in the media supports this view. I'm not trying to say that there are no women who buy sex, but rather that they really seem to be a minority. I think many users on this forum will have the same impression.

I also have another anecdotal point that might not fit but I have been waiting for a long time for the possibility to bring it up: the vice documentary on virtual sex toys also seemed to be focused on male pleasure. One scene that really stood out to me was when they were trying a fleshlight that acted out movements done to a dildo. They showed the fleshlight in use on the mans penis, while the woman was using her hands on the dildo. Why didn't they let her use it in her vagina? Why should she only be a provider of pleasure instead of a participant? I don't know their rationale but it still sent out a strong message of female sexuality either not being a priority or that female masturbation is too taboo to show or both. Either way I find that to be really screwed up and discriminatory.


I would argue that such views comes from the fact that (as far as I know) there are no female oriented equivalent of that particular product and even if there are I think their demand is overshadowed by the demand for dildos and vibrators. Those who find guys buying fleshligth to be pervs however are beyond a doubt hypocritical if they are supportive of the female oriented equivalent that are found in dildos and vibrators.

Dr. Richardson just need some good robot loving.

That is incredibly disrespectful, misogynistic and offensive thing to say. It is not even funny as a joke.


she's worried that it will harm human relationships....further..than they already have been by modern whatevers. But its not like dildos have brought about the apocalypse. It's not like people do these things in public, or share them. Porn is ubiquitous, but you don't have people just walking up to other people and jerking off in front of them.

Yup, that's precisely my point. People have been warning against the evils of "banalizing sex" (aka, making sex easier to obtain) for ages, claiming that it would ushed a new era of promiscuity and destroy the fabric of the human society, and I have yet to see that happening.

The argument about how these type of scenarios (easier access of sex for men) would lead to more sexism are also utterly stupid. Uncoincidentally, the societies were sex is easiest to obtain are of course the ones with less sexism present (western ones). People concerned with the evils of sex as a kind of "gateway drug" into rape and societal ills ought to stop projecting their anxieties and pathologies.


Its plenty funny.
Try not to be offended by every little joke on the internet.

There are at least two jokes I will always shoot down with everything I got:

"opinionated person just need to get dick"
"they asked for it"

Because they are used actively to trying to dismiss a persons or place the responsibility on the victim, and the fact that they are used mostly against women.

Replacing "needing dick/needs to get laid" with "robot loving" does not suddenly make it mean anything else and the context of the most common use of the type of sentence is not funny to begin with. So I find it impossible to find fun.

Also, because of the prevalent use you never know when it is a joke.


aren't women more likely to use electronic devices currently to augment their sexual activities? So wouldn't 'sex robots' be also quite likely used by women as much as men, if not more so?

isn't a vibrator technically a robot already? Especially those more complicated ones that spin and thrust and do the hokey cokey


It's 2015, I don't want to grind my sin parts with another human being like some savage. Cut the fucking useless NASA budget and put it into this. What's in Mars? A bunch of dumb rocks. Let's put billions behind this tech so we can all get our rocks off with some dignity.
There are at least two jokes I will always shoot down with everything I got:

"opinionated person just need to get dick"
"they asked for it"

Because they are used actively to trying to dismiss a persons or place the responsibility on the victim, and the fact that they are used mostly against women.

Replacing "needing dick/needs to get laid" with "robot loving" does not suddenly make it mean anything else and the context of the most common use of the type of sentence is not funny to begin with. So I find it impossible to find fun.

Also, because of the prevalent use you never know when it is a joke.
Its a thread about robot sex. Author isn't fond of the idea of robot sex but may like it if she were to try it.

Dr. Richardson could be a man and it would literally apply the same way.

The joke is that robot sex might be more interesting and pleasurable to the average person including the author (not just the anti social men) than originally thought.

Its not a "bitch needs to shut up and take a robot dick" joke.

Its a "don't knock it til you try it" joke.

Your moral outrage (and there's a shit ton of that on this forum already over everything) is misplaced. But yeah, have at it.


Men may pay for sex, but women pay to masturbate. I wonder how the numbers shake out when we look at money spent on prostitution, pornography, and sex toys divided along gender lines.

As for sex robots, when the tech is sufficiently advanced, they'll be marketed as artificial humans, not sophisticated Real Dolls. At that point they'll be like walking PCs; as much cooks and carers as masturbation aids.


It's already depressing when I finish and there's loads of tabs on my browser filled with naked women doing disgusting things for money. Imagine having an orgasm and having to put your sex robot inside a box. You have to fold it (her?) and deal with the feeling of uncanny valley. It's a nightmare.



Here, in an era where the only humanoid being or thing that 99% of the population has had sex with is a person, consent is already poorly understood.

Then there's the Hansen & Hansen study of 1988, under the absurd title "How rock music videos can change what is seen when boy meets girl", that shows how media influences opinions on sexual consent and sexual aggression, to name a single one of many...

I'm curious regarding what you would consider to be the rationale in whatever answer you provide.

this is dishonest, agenda-driven cherry picking. you ignored the other two studies in the article to support this already stretched-thin idea that robots will have any effect on human consent behavior in sex.
ne study, Jozkowski, Peterson, and their colleagues found that both male and female subjects similarly defined consent as “two people being willing to and agreeing to have sex with one another.” However, when it came to actually communicating this consent, women preferred to use explicit verbal communication, while men relied more on nonverbal cues.
The same was true for perceiving a partner’s willingness for sex. Men again relied on their partner’s nonverbal communication, while women placed greater weight on their partner’s verbal statements, which tend to be far less ambiguous and, consequently, harder to misinterpret.

... for example.

I dig the reference to the Devil's Music, though. we all know how dangerously sexual it is. so deliciously, decadently dangerous.

you can't just quickly google something, drop a link and then stand proud and condescending on your moral high horse here dude, you should know that by now.
Psh, don't try to ruin my fun before it has been fully invented yet.

This person would probably ban fleshlights if they could. Well you'll have to peel it from my cold dead penis first!!!


Men may pay for sex, but women pay to masturbate. I wonder how the numbers shake out when we look at money spent on prostitution, pornography, and sex toys divided along gender lines.

As for sex robots, when the tech is sufficiently advanced, they'll be marketed as artificial humans, not sophisticated Real Dolls. At that point they'll be like walking PCs; as much cooks and carers as masturbation aids.

I'd say most men pay to masturbate too. Remember the porn industry. It's not mainly for the articles.


It's already depressing when I finish and there's loads of tabs on my browser filled with naked women doing disgusting things for money. Imagine having an orgasm and having to put your sex robot inside a box. You have to fold it (her?) and deal with the feeling of uncanny valley. It's a nightmare.

What are you even watching that is so disgusting?


Its a thread about robot sex. Author isn't fond of the idea of robot sex but may like it if she were to try it.

Dr. Richardson could be a man and it would literally apply the same way.

The joke is that robot sex might be more interesting and pleasurable to the average person including the author (not just the anti social men) than originally thought.

Its not a "bitch needs to shut up and take a robot dick" joke.

Its a "don't knock it til you try it" joke.

Your moral outrage (and there's a shit ton of that on this forum already over everything) is misplaced. But yeah, have at it.

Was that your take home message from that joke? I assumed no gender of the doctor with that joke; it's more like a "try it before you come to conclusions" joke for me.

You both bring up gender but I would have reacted the same regardless of gender which I hoped my wording would imply. But I must admit I would not have replaced misogynistic with misandristic.

Regarding it being a "try it before you decide" joke I have no experience with this being used that way before. It is a new perspective that I am thankful that you pointed out, but I still have a problem with the joke and I am sure if one wants to make that point it is possible to do it with words that doesn't have that kind of real life baggage connected to them.

Now, I'll leave people to discuss sex robot ethics if we can agree to disagree.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
If the Automota movie taught me 1 thing, is that we need sex robots yesterday

If Antonio Banderas can get swooned, there's no help for the rest of humankind

PS go WATCH AUTOMATA!, on Netflix, good movie

Also going to kink.com ladies have it are with the contraptions to get them off
Amazingly there's a Kink documentary on Netflix too, good watch also!


This is why the movie Ex Machina fell so flat for me at the end. I didn't really give a shit about the sex bots - (pssst... they're not actually human) and thought the guy developing them was pretty fucking awesome for doing so, despite being a monumental dickhead in other ways.

Nothing wrong with sexbots. Only way many of us will ever get laid. They just need to hurry the fuck up and get out of the future and into the present.


This is why the movie Ex Machina fell so flat for me at the end. I didn't really give a shit about the sex bots - (pssst... they're not actually human) and thought the guy developing them was pretty fucking awesome for doing so, despite being a monumental dickhead in other ways.

Nothing wrong with sexbots. Only way many of us will ever get laid. They just need to hurry the fuck up and get out of the future and into the present.

The part you're supposed to take from ExMachina is that they're genuine AI with effectively human level cognition.

"Sex robots" being discussed here aren't going to be any kinda of genuine intelligence.

Anyway, the position paper itself is on the campaign website, and to be blunt is the most academically wretched thing I've seen in some time. It's terrible, poorly argued with random, unsupported assertions and entirely subjective value judgements, as well as being amazingly hetronormative and with a complete lack of self awareness of that fact.

The campaign deserves nothing more than laughing at.
Sex bots are cool and all, but I'm waiting until you can get one that can also control my AV set up, and has a mini-fridge built in.


Yes stop this shit!
We should only make robots for wars!

I am so confused as to why our society is so up in arms against sex but accepts violence so easily.
Yeah, I don't get that argument. Don't women generally use more sex toys than men? I don't see why this would be only female robots.

Maybe she fears all male robots will be programmed to have a Fargonian accent.
"Ohh now, that just feels aces don' ya know"

Nobody wants this.
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