Poet Centuriate
Oh man you like to clench your butt too? I'm so glad I'm not alone.
SF BayGaf |OT| Nothing but butt clenchers
Oh man you like to clench your butt too? I'm so glad I'm not alone.
Bay area amigos, I have spent all day looking for apartments all over the area. I am moving there next month to work in the north beach area.
Cant find anything that's not close to 1600 plus. Is there a secret to finding the good deals without having to share with others? Ive tried everything suggested in this thread such as looking in Daly City and other spots with no luck. Any tips?
Head further South on Mission and some of the side streets aren't metered South of Cesar Chavez. You can probably find something East of Mission out towards the streets with state names, too. Keep in mind that the limit on parking in one location in SF City limits is 72 hours anywhere regardless of signage, and most places have street cleaning, so check the signs when you park.Does anyone know a decent place I'd be able to find parking that my girlfriend won't have to move every few hours?
Pay more money? Pretty much the only option outside of way out there.
My landlord has a few studios listed currently: www.wcpm.com
finally coming out there may 30th through that weekend for interviews in Menlo Park... staying the weekend because its a long damn flight from the east coast, so if anyone is around (if the giants are in town), I'd be up to meet future local gaffers.
I'd be down for something in the south bay (assuming you'll also be staying in Menlo Park, that's kinda south-ish right?).
As for the giants, you're probably out of luck. Not sure when you're getting out here but there is a 7pm game on May 29th & 1pm home game on May 30th (both home games against the A's) and they aren't back in town until June 4th.
oh! i land at 1130am on the 30th, i could go for an afternoon game.
I know very little of anything down in that area. Staying in either menlo park, palo alto or redwood city. Haven't gotten that confirmation yet. I have NO idea whats down there.
oh! i land at 1130am on the 30th, i could go for an afternoon game.
I know very little of anything down in that area. Staying in either menlo park, palo alto or redwood city. Haven't gotten that confirmation yet. I have NO idea whats down there.
I'm no longer on the Peninsula (which is where Redwood City, Menlo Park, and Palo Alto are located), but I would recommend Redwood City or Palo Alto if you don't have a car. Like FelixOrion said, Caltrain is your best bet. It gets you right to the Giants' stadium.
Also, if you end up in Redwood City for the weekend you HAVE to go to Gourmet Haus Staudt. It's the friendliest bar (beer garden) you'll find and if you get no takers from Gaf for meeting up, it will be a great place to at the very least get a beer, and most likely meet some cool people.
EDIT: Good luck on the interviews! I'm guessing a tech job? And if so there's definitely an EASY guess for which one in Menlo Park.
Anyone else going to that comic convention in San Jose this weekend?
Anyone else going to that comic convention in San Jose this weekend?
Yeah :/boo... bad day for bay area sports. A's, Giants, Warriors, and Sharks all lost. =(
Anyone else going to that comic convention in San Jose this weekend?
I was just in San Jose last weekend for the Rave Run. I don't really want to go again...
Awesome. Did this with Taiyaki on Friday with my cousin. When'd you run, Friday or Saturday?
I went on Saturday. It was really crowded though and it didn't feel like 5K. I had to do a lot of zig zagging through the crowd since I actually wanted to run the whole way.
Gotcha. Taiyaki & I were supposed to run Saturday but my cousin registered too late and was stuck with Friday. So we both decided to run with her on Friday. It was still crazy-packed but we mostly ended up jogging/walking due to how unsteady the ground could be.
Yeah, I as running on the dirt a lot of times since the people walking would block the entire road.
Exactly what we experienced but man, the last mile? All of us were like 'WTF?! with how they were directing us... Eventually it made sense lol.
Let me guess, you stopped at that area after the fences where everyone else just stopped running too lol
More like, came out of the parking lot but they forgot to direct us left to go around the trees and were directing us straight before realizing they had to make us complete the rest of the course since we were still running.
Haha. Yeah. Everyone on Saturday stopped at the parking lot. The workers didn't seem to want to tell people that the course wasn't over yet.
I'm a member of LA-gaf, but I've visited the bay a number of times. My last visit took me to Palo Alto (Stanford), San Francisco, and Oakland. I'll be returning next month for my best friend's graduation. It's nice to get out of the sprawling suburbia of LA on occasion and be somewhere that feels like a proper city.
What's the best place to go drinking in the area (preferably close to Palo Alto)? I don't trust my friend to know![]()
I'm a member of LA-gaf, but I've visited the bay a number of times. My last visit took me to Palo Alto (Stanford), San Francisco, and Oakland. I'll be returning next month for my best friend's graduation. It's nice to get out of the sprawling suburbia of LA on occasion and be somewhere that feels like a proper city.
What's the best place to go drinking in the area (preferably close to Palo Alto)? I don't trust my friend to know![]()
My fiance works in Palo Alto and whenever we go out with the rest of the office and their better halves, we normally hit up the Patio in Palo Alto.
Nice to see others are going to Fanime. I really want to hit up the comic convention this weekend but I need to finish my cosplay for Fanime. If you see an Elizabeth from Persona 3 or an Alicia with armor from Valkyria Chronicles, chances are it's me and feel free to say hi.
Cool. I will mostly be wearing Hawkguy t-shirts for kicks. So look out for the following:
Jealous of your shirts bro! I need some hawkguy fashion in my life.
This reminds me... I need purple chucks before fanime... I am lacking.
Also, thanks.![]()
Elizabeth awesome :OMy fiance works in Palo Alto and whenever we go out with the rest of the office and their better halves, we normally hit up the Patio in Palo Alto.
Nice to see others are going to Fanime. I really want to hit up the comic convention this weekend but I need to finish my cosplay for Fanime. If you see an Elizabeth from Persona 3 or an Alicia with armor from Valkyria Chronicles, chances are it's me and feel free to say hi.
If you can't find purple chucks in your size or the right shade of purple, buy liquitex paint at Michaels or something and paint a pair of white chucks. The paint is flexible so it won't flake off and it's water proof.
Thanks for the tip but I think I have an idea...
Electric Purple.
Elizabeth awesome :O
I hope I'll be able to make it this weekend. Working in the morning both days.
In downtown Palo Alto, Rose & Crown. It's a tiny pub, nothing fancy, but awesome selection of beer: http://www.roseandcrownpa.com
There's a few more tiny pubs like that called Oasis, Dutch Goose, and Alpine Inn. If you're looking for something a little nicer than a pub, then maybe:
- Refuge in San Carlos/Redwood City
- Gourmet Hause Staudt in Redwood City
- Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View
Honarable mention to my friend's family restaraunt: Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City. It's a bit unassuming and attracts a lot of old people because of the cafeteria style food, haha, but the beer menu there is pretty nuts.
My fiance works in Palo Alto and whenever we go out with the rest of the office and their better halves, we normally hit up the Patio in Palo Alto.