Plenty of hispanic/latino people, just depends on the area.Thanks for the info. How is the hispanic population? I will have to check out Dublin.
Plenty of hispanic/latino people, just depends on the area.Thanks for the info. How is the hispanic population? I will have to check out Dublin.
Just a quick heads up. If you're in the City and looking for some cheap comics, Whatever Inc out in the Castro is having a half off everything in the store sale, this weekend only!
I live in San Jose, and most of the people I see are Asian (Viet, Chinese) or Hispanic.Thanks for the info. How is the hispanic population? I will have to check out Dublin.
So one person says they never get allergies and one has to take Zyrtec every day. This is confusing for me. My allergies in Dallas have gotten really bad the last couple of years and speaking to others around here it's been bad for alot of people. One thing I was looking forward to was less of that if I move out there.
I don't mind a little shaking now and then. How are allergies out there?
There are also some really generic towns out on the 680 and around San Jose... Dublin, Pleasanton, Fremont, Milpitas, etc. Ugh, they're cheaper, but also lack any sort of character. Totally soulless. I couldn't live there.
To BoboBrazil, do it. The Bay Area is the best (aside from Hawaii).
My impressions:
1. Culturally, the Bay is one of the most liberal metros in the world. If you're into that, then welcome home!
2. Weather can't be beat. Rarely gets too hot or too cold, never snows, no bullshit winters.
3. Variety of scenery/locales within driving distance is also unparalleled. In a single (long) day, driving from the Eastern Sierra to Santa Cruz via Yosemite, you can see all of the following: desert, mountains, plains, redwood forests, beaches, cities.
4. Tech/nerd culture. In the Bay, nerds are cool.
5. Independent businesses are way more prevalent here than in other areas, especially TX. In fact, that's one of the main things I noticed when I visited Austin: chain stores everywhere. Driving on the freeway, new strip malls everywhere. Hated it. In the Bay, there are certainly plenty of chain stores, but way more independents than anywhere I have ever seen.
6. So much to do, so many events:
Spectator sports (Giants, A's, 49ers, Raiders, Warriors, Sharks, Stanford, Cal)
Participant sports (probably literally every sport is practiced here, the other day I drove by a park and witnessed a full game of cricket... cricket! In the US!! WTF?)
Concerts, raves, clubs... tons
Museums, parks (Golden Gate Park is epic), beaches, aquariums, boat rides, mountain bike trails, race tracks, you name it we probably have it.
There are still plenty of places in the Bay to avoid too. Totally depends on what you are looking for. My wife is from East Oakland... I honestly don't mind visiting, but I wouldn't want to live there. East Oakland deserves its reputation.
There are also some really generic towns out on the 680 and around San Jose... Dublin, Pleasanton, Fremont, Milpitas, etc. Ugh, they're cheaper, but also lack any sort of character. Totally soulless. I couldn't live there.
I really like the following areas in the Bay: SF city, Marin (most places), Palo Alto, Berkeley, Oakland Hills, Santa Cruz.
I have allergies probably 3/4th of the year (Winter is seriously the best time of year for me) and I take Allegra usually when needed in Dublin. It's rare that I ever take them every day as a few sneezes here and there aren't bad but spring is easily hell on earth for me.
I'm thankful that I work in San Francisco so that when my allergies are poop in Dublin, they're quite manageable in the city.
In SF, there are limits on the number of "formula retail" locations any chain can have in the city, or at least in most neighborhoods. I think the cap doesn't apply to downtown or Soma. Independent businesses are way more prevalent here than in other areas, especially TX. In fact, that's one of the main things I noticed when I visited Austin: chain stores everywhere. Driving on the freeway, new strip malls everywhere. Hated it. In the Bay, there are certainly plenty of chain stores, but way more independents than anywhere I have ever seen.
Well the fact that I would be living in Pleasanton doesn't make me feel that good lol.
One of the reasons I wanted to move is to get away from allergies. They are really bad in Dallas year round. I'm actually leaning towards not going now.
Well the fact that I would be living in Pleasanton doesn't make me feel that good lol.
One of the reasons I wanted to move is to get away from allergies. They are really bad in Dallas year round. I'm actually leaning towards not going now.
Well the things I'm susceptible to are the typical things: grass, weeds & certain trees but yeah, allergies do suck around that area. Typically, even when I lived in Santa Cruz for college, I got allergies there but cleared up faster due to the sea breeze. Granted, whenever I traveled to San Jose for a bit, they were worse due to the lingering smog (though not as horrid as when in LA).
Gotta pick your battles, but generally I think I usually take meds for probably a month, despite having nearly year-round allergies tbh.
When were you at UCSC? I was there from 94-98 and never left town... just hit my 20 year anniversary.
2000-2004, was a Crownie.
I try making the trek to Santa Cruz at least once a year. Strangely, my favorite time is usually winter as there's something fun about walking through the Boardwalk when it's closed.
I spent a lot of time in the coffee shop as well as on the lawn in between classes there and at Stevenson.Cowell here.
I think that's why I'm kinda fond of it strangely. Though I usually go to Neptune's Kingdom for mini golf actually.Empty Boardwalk is kinda creepy in a Lost Boys sort of way.
Good ramen you say?
You're welcome.
I'd pick Dojo over Santa any day. But then remember the long lines, so neither.
I was going to go on sunday but the bus sold out right before I was able to get a ticketIt's been great that it's been raining so much lately. I miss fresh powder in Tahoe. The past 3 years have been terrible.
still, it was opening weekend and I'm in major withdrawalsIt hasn't been snowing up there yet though. Weather says it's like 50-60F still during the day and when it rains down to 40.
Prob gonna take until Dec/Jan. Hope it rains more.
loving all this rain, according to the weather it's supposed to be all of the next two days. so good
I miss this thing known as's very magical.
Sadly the only magic that rain does in the Bay is "magically" turning everyone into a dangerous ultra-fucking-shitty driver.
The rain probably added an extra hour for my commute to work this morning.
Yeah. Today I went in to work a bit late but on my commute it was pouring badly.
Rain is really great. It's nice and cool too. So glad that overlong and overwarm summer is done.
My Facebook feed is full of these stories right now. A lot of poorly maintained homes in the bay area. Not on any of your pars I mean, most of these people I know are renting.Just saw a flash of lightning and then heard the thunder not more than a second later.
I'm up this late because I was dealing with some rain related leakiness in my apparently poorly maintained place.
My Facebook feed is full of these stories right now. A lot of poorly maintained homes in the bay area. Not on any of your pars I mean, most of these people I know are renting.