Do I need a Shadowrun messenger bag?
I think I need a Shadowrun messenger bag.
Looks like we're getting messenger bags.
Do I need a Shadowrun messenger bag?
I think I need a Shadowrun messenger bag.
At least it will be something I actually use, not like most physical kickstarter rewards which just sit on my shelf.Looks like we're getting messenger bags.
Is Dragonfall really that good?
WTF. It's the 13th and you already finished 2 RPGs? Now, they aren't the longest, but that's still a pretty good pace.
At least it will be something I actually use, not like most physical kickstarter rewards which just sit on my shelf.
I wonder if they have any other stretch goal ideas beyond 300k. I have a feeling they will get there.
Excellent. It's for the best.No, it's a fresh campaign. The FAQ at the bottom of the kickstarter explains why.. basically for balancing and story reasons.
Having said that, I do think it's time they start to add more detailed references to previous titles in the story. Make the world more interconnected somehow.
3/4 of the way to the initial goal now.
Will the Windows copy of the game be on Steam?
Is Dragonfall really that good?
Will the Windows copy of the game be on Steam?
Will there be a DRM-free option?
Yes. DRM-free through GoG and the Humble Store.
Those stretch goals are lame.
I want a more complex game with loot and inventory.
To what end? That's just not Shadowrun.
Shadow run is the setting. The CRPG can be as complex as you like. I like it complex.
Shadow run is the setting. The CRPG can be as complex as you like. I like it complex.
Only backed 30 last time, and after how amazing Dragonfall was, I felt bad I didn't kick in more. 150 out this time.
Though cmon it's for the messenger bag you know it. You guys know how the pledge stuff works with international shipping? I pledge the 150 and shipping'll be a later added cost I guess?
Im not in the USA - How do I figure out my International shipping costs for the physical rewards?
You should be able to get a general estimate at Our estimated weight for the messenger bag is 2-3 lbs, the collectible figures will be 3-4 lbs depending on how many characters are unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign.
Okay, I figured out my International Shipping costs. How do I give you the money???
After the Kickstarter closes, you'll receive a link to a tool that allows you to enter your shipping information and pay the shipping cost.
Do I need a Shadowrun Returns messenger bag to go with my Shadowrun Returns dog tag USB key?
Bet your ass chummer.
Had a feeling this would do very good on it's first day, only thing I'm surprise is the low funding goal, thought it would be around 400K. Anyways here's hoping they pass 300K soon so that they'll add more stretch goals/game content.