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Shadowrun: Hong Kong Kickstarter - $100k; already in dev, mid-2015 release, PC only

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They will run out of stretch goals pretty soon at this pace - hopefully they won't delay the game too far because of too many additions.
Dragonfall was such a pleasant surprise. I actually enjoyed it more than Wasteland which obviously had the superior production values and better combat but I just felt more invested in the setting and story of Shadowrun.

I hope they keep the same framework and iterate on the combat and skill use. Rock on, Harebrained.



I really dig the design of the side-characters with a bit of diversity:


Orcs in Shadowrun are pretty cool.
PC Exclusive (for now)

"Focus = Quality. We have elected to focus all our efforts on PC in order to deliver the best game we can without the current processing and memory limitations of tablets. This focus allows us to have higher-fidelity visuals, larger map sizes, and more stuff on screen."

And with it being PC only this time around, I will gladly support this project :)


It's a shame this game is also PC only; I would love to see this one or the last one on PS4. Always seemed interesting, but a gaming PC just isn't happening for me.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The only stretch goal I care about is the 200k one to get another party member, and that'll probably happen in the next day or two

At the current rate it'll happen today for sure.

It's a shame this game is also PC only; I would love to see this one or the last one on PS4. Always seemed interesting, but a gaming PC just isn't happening for me.

It's 2d backgrounds with rudimentary 3d models for the characters, you definitely don't need a gaming PC for it.
Dragonfall was such a pleasant surprise. I actually enjoyed it more than Wasteland which obviously had the superior production values and better combat but I just felt more invested in the setting and story of Shadowrun.

Same here. When it comes to story and atmosphere, Dragonfall is probably my favorite game of 2014. It's just so immersive and manages to evoke a believable world - the setting, the characters, the narrative arc, etc. - and it does it all without expensive voice-overs, cutscenes and "cinematic" production values. It just shows how much you can actually achieve on that end with just a few static portraits, an atmospheric soundtrack and lots of good writing.



I don't know why but I never played Dragonfall and didn't even know if people considered it a good game. It sounds like people really loved it so now I'm excited to try it out.

Pre-ordered at the $55 tier.


Really impressed that this got funded (and almost doubled) so fast

Still need to go back and play ShadowRun Returns
I really love how honest they are. "Yeah we have the money for the project already, the game will come out but if you want it to be even better and fancier you can give us some more. We will make great use of it." It's like that one Penny Arcade's KS where they asked just for $10k IIRC.


They will run out of stretch goals pretty soon at this pace - hopefully they won't delay the game too far because of too many additions.

They could probably just release it as free dlc if the KS balloons the scope too much.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I really love how honest they are. "Yeah we have the money for the project already, the game will come out but if you want it to be even better and fancier you can give us some more. We will make great use of it." It's like that one Penny Arcade's KS where they asked just for $10k IIRC.

It's the same thing Larian did with Divinity Original Sin.

With your generous support, we're adding Racter to your crew!

Racter is a highly specialized roboticist-turned-rigger who fights with the aid of “Koschei,” his custom walker-form drone. He also carries an engineering toolkit that he can use to repair Koschei and enhance its abilities during combat.

Mangler Track: Makes Koschei into a melee-ranged wrecking machine. Progressing down this track unlocks movement boosts for the drone and bolts close combat weapons onto its chassis, such as rotary saws and clawed feet. These attachments unlock new close combat attacks for the drone.

Predator Track: Turns Koschei into a walking artillery piece. Progressing down this track bolts new ranged weapons to the drone, such as an auto-shotgun or a grenade launcher.
Woah, I did not expect to see this one reach $200k within the first day, I was expecting at least $150k. At this rate I expect all the initial stretch goals at the 12 hour mark of the first day.


Thats some fucking awesome shit to see a 2 hour fund and already at 200k. Shows that a dev can prove their worth on kick-starter and have people support them a second time.


I'm looking forward to the inevitable first "OMG, you guys are awesome!"-update. Love those.

Here it is:


Wowzers, you guys are amazing!

With your support, we were able to hit our first funding goal in less than 2 hours and we just hit our third one. That means we'll be able to add Enhanced Player Controls, Animatic Scene Transitions and Racter, our favorite Russian, to your team!

The team is really appreciative of the opportunity you've given us. All we want is to do our very best work for an audience who wants what we're making. So, thanks for the (rapid) outpouring of support.

As you can imagine, that warmth means a lot to us in the chill of the Pacific Northwest. The team is trying hard to focus on their work but it's tough not to hit "refresh" on your browser every few minutes. Nevertheless, good stuff is happening in the studio and we're working on all sorts of production-y things simultaneously.

Thats some fucking awesome shit to see a 2 hour fund and already at 200k. Shows that a dev can prove their worth on kick-starter and have people support them a second time.

This is actually their third successful Kickstarter. They had a second Kickstarter in 2013 for a physical tabletop board game called Golem Arcana that works in conjunction with mobile devices.


And on top of that they're making a tabletop sourcebook for the campaign!! I've been wanting to run my players (I GM a 2050's campaign) through something like Dragonfall since it came out :p

I've wondered if the engine's robust enough to go the other way, and actually put together reasonable adaptations of classic sourcebooks.
I've wondered if the engine's robust enough to go the other way, and actually put together reasonable adaptations of classic sourcebooks.
From the little I've read from hardcore Shadowrun fans, probably not. The games are (understandably) far, far more combat-focused than the pen and paper game is, and a lot of what is represented through pen and paper would be very hard to make into consistent game mechanics.

I'm sure you could adapt some of it, and HBS have given fans the tools to do it. I haven't dug into fanmade content, though.
I think I'm down for the 75$ tier, just to get the sourcebook of the Hong Kong campaign. I'm sure there will be a lot of great tidbits about the setting that won't make it into the game. That 180 though for the figurines :-X

Also, I've spent the last hour listening to the Dragonfall soundtrack. God damn whoever did this stuff is amazing.


edit: Accidental quote.


Backed earlier, may increase my pledge later since I enjoyed Dragonfall so much. Just keep the campaigns coming.
This has seriously gone better then I thought it would. Seems like that game is loved by all, I thought it was a niche. I'm so glad I jumped back into PC gaming. We're gunna see a sub 12 hour 300k mark easy with only 80k left.


Here's a stretch goal I'd like to see: much more varied (both aesthetically and functionally) Matrix!
There is a lot of things that could be improved on the game, but more variety on the Matrix should be a top priority. Easily the most dissapointed element from Dragonfall.

And personally, would take my time to also overhaul all the spells/powers, and make them more unique (gameplay/visually wise). But that's just me.
... Oh, man. That messenger bag is super tempting, though I can't say I'm all that interested in any of the other $25+ rewards.


EDIT: Also, going over page I'm not seeing any mention of new/improved character models, is that off the table? I'd love the play as an Orc or a Troll, but I can't stand the way they look on the map :X
I put my cash down. It's hard not to with the quality that Harebrained puts out. I only wish it could be here sooner, because I know the time will fly by once it's out.

Seriously, I'm pumped. Can't wait to deck once more.


... Oh, man. That messenger bag is super tempting, though I can't say I'm all that interested in any of the other $25+ rewards.


EDIT: Also, going over page I'm not seeing any mention of new/improved character models, is that off the table? I'd love the play as an Orc or a Troll, but I can't stand the way they look on the map :X
Seems like they'll be updating the visuals, but I doubt anything will be all that different in style from Returns and Dragonfall.
There is a lot of things that could be improved on the game, but more variety on the Matrix should be a top priority. Easily the most dissapointed element from Dragonfall.

And personally, would take my time to also overhaul all the spells/powers, and make them more unique (gameplay/visually wise). But that's just me.
They'll probably just add more, but it would be nice if they added the Astral Plane, too. (Basically the Matrix for mages. Dragonfall spoiler:
I guess you visit it during Glory's sidequest.
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