Ignis Fatuus
Sad and pathetic, please bring the goods or stop trying.
This is big boy club, stop acting like a baby.
If you saw this outside of any context, what would you think it was?
Sad and pathetic, please bring the goods or stop trying.
This is big boy club, stop acting like a baby.
Dont think there will be problems with hitting the 1M here.
I wonder if they'll have another graph.
Yeah, I wish the dude who created the W2 graph would have one for this as well. He described how to set up such a graph for other projects though... but eeeeh.
I meant this graph.
It looks like it goes to 1.2 or 1.3, so a new graph of new milestones would pick up from there.
Oooooooooh. Bookmarked. Thanks!
Ah alright, well I guess they will need to put new information about further plans out there soon indeed. Not sure what they want to promise at this point though (except MORE of everything).
Oooooooooh. Bookmarked. Thanks!
I assume a third city or, as you mentioned, just more of the existing stuff.
Calibre is your friend.. I hope they offer a mobi or epub version instead of a pdf though, so I can read it on my Kindle
Pretty confident that at the current rate it will hit at least $1.5mil. Wasteland 2 stabilized at 20k a day, and Shadowrun should have a higher floor because of the shortened timeframe. Even if it were to drop all the way to 20k and never experience the ending spike, it would still reach $1.1mil.
Maybe they would be able to hire a dedicated port team.
I wonder why they went for such a short timespan. It doesn't seem to have hindered them, at least in the context of the specific goals they're aiming for, but it does look a little odd that this started so recently but will finish just a couple of weeks after Wasteland 2.
I meant this graph.
It looks like it goes to 1.2 or 1.3, so graph of new milestones would pick up from there.
Well yeah, duh, it'd be silly to have a single character that can enter the Matrix, control drones and be a great fighter. That's why you create a team and have the other team members fill in the additional roles.
Graph got me wondering...what do they mean by 4 "realities"? I'm unfamiliar with the P&PRPG rulebook but I played Shadowrun on the SNES and there was nothing that seemed to indicate that each "class" (decker, dwarf mercenary, etc...) was a different "reality".
Graph got me wondering...what do they mean by 4 "realities"? I'm unfamiliar with the P&PRPG rulebook but I played Shadowrun on the SNES and there was nothing that seemed to indicate that each "class" (decker, dwarf mercenary, etc...) was a different "reality".
Contextual Gameplay in Four Realities
Four realities overlap in the world of Shadowrun (the Physical, the Digital, the Mystic, and the Astral) and associated character classes such as the Street Samurai, Hacker, Combat Mage, and Shaman, each have the ability to view and interact with the world in ways the others cant.
Here are some ways that selecting each character type allows you to see the map from a different perspective:
Street Samurai see a threat assessment overlay of the environment that notes enemy appraisals, options for cover, potential weapons, and statistics for drawn weapons.
Combat Mages see magical auras, granting them the ability to locate magical items, identify spells being prepared, and find the intersections of magic lay lines where they can recharge their power.
Hackers/Deckers see the digital control circuitry that allows them to manipulate the physical world via the digital one.
Shaman see the true world that lies in the astral plane, distinguishing the true nature of people, plants, creatures, and magical objects while buildings and other dead objects appear as mere shadows.
In Shadowrun, there are four realities: the Physical, the Digital, the Mystic, and the Astral. This translates into four main classes: Deckers/hackers (digital), Street Samurai (physical), combat mages (mystic) and shaman (astral).
Oh, I missed that part. That seems pretty cool, actually, if there's more to it than different stats. Thanks.As discribed on the page:
In other words, a Street Sam is able to tell which of a particular group of potential enemies will be a bigger threat, while a Decker can tell which security console controls a turret, while a Shaman can spot a sniper hidden in a building that intends to do him and his chummers harm, etc.
In Shadowrun, there are four realities: the Physical, the Digital, the Mystic, and the Astral. This translates into four main classes: Deckers/hackers (digital), Street Samurai (physical), combat mages (mystic) and shaman (astral).
When I played I used Glide, Crystals and carried a Rifle and a Katana what does that make me?
I assume a third city
Brian Fargo really needs to take note. "EACH FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GETS YOU EVEN MORE DEPTHS"
I haven't played these games, I don't know the developers but their enthusiastic presentation on KS and the youtube runs of the NES game convinced me. I'll pitch in. Another cool game to play 1-2 years from now.
A little bit off-topic, but thanks to Dice's recommendation of Ed Harrison's Neotokyo soundtrack, I just bought it. I think having him as a composer would be pretty great for this game, imo.
Damn.. Not going to be able to contribute to this
I dunno, the SNES version of Shadowrun never clicked for me... but I've played the Genesis version more times than I can count. Not sure it matters because I love everything I've heard about the new game.
I dunno, the SNES version of Shadowrun never clicked for me... but I've played the Genesis version more times than I can count. Not sure it matters because I love everything I've heard about the new game.
That's true, but here, they've completely said there's no chance. I'd certainly be in for more than $15 if there was a Linux version. I understand that there's extra costs, but I'm certainly willing to pay more to make that happen. If it's really a problem, why not set a really high goal for it instead of alienating a community that has been pretty generous to these types of projects in the past?It sounded like it's just not something they can spend time on, and I think Wasteland 2 didn't promise Linux until 1.5 million anyway.
For Linux folk who are looking for a cause to champion, The Banner Saga could use some love and they just committed to Linux support.
Calibre is your friend.
Not even one dollar?
An unexpected major expense just popped up and has me digging into my savings :\
SNES just didn't really include the whole Essence thing where you have to balance your upgrades/magic. You could level up and master everything which isn't really how Shadowrun works. You're supposed to balance your weaknesses with the strengths of your party members. SNES party balance was off in that aspect. All you had to do was max Neg/Chr/and Leadership. Buy Kitsune, Anderson and Norbert for life and run through everyone. The Orc's were all pretty useless and weak compared to the machine gun NPC's. Kitsunes Summon Spirit cleared rooms in seconds. SNES's number system could have been better balanced, but it wasn't terrible.
The SNES's story was much more Linear but better IMO. Finding yourself almost killed you get to the Caryards to be safe get some weapons then do some side missions to level up/gain the magic so you can take the assault on Drake. Its a classic KungFu plot essentially.
Genesis's story I don't really remember I think at the end you fight the Devil? Thats kinda weird...
Though the Genesis's level up system and gameplay (especially the Matrix) was probably better and more true to the PnP.
SNES's music wins also. Both are great games.
its really slowed down
We got 19 days. It will hit 1 million.
We got 19 days. It will hit 1 million.
What interests me is that they told us how much money it would take in order to add a new asset directly to the game.
So who are these people that pledge $10,000. I understand people can be passionate about their hobbies, but I can't fathom anyone short of a millionaire pledging that much no matter how fond you were of the game. Or are these major backers companies?
I've little to no experience in Shadowrun, but as I understand it, most new cities in the PnP RPG correspond to a new sourcebook detailing new elements within the city.
My point being: Do we know that 'a new city' *only* means the terrain, or could it also mean the associated new game elements within it? That's a bit more than a straight graphical asset.