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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.

How do I use my Healbot drone to heal? The text for his mortar says it "heals with cleansing shrapnel" or something to that effect. Does it actually do that, or is the game just being cheeky and the only way to heal with the bot is to have it use a medkit on me?

The healbot has 2 medipacks that you use like a normal character's medipacks.
The 'heal enemies with cleansing shrapnel' is a joke description for its main (offensive) weapon.

And yes, I did dick about for a couple of minutes trying to figure out how to target my own team with the 'healing mortar'.

When it comes to balancing user-content, I expect we'll just start seeing "Recommended for characters with X to Y karma" in the description text, much like the recommended level ranges in NWN mods.

To be honest, I expect most mods to start with new characters. It doesn't take a very long campaign to build you up to high level.
Also, there's a bug/feature to importing with equipment. You can only bring equipped equipment, and lose your stash and money. Yes, deckers that means all your programs/ESPs can't be imported because they don't fit into a meatspace equipment slot.


Bought the game, it's downloading now. I know almost nothing but the setting looks rad and it looks like it invokes a lot of Baldur's Gate.

Do you get party members? Or is it just your one dude going solo, Neverwinter Nights style?


The healbot has 2 medipacks that you use like a normal character's medipacks.
The 'heal enemies with cleansing shrapnel' is a joke description for its main (offensive) weapon.

And yes, I did dick about for a couple of minutes trying to figure out how to target my own team with the 'healing mortar'.
hahaha, I never figured that out.


game is so good. just played a pretty long section with no combat and really enjoyed it.

i'm also really excited by the prospect of people making their own content.

about the only problem i have is that it needs to be better about telling you when it has saved, rather than a quick 'autosave' message in the top left that you can miss quite easily. a few times i had to keep playing because i wasnt sure when it had last saved.


wats this?


My biggest concern is that modules / user generated content can choose to allow imported characters. So eventually with the current system, if you continually import your main character....you'll end with a maxed out character. Full stat points in every category.

If they locked out some stuff, you could eventually have a strong runner / character. You can justify / roleplay a strong or experienced runner, as opposed to a full stat god.
Mod creators can block character importing if they choose.


Unconfirmed Member
about the only problem i have is that it needs to be better about telling you when it has saved, rather than a quick 'autosave' message in the top left that you can miss quite easily. a few times i had to keep playing because i wasnt sure when it had last saved.

Go to the load menu and look at the timestamp on the save.


war of titties grampa
I thought how cool would it be to mod this and make an awesome short story series of a detective in the shadowrun world!! Then i opened the editor and ihavenoideawhatisgoingon.jpeg

Well, someone else should create a series of short stories with detectives.... lol
Why are there no manual save slots?

Also that thing in the Matrix where you stand on the portal and walk around wasting AP like an idiot trying to figure out how to go through it. (you have to take a step back and forth.)

And when there's a character standing there so you can't move...like I was stuck in that damn room for ages because that stupid thing wouldn't get out of the damned doorway. Eventually figured out if I incapacitated it I got one chance to move past it.

Other than those little annoyances and it kind of sucking at explaining a couple of things it's pretty good drek.

The End

Mod creators can block character importing if they choose.

I haven't really dug into the tools yet, but it seems to me that the optimal way to do importing would be to let keep your gear and visual customization, then just say "you start at base stats and get X karma"

then balance the enounters for that amount of karma


I'm convinced that the percentage displayed is not always accurate. Sometimes it really feels like the RNG-God is conspiring against the player. I've seen so many >80% shots miss twice or three times in a row now that it really can't be a matter of just really bad luck.

The End

I'm convinced that the percentage displayed is not always accurate. Sometimes it really feels like the RNG-God is conspiring against the player. I've seen so many >80% shots miss twice or three times in a row now that it really can't be a matter of just really bad luck.

IIRC, the percentage over an enemy's head is your "chance to hit" based on range, weapons skill, etc, but that doesn't include the enemy's chance to dodge, which is rolled separately.


So I did buy this. And it's good. Success!

My only real complaint is I would've liked to have seen a heavier futuristic aesthetic in the environments. Although they look great, they're on average more slummy than overtly cyberpunk.


I'm convinced that the percentage displayed is not always accurate. Sometimes it really feels like the RNG-God is conspiring against the player. I've seen so many >80% shots miss twice or three times in a row now that it really can't be a matter of just really bad luck.

usually the chance to hit stats shown to the player don't factor in evasion/dodge
Yea I feel sometimes the numbers are off too.

Itll be like 95% for me to get a hit like a mile away and then he moves closer and it goes down to 80% n its like ... OK makes sense.

Or yea its 90% and then you miss three shots. Like theres something in the way that the numbers dont reflect.

I'm sure someone will figure it out eventually.


So I did buy this. And it's good. Success!

My only real complaint is I would've liked to have seen a heavier futuristic aesthetic in the environments. Although they look great, they're on average more slummy than overtly cyberpunk.

That's the 'punk' part of cyberpunk. The common dystopian squalor. You want completely futuristic, you go to one of the independent Arcology city-states. They're living like 23rd century up in there while I'm fighting off infected mutant rats just to take the trash out.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So I was watching the Quick Look.

....I had no idea you could reload. It's so tiny! I just assumed you had a limited amount per skirmish.


Some weapons like revolvers have something like 'limited tactical choices" in their explanation. It means (for revolvers) you can't use all pistol skills like double shot or three shot. It may seem like a bug but it isn't (IMO).


Can't tell you how many times I have been like right next to an enemy......and missed twice in a row with a shotgun. A shotgun!

Game is a cheat, yo.


So I was watching the Quick Look.

....I had no idea you could reload. It's so tiny! I just assumed you had a limited amount per skirmish.
I feel like an antiquated person since I read all the PDA help pages before playing the game. :p Reload is pointed out in those pages, along with the save file save/copy buttons one or more people have been asking about.

However, I WAS still confused for a bit after reading the help since I thought the ammo would be displayed somewhere as a number, rather than dual-color meter on the gun picture.


Can't tell you how many times I have been like right next to an enemy......and missed twice in a row with a shotgun. A shotgun!

Game is a cheat, yo.

I prefer to believe that your character only just realised the enemy was that close and flailed their arms in shock... just as they were pulling the trigger.


Can't tell you how many times I have been like right next to an enemy......and missed twice in a row with a shotgun. A shotgun!

Game is a cheat, yo.

I guess they nailed the XCOM-style combat so well that a few people are convinced the RNG is cheating in this game, too.

Yep, nailed that XCOM combat... well, except for the whole 'one mistake in XCOM is death' whereas 'make as many mistakes as you like, no biggie, bro, this is SR.'

I just... I just wanted to play more XCOM on non-UFO maps. So close!


Beat the game earlier today. I have the same complaints that I had when I started the game and what I liked is also what I liked when I started the game.

Waiting for Berlin. Hopefully we'll see some good user campaigns.
Mod creators can block character importing if they choose.

I love the imported character feature, and the notion of user generated content.

It's just that they didnt balance the EXP / Karma system around modded content. E.g, restrictions on skills based on class, or a Karma cap...so you don't end up with every skill if you continually want to import your character.

I'd very much like a lot of continuity in my UGC experience. Otherwise, it'd feel like the Matrix...constantly being plugged into different programs, as opposed to the same character doing different runs.
Just finished up the game tonight. As a long time Shadowrun fan, I really really enjoyed it. Was great returning to this world. It wasn't perfect but it was a good effort and it seems like there's lots of potential with the mod scene and the Berlin expansion.

The most annoying thing for me was the stuttering sound issue, hearing it every time I checked my equipment or when things loaded was aggravating to my ears. The save system obviously needs some work but I played with it in mind so I didn't run into any problems personally. I only played when I knew I had at least a couple hours and I always quit at an autosave, even if it meant stopping early and saving it for another day.

The campaign itself did feel a bit short, was very linear, and the last act or so felt kinda rushed(from the last time you leave the Union area til the end). The pacing was still good, just felt like there coulda been a few more side missions in there. Really I just wanted to spend more time in that world and go on more runs and get to know the characters more. I liked all the options for building characters too, mine was a decker/rigger, so I didn't touch magic or combat skills practically at all. Super curious to try out other builds.

So yeah, definitely glad I helped kickstart the game and am looking forward to more content!
Did anyone else find their name?

Seems like they did A-Z of each tier or something cause I had to cycle through a bunch of alphabets til I got to my name. In list form you can see how MANY backers there were!

I found my name though, pretty cool.


If I rewind to a few hours earlier just to look at something in an old level, will it permanently keep me there and thus lose all my recent progress, or can I then fast forward back to where I'm actually up to?


If I rewind to a few hours earlier just to look at something in an old level, will it permanently keep me there and thus lose all my recent progress, or can I then fast forward back to where I'm actually up to?

I have no idea, but you could use the "Copy" option to make a backup of your most recent save. I missed that, was doing it manually for a while.


Aftershock LA
I mentioned this in the Surface Pro thread, but I've installed Shadowrun Returns on it, and I'm having a great time playing it on the device, in the bed.

My laptop, which I've only had for a good year or so, can run the game fine, but has hiccups. So far, it's playing much better on the SPro. I think I'll just stick to playing it on that, instead of my laptop or desktop (although my desktop is a gaming PC, Shadowrun doesn't really require the monster horsepower. lol).

I still haven't sunk a lot of time into the game, due to work, but I'm loving it. I think I'm a good 3+ hours into it, maybe.


I haven't had much time to play recently but I did get a bit farther into the game. I have to say the soundtrack is amazing. Battle music in particular is really awesome.
I'm convinced that the percentage displayed is not always accurate. Sometimes it really feels like the RNG-God is conspiring against the player. I've seen so many >80% shots miss twice or three times in a row now that it really can't be a matter of just really bad luck.

This is definitely the case, I think it's often inaccurate or at the very least doesn't take into account certain conditions. Once I missed two 95% shots in a row and 7 70-75% shots in a row. Was absurd and nigh impossible.


Beat the game on very hard as a dwarf mage. Hardest battle for me was the one with the chippers. That one took me three tries.

Anyway I really love this game. The combat is fun, there are a ton of different runners to choose from and the graphics are perfect. Going to play through Lost Lamb and Jacked-Up this weekend. Really happy the devs took so much time making an editor.

Biggest complaint is no saves of course.

Edit: Oh yea and the % to hit displayed is not correct. Unless I just missed 2 99% chance spells in a row and am the least lucky runner ever.
1.0.2 patch notes: http://shadowrun-returns.wikispaces.com/Release+Notes

Release 1.0.2
New Features, Improvements

SMG: Aimed Shot now uses 4 bullets, down from 6.
SMG: Spray and Pray now uses 6 bullets, down from 8.
SMG: the Beretta, Uzi, Colt, and HK are slightly more accurate.
Shotgun: Kneecap now has a HP DMG penalty of -6, up from -3. It now has a -5% accuracy penalty, and a cooldown of 3.
Shotgun: All shotguns have had their accuracy falloff increased slightly, lowering hit chance at long ranges.
Rifle: Full Auto's accuracy penalty was not being applied properly at high skill levels. It should now always be 15% lower than a single shot's percentage to hit.
Rifle: Smartlinked rifles were less accurate at very long ranges instead of more accurate. This has been resolved.
Rifle: The FN HAR and HK G12 were very similar in every aspect except price. The FN HAR is now more accurate and holds more ammunition than the HK G12.
Rifle: Ammo capacity of the HK G12, Colt M23, and Ares Alpha have been reduced to 32, 34, and 38 respectively.
Rifle: The Colt M23's damage is now 15, down from 16. The Ares Alpha's damage is now 16, down from 18.
Grenades: Reduced store prices of all grenades.
Grenades: HE Phosphorus grenades were not showing up in the store. They should now be purchasable along with the other Tier 3 weapons.
Cyberware purchase screen is now more user friendly.
Vendors will now sell more things in various places throughout DMS campaign (such as more med-kits).
Visual improvements to the summoning grid.
General UI Improvements.
Added additional debugging for finding walkable tiles in debug mode.
Added messaging to alert user when last auto-save occurred.
Black IC is now less lethal.
Added an explanation of how Leylines work in the world of SR:R.
Added a definition of SIN in glossary.

Bug Fixes

Player can no longer sell a currently equipped outfit.
Swapping outfits will now correctly give the correct enhancements.
Player can now equip an outfit if they do not currently have one equipped.
Drones will now retain their Rigging bonus between levels.
Wired reflexes no longer dodge friendly effects.
Spirit death from overwatch no longer causes occasional hardlock
Reduced load times when loading new assets after version update.
First time OSX play will start in windowed mode to work around a crash issue for some users.
Move marker will now be visible over walls.
Fixed a crash that could occur when transitioning characters one-by-one out of the scene and into the next.
Fixed issue with equip screen item filtering.
Fixed issue with installing upgraded cyberware on individual locations of a pair.
Fixed issue with hiring screen adding incorrect selected runner.
Fixed a slew of typos.
Fixed cases in conversation where attribute or skill checks were applied incorrectly.
Fixed character preview not showing 3D Character in some cases.
Fixed bug where user could enter missions that require a decker without having any runners with a Cyberdeck.
Fixed various issues with hiring Coyote.
Work around some Steam Workshop upload timeout issues
Editor: Changes to scene or story variables will refresh that variable in the scratchpad.

Known Issues

We are investigating reports that some users are encountering problems downloading subscribed stories from Steam Workshop.
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