If the justice system worked, this would not be needed. It is in great need of reform. Until them, victims should be able to talk about there attackers and share their stories to protect themselves. IT is to fill the gap where law and society has failed victims.
Rape is not a high priority- 100,000s of rape kits across the country are backlog from years and decades ago. Society at large still blames women for how they dress, for drinking, for where they walk, how much sex they have, and who they associate with. There is the phenomenon that when a women/ proclaims she is raped, whole towns* and colleges turn against the women and protect the rapist. It is full accepted in society at large to scorn women as whores, sluts, and bitches, even when there is no rape involved.
If men can talk about who and who is not a good fuck in society and online by name and with pictures, women should to have the same right to share who not to sleep with and be careful in area X, their might be a serial rapist on the loose.
*yes, I talk about women, cause it is the topic, but sexual assault that occurs to men and boys is equally as abhorrent. Rape society that exist around women exist for male victims too. Just look at Penn State and the Catholic Church.