This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective
Are you going to answer my question?
This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective
No it actually doesn't. People know others who break laws and aren't prosecuted (again, I know an illegal junker and will happily call him that despite his lack of prosecution. I also know people who smoke weed in a state where it's illegal; would never turn them in for that but by people's arguments I literally can't say they smoke weed at all!), or they're willing to believe certain people are guilty of crimes for which they haven't been tried or were found innocent of, (Trump, Cosby, OJ, etc.) and yet it doesn't bother people when these things are brought up.
The fact of the matter is, the sudden concern with legal veracity when describing someone's character is only ever brought up on the subject of rape to this degree because men care more about their reputation than women's safety. Let's be honest with ourselves.
It's a complicated matter. Should the notion of innocent until proven guilty only be true when it comes to legal repercussion ?
If not how publicly should you be able to share about the person you accuse, the press ? on twitter ? only in private forum/group ( but does it's size matter ) ? only in person ( but then would you be allowed to do it in a conference with lots of people ) ?
This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective. Also the original source of the article is Australia, where minorities are not being massacred in the streets. You Americans can own that shit but don't put yourselves on the same shelf as the rest of us.
Are you going to answer my question?
This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective. Also the original source of the article is Australia, where minorities are not being massacred in the streets. You Americans can own that shit but don't put yourselves on the same shelf as the rest of us.
This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective. Also the original source of the article is Australia, where minorities are not being massacred in the streets. You Americans can own that shit but don't put yourselves on the same shelf as the rest of us.
This sounds remarkably like an Anarchist perspective.
Does the woman still have the "right" to say "X raped me"?
It's a complicated matter. Should the notion of innocent until proven guilty only be true when it comes to legal repercussion ?
If someone keyed my car I'd tell every single person I knew and they knew what hunk of crap they were. If someone forced themselves inside me I'd scream it from the rooftops, I'd take out ads, I'd leave signs on their lawns, so if some folks want to talk about who raped them in a private Facebook group I am stunned STUNNED anyone would hold contempt against them.
If it's actually the truth then fine go for it, but humans have proven empirically that they can't be trusted to use such things with integrity in mind.
A person is falsely accused of rape, has his life ruined as a result and commits suicide over it, does it still not matter?
If it's actually the truth then fine go for it, but humans have proven empirically that they can't be trusted to use such things with integrity in mind.
A person is falsely accused of rape, has his life ruined as a result and commits suicide over it, does it still not matter?
The very article you linked to says the last such incident happened in the 1920's. You're gonna have to try harder than that.
Only if you show me links to massacres of black people in the U.S. in recent years. I also linked to police relations in present day Australia. But hey, you can just ignore it like you ignore racism against indigenous Aboriginals, right?![]()
A person is falsely accused of rape, has his life ruined as a result and commits suicide over it, does it still not matter?
This is a forum that regularly celebrates the outing of racist assholes, getting them fired and ruining their live. The hand wringing of "Oh no, if could ruin the rapists lives!" and "Innocent until gulity!" is suspect as fuck in light of that.
Comparing Australian crimes against minorities to America, especially in the modern age is incredibly disingenuous and you know it.
Or, if you'd like a more specific citation...
I suppose my question would be, should this become a list war of people who killed themselves for false rape accusations and people who killed themselves because they were raped and their rapist got away with it scot-free?
But when does it become defamation, is it concidered malicious only if someone can prove I don't actually think what* I say ?The answer to that is, according to multiple law experts whom I've read on this, is yes, innocent until proven guilty is a legal matter. The court of public opinion is not, and indeed should not restrict themselves from having opinions and expressing them. The problem is only when it becomes actively malicious.
I agree in principle. But we have seen more than a little reaction to people making claim on internet ( didn't GG start like that ? ), and it did seems to me that most people were of the idea that social media ( reddit, twitter.. ) should be policed. That's why I find the situation pretty complicated.That's the only place it must apply to 100% of the time, although there are times when natural benefit of the doubt comes in. People gain reputations that make them more or less susceptible to accusations of bad conduct. I would believe someone who said my junker acquaintence performed grand theft auto without his truck one more so than I would the same accusation towards my mom, for example. This is only hypocritical in strictly legal terms though.
Ultimately, society =/= legal system.
You know people are talking about the lives of non-rapists.
Don't twist their words like that.
Of course it matters. Like, innocent people shouldn't be caught up in situations that ruin their life.
But by this metric, we just shouldn't have a legal system because it jails and kills innocent people (then what would rape victims do?)
This is a forum that regularly celebrates the outing of racist assholes, getting them fired and ruining their live. The hand wringing of "Oh no, if could ruin the rapists lives!" and "Innocent until gulity!" is suspect as fuck in light of that.
So an innocent guy and his mother are dead and you balance with "but SOME ONE ELSE got away with it".
Just curious, do you think that indigenous Aboriginals are sitting there, thinking, "boy, sure is good not to be experiencing that America-brand racism"
Because people are going to make up a ton of stories and say innocent men raped them?
But when does it become defamation, is it concidered malicious only if someone can prove I don't actually think why I say ?
Sucks that the system pushed them to do this, but name and shame away. Rapists can bite it.
Aboriginals don't have to worry about police suffering a panicky fit and filling them full of lead on an almost hourly basis. I'd say that's a pretty good advantage to have right there.
By the logic of some people in this thread we should just imprison anyone accused of Rape, even if innocent, because hey, we need to make up these numbers of rapists who got away in the past.
"Some one might be falsely accused in a social media group! Let's silence all unaccounted rape victims!"
"Some one might abuse the social welfare program! Let's cancel it and let poor people eat nothing!"
Some of you here surely want to make me puke.
I dunno, judging by some of the arguments presented in this thread, it sounds like people would rather consider it a necessary sacrifice in the fight to empower women than a real cause for concern or dismay.
The empowerment of women lies in political channels, not the free for all of social media
If you read a story about rape victims finding avenues of support after the legal system has repeatedly failed them and your first thought is about how this could negatively effect the life of the accused even though statistics don't support the notion that this is a serious concern, even compared to other crimes...
You should maybe examine why that is.
This is a forum that regularly celebrates the outing of racist assholes, getting them fired and ruining their lives, even when it's just a joke (the aids lady on Twitter making a point about white privilege mind)so the hand wringing of "Oh no, if could ruin the rapists lives!" and "Innocent until gulity!" is suspect as fuck in light of that.
If you read a story about rape victims finding avenues of support after the legal system has repeatedly failed them and your first thought is about how this could negatively effect the life of the accused even though statistics don't support the notion that this is a serious concern, even compared to other crimes...
You should maybe examine why that is.
In all honesty it's kind of gross for you to use their deaths to further whatever bizarre agenda you have.
I haven't seen the sentiment expressed here, but there are absolutely rape activists who want to see the legal standard of proof lowered in cases of sexual assault, which boggles my mind.
Once again, shitty analogies are shitty analogies.
Aboriginals don't have to worry about police suffering a panicky fit and filling them full of lead on an almost hourly basis. I'd say that's a pretty good advantage to have right there.
If you read a story about rape victims finding avenues of support after the legal system has repeatedly failed them and your first thought is about how this could negatively effect the life of the accused even though statistics don't support the notion that this is a serious concern, even compared to other crimes...
You should maybe examine why that is.
Support group:
"I was raped. This is what I am now dealing with and talking about it helps me"
Mob justice:
"John Doe is a fucking rapist. You better watch out for this guy or he might rape you too. This is what he looks like and this is where he lives." *submits FB post*
Support group:
"I was raped. This is what I am now dealing with and talking about it helps me"
Mob justice:
"John Doe is a fucking rapist. You better watch out for this guy or he might rape you too. This is what he looks like and this is where he lives." *submits FB post*
People who bring up false accusations in anyway. What is your purpose in doing so. What do you want to accomplish?
I am going to assume everyone wants there to be less rape in the world.
You are trying to police the means of reducing rape within a parameter that any reduction in rape that contributes to a higher number of false accusations is off the table. This is fucking bullshit. Yes false accusations suck, they are small number of cases compared to rape. You are terrified that an innocent person is having their life ruined.
.Ah yes, first we create a system where the vast, vast majority of rapists get away scot-free or are never even charged and then we chastise victims for even talking about their experience privately.
It's on page 2 of OT right now.
Justice in the western world doesn't care about principles. It cares about evidence, facts and the judgement of a legally binding jury, not a Facebook club.
Is this inspired by a specific instance?
So, when the courts fail you, you're never allowed to talk about what happened to you? Even after you saw the statistic earlier in this thread where rapists rape like an average of 6 times
What is gross is people in this thread asking for "was someones life ruined" and they get examples. But no, then they cast that a side and say it happens all the time.
Shit is wrong. Rape accusations are serious and this idea of listing people on the internet as rapists without any courts involvement is dangerous.
There is no agenda here, the laws are what they are so people don't that shit into their own hands.
I don't understand where this extremist argument comes from on GAF. Might as well start jailing people left right and centre with no court judgements.