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Sherlock Series 3 |OT| - THE Source for Fiction’s Cheekbone Fetish

BBC iPlayer keeps randomly ending the stream >:l
I've only gotten around 8 minutes into the episode because the player randomly cuts off asks me if I want to watch it again :l

I think that usually happens when your video isn't buffing fast enough. Pretty buggy video player.
Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared. Start her up, Watson, for it's time that we were on our way.

I'd reread The Empty House, Charles Augustus Milverton, and His Last Bow in the week since The Sign of Three, and I was not let down by this episode. Combined all three stories masterfully.
I need clarification on a couple of things.

How did Mary get into Magnussen's office? And why did Magnussen go out of his way to pull the stunt with Watson and the fire?
I need clarification on a couple of things.

How did Mary get into Magnussen's office? And why did Magnussen go out of his way to pull the stunt with Watson and the fire?

I believe...
Genine let Mary in, same as Sherlock.
The stunt with fire and Watson was pulled to find Sherlock's pressure point.
If I walked up to Ted Bundy or some killer on the street and shot him in the face, I would be charged with murder. Maybe I wouldn't have gone to prison for the rest of my life, but you can't go around killing people because they're evil.

I suppose... I guess especially in this case, since Magnussen wasn't actually a physically violent criminal.

I still feel like it was a really crappy climax though. Especially considering the fact that, as vcassano1 pointed out, they immediately reversed the charge. Especially considering that this was the freaking season finale.

I suppose it works better if you consider the Moriarity's-probably-not-dead reveal to be the actual climactic twist of the episode. I kind of see that part as seperate though, since—as far as we know—it has nothing at all to do with the other events that took place in the episode.

(I'm probably being overly cautious, but I wasn't sure where to place spoiler tags, so I just blacked out the whole thing. Seriously, if you haven't seen the episode yet, go watch it.)
I thought episode 1 was fine, though I expected the other episodes to pick up the slack due to the lack of any mystery at all.

I loved episode 2. Good mystery, fun stories, genuine characterization, humor, all the tools at there to figure out the plot. A few parts dragged on a bit, would have been better with less sentimental speeches and "hahaha they're so drunk" humor segments. However, I do think that it's the best episode of the show thus far, perhaps tied with "The Great Game."

I'm fairly disappointed in episode 3. Basically, episode 3 spent its entire runtime desensitizing us by going "!!!" and then making it not matter moments later. The mystery turned into a soft fart; any consequences of each plot twist were scattered to the wind like it was all some hallucination or cartoon. I didn't believe Sherlock was so easily fooled by Magnussun, it once again throws away everything we know about the characters because the plot demands it. Moriarty's return seems like retreading and makes me less excited for the next season. I did like the Mary reveal though, that was nice, and any scene with her and John were spot on.

All in all, a winner, a decent episode, and a blah. Sounds like a season of Sherlock to me.


I'm just going to assume that the episode is getting hammered so it's not buffering enough. Anyone else have a problem with it?
The more I think about it the more problems I have with the finale.
The fact that Sherlock would actually be duped into that situation at the end is a bit of a stretch, and like others have said, walking up to this big change and then doubling back at the last second is disappointing as it would have been exciting to see the show take on something new.

Edit: added tags, not sure if we're doing that or not
The more I think about it the more problems I have with the finale.
The fact that Sherlock would actually be duped into that situation at the end is a bit of a stretch, and like others have said, walking up to this big change and then doubling back at the last second is disappointing as it would have been exciting to see the show take on something new.
I don't think Sherlock was actually duped. After he realized the glasses were normal, there was only two possible scenarios: Mags was wearing contacts, or Mags had a mind palace. Sherlock had Watson bring the gun so that he could kill Mags if it was the second scenario.


I marked out and squeed like a little girl when
Moriarty showed up, firs a littlet in the mind trip and then a lot at the end.
Oh boy, they better bring not back that clownish Moriarty performance. The cameo in this ep was already cringeworthy and the only redeeming aspect about this characterisation was how it ended in the S2 finale. So I hope this turns out to be something more interesting...

Also, I really hope Sherlock doesn't get away with murder just because he is Sherlock. Not to mention that it was saddening as fuck that an actual good villain is immediately offed. Guy was awesome. Disgusting as hell, but awesome. Or pretty much what Moriarty should have been, who really never seemed particularly clever or threatening in this version. Now this Magnus (?) on the other hand was real Evil Sherlock.


The more I think about it the more problems I have with the finale.
The fact that Sherlock would actually be duped into that situation at the end is a bit of a stretch, and like others have said, walking up to this big change and then doubling back at the last second is disappointing as it would have been exciting to see the show take on something new.

Edit: added tags, not sure if we're doing that or not

I don't think he was duped. When he made sure John had the gun I think he always planned to shoot him. He just needed to make sure that the information was all in CAM's head (which he got from their meeting). That's why he asked him to confirm it at the end.

Anyway, this was probably my favourite episode of all the series do far. Loved it.


Help me out here, there was a quick line from Mycroft that I missed and it felt could be really important. Right when they were discussing how Sherlock would
serve his sentence, the secret service guy accuses him of protecting Sherlock because he's his brother. Mycroft immediately dismisses him and says something like"you know what happened with the other one."
Who the hell is he talking about? Did they have a
third brother? Was he referring to Moriarty?
I don't get it and it's driving me crazy.


Oh boy, they better bring not back that clownish Moriarty performance. The cameo in this ep was already cringeworthy and the only redeeming aspect about this characterisation was how it ended in the S2 finale. So I hope this turns out to be something more interesting...

Also, I really hope Sherlock doesn't get away with murder just because he is Sherlock. Not to mention that it was saddening as fuck that an actual good villain is immediately offed. Guy was awesome. Disgusting as hell, but awesome. Or pretty much what Moriarty should have been, who really never seemed particularly clever or threatening in this version. Now this Magnus (?) on the other hand was real Evil Sherlock.

Well the show is still based on the canon, wouldn't really make sense for him to be an overarching antagonist.


Oh boy, they better bring not back that clownish Moriarty performance. The cameo in this ep was already cringeworthy and the only redeeming aspect about this characterisation was how it ended in the S2 finale. So I hope this turns out to be something more interesting...

Also, I really hope Sherlock doesn't get away with murder just because he is Sherlock. Not to mention that it was saddening as fuck that an actual good villain is immediately offed. Guy was awesome. Disgusting as hell, but awesome. Or pretty much what Moriarty should have been, that guy really never seemed particularly clever or threatening in this version. This was real Evil Sherlock.

I don't think he gets away with it just because he's Sherlock. I think there were probably plenty of people high up who wanted to see Magnusson dead, and were not averse to sweeping it under the carpet.
Well the show is still based on the canon, wouldn't really make sense for him to be an overarching antagonist.

Fair enough, haven't read the novels. But I think he could have at least had more screen time during the first episode (instead of it being all about meta jokes and whatnot) or become the bridge between this ep and the next starter.
I don't think Sherlock was actually duped. After he realized the glasses were normal, there was only two possible scenarios: Mags was wearing contacts, or Mags had a mind palace. Sherlock had Watson bring the gun so that he could kill Mags if it was the second scenario.

I don't think he was duped. When he made sure John had the gun I think he always planned to shoot him. He just needed to make sure that the information was all in CAM's head (which he got from their meeting). That's why he asked him to confirm it at the end.

Ah, I guess so. I guess I might have just needed something more in there showing that he had already determined there was probably no real other option than offing the guy.


The more I think about it the more problems I have with the finale.
The fact that Sherlock would actually be duped into that situation at the end is a bit of a stretch, and like others have said, walking up to this big change and then doubling back at the last second is disappointing as it would have been exciting to see the show take on something new.

Edit: added tags, not sure if we're doing that or not

The ending they doubled back on would have just been Sherlock under cover in eastern Europe, eventually returning. Isn't that exactly how season 3 began? Besides, I have a feeling there's lots more to be revealed about that last meeting with CM.

Anyways, da fuq?

Loved this season. Don't think they'll ever top it.
I believe...
The stunt with fire and Watson was pulled to find Sherlock's pressure point.

Yes, but at that point,
did Magnussen have any reason to check up on Sherlock? Also, if Genine had to let Mary in, why didn't Mary already have her incapacitated when Sherlock arrived at the elevator? Why did she let her in when Magnussen was there? Why would Mary have allowed Genine to let Sherlock up?
Am I the only one that thought Charles Augustus Magnussen was a way better villain than Sherlock's Moriarty?

Yes. This is because we knew in very concrete non-cartoonish terms what Magnussen was capable of.

Moriarty was basically a bottomless grab-bag of evil and nefarious schemes with no end. He was a villain made to suit whatever convoluted plan needed to happen next.


I did not like the ending to the last episode. That solution was the easiest and obvious solution I was more shocked that it actually did end that way for Magnussen. I can't believe he would be that dumb to reveal his secret but not have the leverage to make sure he did not meet his fate.


I felt that the turn on Marie and Watson's reconciliation of her was not 'earned'. Obviously time jumped, but seeing Watson and Marie at christmas and just talking about how they're going to ignore the past. Eh.

Also a lot of you really spoiled the last episode for me. I mean it doesn't take much to read the thread and deduce that CAM is the baddie from the first episode and that sherlock was gonna get shot.

The ending was also kinda cheap, i wanted some payoff for the season but they would be retreading same ground having sherlock leave.
I did not like the ending to the last episode. That solution was the easiest and obvious solution I was more shocked that it actually did end that way for Magnussen. I can't believe he would be that dumb to reveal his secret but not have the leverage to make sure he did not meet his fate.

He was probably so used to people crumbling under his blackmail that he never would have expected someone to just give up everything to take him down. He also genuinely thought he had Sherlock. He made the same mistake Moriarty made.


Am I the only one that thought Charles Augustus Magnussen was a way better villain than Sherlock's Moriarty?

No, i thought he was fantastic and Im annoyed he got wasted on this show.
Maybe if he was integrated into the overall series more instead of really only having a presence in episode 3 (his appearance in ep 1 felt tacked on)

Magnussen was a genuinely unnerving presence compared to the cartoonish, Joker-lite Moriarty

Permanently A

Junior Member
Help me out here, there was a quick line from Mycroft that I missed and it felt could be really important. Right when they were discussing how Sherlock would
serve his sentence, the secret service guy accuses him of protecting Sherlock because he's his brother. Mycroft immediately dismisses him and says something like"you know what happened with the other one."
Who the hell is he talking about? Did they have a
third brother? Was he referring to Moriarty?
I don't get it and it's driving me crazy.

Yeah I was wondering about this as well.


I thought that was a pretty lame episode. Lots of feel good stuff, what with Mary/John's reconciliation and stuff, but there wasn't much mystery, and it felt more just like a series of events unfolding. I wish we had gotten a little more from Sherlock in the time between CAM revealing his vault and CAM getting shot. I know it's probably not supposed to be great, or something to be earned, but him getting shot was like "well alright, I guess that's that".

I think CAM's hand in things like the bonfire was a bit too subtle.

Also lmao at how they just totally drop mary being a spy

Sign of Three was definitely my favorite episode of the season, and probably of the whole series.


very disappointing episode. I hate that they felt the need to go super big; they should have kept the dialed down scale of the previous episode rather than going full on stupid.


Unconfirmed Member
I did not like the ending to the last episode. That solution was the easiest and obvious solution I was more shocked that it actually did end that way for Magnussen. I can't believe he would be that dumb to reveal his secret but not have the leverage to make sure he did not meet his fate.

Basically my thoughts on the ending.

I can understand why Sherlock would think there would be an actual vault, since it would be his leverage against harm from anyone he blackmailed (and there would probably be some sort of "death switch" in place where their secrets would be automatically leaked to his papers should he be killed).

Leading Sherlock to this conclusion certainly gives Magnussen the upper hand, since Sherlock wouldn't be able to even challenge the existence of the vault. All Magnussen had to do was create a false vault to keep Sherlock engaged, and then when Mycroft n' Co show up and arrest Sherlock, simply reveal that the entire thing was fake.

Revealing himself so early in the climax seemed much too cartoon villain-esque for my tastes. Moreso, Sherlock getting off virtually scot-free for murdering a person also doesn't sit well with me.

Still hyped for Season 4, though.


What's the point of a having an intellectual only to result in thug policy?

Genius detective reverting to cold blooded murderer was all kinds of stupid. Though I guess it's not the first time a popular sleuth has resorted to this.
Also it seems incredibly stupid that Magnussen didn't search the duo for weapons like he did earlier in the episode.

I read the last two pages of the thread and the spoiler tags have been so inconsistent I'm not bothering with them. I don't know if there's a policy for this, I can go back and spoiler my posts if necessary.

EDIT: And why would Sherlock automatically assume this guy stores the information in his glasses? Seems like a major assumption with so many other possibilities, one of which Sherlock himself actively uses!
Also it seems incredibly stupid that Magnussen didn't search the duo for weapons like he did earlier in the episode.

I read the last two pages of the thread and the spoiler tags have been so inconsistent I'm not bothering with them. I don't know if there's a policy for this, I can go back and spoiler my posts if necessary.

Once the episode has aired, no spoiler tags are necessary.



Magnussen was a genuinely unnerving presence compared to the cartoonish, Joker-lite Moriarty

I actually really like Moriarty in this show, he was a loon, he had no real objective and thus had no real pressure point, he did things the same reason Sherlock did things because he was bored. The super serious, cold villain has been done a million times thus Magnessen never felt like a better threat than Moriarty to me. Again, it's why how I love in the very first episode you are made to believe that Mycroft is Moriarty only to find out its just Sherlock's brother and the real Moriarty is a goofy loon.

However, I don't really want Moriarty to come back. It just seems like retreading the same waters again and I REALLY liked Moriarty's death in S2. It just showed how willing and crazy he was that he was willing commit to anything to beat Sherlock, even his own life, something completely unpredictable. To bring him back cheapens his death and will possibly make things redundant.

Anywho, regarding the finale itself it was good but far from great. There were too many surprise reveals with no payoffs, the minute Magnussen revealed everything was in his head I figured Sherlock or Mycroft's men would kill him. And I knew Sherlock wouldn't be exiled, in fact the whole thing seemed stupid. The only people that saw Sherlock kill Magnessen was Mycroft and his men and he could have easily covered the whole thing up, afterall Mycroft's job is orchestrating such things like the assassination of enemies of the state. Magnussen was putting pressure on the British government and I'm pretty sure they were all happy to see Sherlock put a bullet in his brain. So this whole charade of "he's committed murder and must be locked away" seemed stupid, especially since the exile they impose on him actually involves covering up his crime, thus why not simply cover up the crime without the exile?

In any case, please just let Moriarty be dead and chalk it up to some new villain carrying on in his name. Moriarty was fine the way he was and his death was fitting.

EDIT: Seriously, I never understood why people didn't like Moriarty, the whole series is supposed to subvert your expectations, do you really need Moriarty to be another dead-face, super serious villain? Sounds boring to me.
Fucking awesome.

Creepy ass villain, and the kind of calm self assuredness that I wanted from Moriarty. Magnusson made the episode for me.

It was not as dark as I was expecting it to go, but was fantastic from beginning to end. And loved Billy.

As for the ending: was Moriarty really an actor in the first two series then? Will we be getting some new person to portray him, or is there a twin brother?


I wouldn't say it's the weakest episode of the series. The second episode of both the first season and the second season were pretty weak. But this was just so brazenly stupid, ugh... it was certainly trying to top those two.

Either way, it certainly doesn't come close to touching A Scandal in Belgravia.


I wouldn't say it's the weakest episode of the series. The second episode of both the first season and the second season were pretty weak. But this was just so brazenly stupid, ugh... it was certainly trying to top those two.

Either way, it certainly doesn't come close to touching A Scandal in Belgravia.

I don't think anything ever will.


The episode was pretty good I guess, but
Mary was a super assassin? CAM has a terminator vision? The solution to the whole drama? Just shoot CAM in the head! Sherlock gets away with everything, everybody's happy, the end.

Anyway, I truly hope they are not bringing back Moriarty, the joker. How can anyone take him seriously after Lars' CAM performance? Overall, I'm disappointed with S3 :/

Permanently A

Junior Member
The episode was pretty good I guess, but
Mary was a super assassin? CAM has a terminator vision? The solution to the whole drama? Just shoot CAM in the head! Sherlock gets away with everything, everybody's happy, the end.

Anyway, I truly hope they are not bringing back Moriarty, the joker. How can anyone take him seriously after Lars' CAM performance? Overall, I'm disappointed with S3 :/

Mary being a super assassin isn't so bad, I was expecting her to be in some shit after "liar" and the pic of her with devil horns in the second episode. CAM's terminator vision is just his mental organization of information, its intentionally Google glasses like to fool the viewer into thinking the info is from his glasses.

The fact that Sherlock resorted to just shooting him the head kind of sucks though. There wasn't much of a mystery as someone else mentioned. Just plot unfolding, and Sherlock shooting his way out after being cornered.
Oh god that was good.

I am still processing. Was there another scene after the credits? If so, someone link me via youtube. I saw the fake out credits one, but it seemed like there was more when mine ended.

I too am hoping for Moran, though damned if my 'Haha Mary is Moran!' thing doesn't hold more water now.
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