The Reichenbach Fall
The Great Game
His Last Vow
A Study in Pink
The Hounds of Baskerville
Adventure of the Empty House
The Blind Banker
A Scandal In Belgravia
The Sign of Three
The Reichenbach Fall
The Great Game
His Last Vow
A Study in Pink
The Hounds of Baskerville
Adventure of the Empty House
The Blind Banker
A Scandal In Belgravia
The Sign of Three
I actually sort of do hope it's actually Moriarty for real because in retrospect, how he died in Reichenbach is disappointing is fuck. Being foiled by Moriarty's miraculous men was not a fitting ending.
SO I saw this bilboard in the episode and figured there was probably something off about it but I didn't piece it together until I saw this afterwards:
Information is power
Well the fact Holmes knew what was going on the entire time (apart from Moriarty's suicide gambit) was disappointing, but hey.
Weakest episode this series.
Truly a mixed bag. When it the started it felt like I was watching Torchwood, the writing was so bad.
Did we ever learn what redbeard was?
Because I'm a spoiler hound.
Mary made it? People were worried for Mycroft, he made it?
I have yet to see the episode, but are the writers still torturing her?
What was the post-credits sequence?
I loved this episode up until the very end.
Sherlock getting in trouble for murdering a ridiculously evil man seems stupid (would he have gotten in trouble for murdering Moriarity too?), as well as just generally anticlimactic.
Series 1, Series 3.
In which series did Moriarty have the most screentime?
I'm trying to puzzle it through. On the one hand, he's dead in this one, so you'd expect it to be lower, but on the other, he only really appeared in one short and one long scene in the final episode of S1, but appeared in a number of brief scenes (in the first episode) and one long scene (in the last) in S3.
What a fucking amazing episode. I was a little ho-hum about the mind-palace during the last two series, butthe sequences during the scene where he gets shot was brilliant.
What was the post-credits sequence?
Pretty crazy episode, I really loved Sherlock's mind palaceright after Mary shot him
The one thing I don't understand is why Mycroft was protecting CAM. And why did the same people who were trying to indict CAM for blackmail give a shit that Sherlock?killed him
I thought the gunshot sequence went on far too long. Took me out of the episode for a while.
Also, you don't need to spoiler tag once the episode has aired.
On a whole, I thought the episode was good but lost its way somewhere in the middle. Loved the ending though.
That little tie in with the James Bond universe was hilarious.
CAM had info on Mycroft and sometimes helped the government out. He was useful.
They gave a shit because he was a big public figure and in Britain we have a legal system where you aren't supposed to be able to kill people without facing criminal charges. The implication was that those figures wanted to not punish Sherlock but were trying to find a way of getting him out of the way.
what bit was this?
I loved this episode up until the very end.
Sherlock getting in trouble for murdering a ridiculously evil man seems stupid (would he have gotten in trouble for murdering Moriarity too?), as well as just generally anticlimactic.
That was bloody amazing. I don't think I've seen better TV programming ever. I hope Moriarty isn't alive, he sure as heck wouldn't have sat around those 2 years doing nothing but planning his return.
If I walked up to Ted Bundy or some killer on the street and shot him in the face, I would be charged with murder. Maybe I wouldn't have gone to prison for the rest of my life, but you can't go around killing people because they're evil.
what bit was this?
I think it's likely it was just some plan left behind (though why it would take so long to implement, I don't know) or it's some relative of Moriarty.