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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon


Tumblr can be an amazing place when you're not unexpectedly running into things that are not safe for work.


Here's a cool excerpt from the author of the original Digital Devil Story light novel, Aya Nishitani.

So many cool facts learned.

Aya Nishitani is not a woman!
This is from a Shin Megami Tensei light novel written and inspired by the game that was inspired by the original novel. Insert some kind of Inception gif here.
SMT developers all think Law is as batshit crazy as the rest of us.
But I really like the attempt here by the original author to contextualize Law and place it with Chaos as a viable choice.

Cool read, and nice thoughts on Law paths.

Is SMT1 worth playing/good?
I've only played Nocturne in the series. I'll probably pass if it's a long, frustrating experience for anyone who's not a long time fan. Basically does it stand on its own as a good rpg?

Absolutely. It does have brutal dungeon and nigh endless random battles, but the story is fantastic.


It's a pretty good RPG, but I find the dungeons frustrating in the SNES version since there isn't a map and you can't tell where you are from the environment.

There is a map, but you need to go through two menu options to see it, so it's kind of slow. The enjoyment of the game depends on how frustrating labyrinths can be to you, how much you care for its story ideas, and the negotiation system.



Has anyone played the original DS game? It was originally released on the Sega Saturn then got re-released on the PSP.
Would like to hear impressions about either version as well as how the overall game plays like.



Has anyone played the original DS game? It was originally released on the Sega Saturn then got re-released on the PSP.
Would like to hear impressions about either version as well as how the overall game plays like.

I own it and I've gotten up to the third dungeon. Good music, eerie atmosphere. It's dated, and the dungeons are pure evil, and combat is slow and janky.

If you can get around that, it's considered a classic.

One of my favorite tracks.


I don't know what I expected from that subject header, but it sure wasn't that.
Time to find a cheap iOS device, I suppose.


Hope Bursar doesn't mind the cross post, but confirmation that this is a new translation:

Bursar from Atlus said:
For the US version, there was no such English rom sitting neglected on a CD somewhere. We took that game and gave it a full localization, involving paying somewhere between 4 and 6 full-time translators and editors for months of work to get the text translated. Then we had to give the text back to the Japanese developers to stick it into the code and compile it, then we run it through multiple QA cycles (passing bugs and fixes back to the developers), before we can sell it.


I'm going back to the megaten ps2 games, should i play the first Devil Summoner with Raidou or just skip to the sequel which i heard is much better? I'm honestly not enjoying myself that much right now.
I prefer the story in the first PS2 game. The battle system is improved in the sequel but it's not like the games are miles apart. If you don't like the first game I doubt you'll have much fun with Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon.


I prefer the story in the first PS2 game. The battle system is improved in the sequel but it's not like the games are miles apart. If you don't like the first game I doubt you'll have much fun with Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon.

Well, some people find Raidou 2 far more accessible, so I'd say it's worth a shot. I definitely agree on the story in the first being better.


I'm going back to the megaten ps2 games, should i play the first Devil Summoner with Raidou or just skip to the sequel which i heard is much better? I'm honestly not enjoying myself that much right now.

If you don't like it, skip it. You can read through my playthrough of it in the SMT anniversary thread. I think I posted an image of the in-game summary of every chapter.


Thanks, i guess i started playing Nocturne now so i can delay the choice too.

Kind of unrelated but was there any talk about porting the games to PC since the sega acquisition?
Porting the old games? I doubt there is a market for that. You can already play most of them with the help of emulators. I wouldn't be surprised if they ported more games to iOS though. It would be an easy way to get some extra money out of their NDS/3DS/PSP/PSV titles.


No i mean the next home console games.

Actually now that i think about it the only game that's coming is Persona 5 and that seems to be a ps3 exclusive.
That might actually be a good candidate for a PS4/XB1/PC port. I've already disconnected my PS3 from my TV since I only have three HDMI ports. By the time Persona 5 makes it to Europe (late 2015?) it might have been moved to my basement storage.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Playing through SMT IV right now and really enjoying it. My guys' next stop is Roppongi. Not sure which way Flynn is aligning just yet. I've been bouncing back and forth in my choices when faced with moral dilemmas, although I did meet one guy in a hunters' bar who asked if I wanted to know what people thought of me, and he said people couldn't really place me. Is he someone I can talk to in order to gauge where Flynn sits on the Order / Chaos spectrum?

I've fiddled around with the series in the past but never finished an SMT game. I reckon this is going to change soon. Really fun game. Got a stack of portable SMT goodness for later too. Usually I'm not into monster collecting / breeding games, but somehow I've gotten into this one.


Is he someone I can talk to in order to gauge where Flynn sits on the Order / Chaos spectrum?

Yes, that's his point. The reply you mentioned means that your Flynn is neutral right now.


One thing I don't get about the SMT universe is how "unique" demons with personalities and histories fit into the whole fusion thing. Like Lucifer is often off limits because how important he is to the game's world, but in theory, you could just fuse him right (in some games I'm sure you can)? So what happens then? Lucifer just dies forever and gets turned into a Jack Frost if you fuse badly enough? Can you make your own Lucifer? Is it that the Lucifer? Can there be two Lucifers? That's just looking at a dude with some degree of importance.

And then, if you think about it, God is just another demon right? So can you fuse God into a shitty monster too?


One thing I don't get about the SMT universe is how "unique" demons with personalities and histories fit into the whole fusion thing. Like Lucifer is often off limits because how important he is to the game's world, but in theory, you could just fuse him right (in some games I'm sure you can)? So what happens then? Lucifer just dies forever and gets turned into a Jack Frost if you fuse badly enough? Can you make your own Lucifer? Is it that the Lucifer? Can there be two Lucifers? That's just looking at a dude with some degree of importance.

And then, if you think about it, God is just another demon right? So can you fuse God into a shitty monster too?

There's a train of thought that when you have 'a' Lucifer it's just a demon taking on its qualities, not 'the' Lucifer. Which is why multiple summoners can use Thor. They're entities taking on the qualities of certain mythological beings.


One thing I don't get about the SMT universe is how "unique" demons with personalities and histories fit into the whole fusion thing. Like Lucifer is often off limits because how important he is to the game's world, but in theory, you could just fuse him right (in some games I'm sure you can)? So what happens then?

I don't think the main games ever went into explaining that very well. IIRC, basically, "fusion" a lot of the time, especially regarding stronger unique demons, seems to be actually closer to "summoning". The demon brought forth receives the knowledge of the previous demons (explaining the inherited abilities) but otherwise is its own thing.

The characters talk once about that in Devil Survivor, and SMTIV's fusion mechanics and demon dialogue seem to support that too. When you fuse demons to make the Minotaur, it's always Akira's minotaur, the one that you faced as a boss and got fusion data for him after his defeat, who even references your previous encounter with him when he appears, not a random newly created minotaur.

When you're just fusing a generic demon, although you're probably actually creating a new demon, and they keep their memories, their personality still instantly changes to match their new race.

Lucifer just dies forever and gets turned into a Jack Frost if you fuse badly enough? Can you make your own Lucifer? Is it that the Lucifer? Can there be two Lucifers? That's just looking at a dude with some degree of importance.

And then, if you think about it, God is just another demon right? So can you fuse God into a shitty monster too?

Like I said above, "fusing" strong demons most of the time seems more like sacrificing some demons to summon a more powerful one. You aren't really actually fusing them together. In the same way, fusing those strong demons seems to just make them "leave" while somehow helping with the fusion process.

This is Lucifer's quote after being fused in Devil Survivor:
"My name is Lucifer the Tyrant, bringer of light. I've awaited this day, my children..."

In the mainline games, you can never have more than one demon of the same species in your party. In the Devil Survivor games, there's a mechanic where certain demons are "unique" and you couldn't have more than one of them among your troops, while others are generic and you can have multiple ones, which just further suggests that the seemingly "unique" demons are just summoned by the fusion.


Anyone know why the Maniax version of SMT3 is so dang expensive used? I know it had a limited release, but it honestly doesn't seem that hard to find used over here, but for the pice of 80 dollars. Regular release is ultra cheap by comparison. Just curious. I want it for my collection but balk at the price every time.

Side note found a nice version of SMT:nine for a 108 yen lol. Couldn't pass it up


About how long are DDS 1 and 2 on their first runs? I just finished coordinate 136.

Anyone know why the Maniax version of SMT3 is so dang expensive used? I know it had a limited release, but it honestly doesn't seem that hard to find used over here, but for the pice of 80 dollars. Regular release is ultra cheap by comparison. Just curious. I want it for my collection but balk at the price every time.

Side note found a nice version of SMT:nine for a 108 yen lol. Couldn't pass it up

It may just have to do with the fact that it's one of the older PS2 games and that it's from a niche company. Makes for a good collector's item.


Alrighty, thanks.

I was debating whether or not to play both back-to-back, but I think I'll give it a break after the first cycle of 1, then go back and finish the NG+ and 2 later. (I'm juggling my backlog right now to fight boredom.)

If you can't go right to DDS2 after 1's ending, you have mad restraint.


I'm sure you don't know every minute detail, and the atmosphere is wonderful. I'm confident you'll enjoy.

The art direction is great. I was a bit iffy on the game at first due to the lack of options at the start (I should really be used to that by now, having played 5 MegaTen games, but eh) but it's starting to shine now that I've got all the party members and some actual money to get mantras.

I do hope they try the "fixed party members with highly customizable movesets" thing again in the future.


It may just have to do with the fact that it's one of the older PS2 games and that it's from a niche company. Makes for a good collector's item.

Makes sense. I'm sure I'll cave one day and grab it. Still missing a ton of different versions of the games. It's sometimes hard to keep track of re-releases and remakes etc. I always get excited when I find them. Like I probably got way too excited when I found a copy of Majin Tensei the other day for 2 dollars lol.


Makes sense. I'm sure I'll cave one day and grab it. Still missing a ton of different versions of the games. It's sometimes hard to keep track of re-releases and remakes etc. I always get excited when I find them. Like I probably got way too excited when I found a copy of Majin Tensei the other day for 2 dollars lol.

Which game on PSN store should I get first? Kinda curious about Raidou honestly.

Raidou is an Action RPG instead of a traditional MegaTen game. (You probably knew that, but just in case.) If you prefer story go for the first game, if you go for gameplay pick the second.

If you're just looking for a regular RPG you can never go wrong with Nocturne.


@OP I was wondering if there's any reason why P3FES is before P3 in the list on the first post?

Also, I was wondering if any of you guys have decent fan-translations of Persona 1 and 2 Innocent Sin?

I tried playing them, but never really got into them, I started loving Persona after 3. Then I read online that the games were more or less changes entirely for the English version/bad localization. I'd love to give them a shot as they were in Japanese, just translated, without any weird localization or changes. :)
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