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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon


The bad localization of Persona 1 only concerns the PSX version, so you could just pickup the English PSP version.
Innocent Sin wasn't originally released in English on PSX. The PSP version's fine, though, and officially in English, so again, I'd recommend getting that one. There is an English fan translation for the PSX version, but I don't know if there's any reason to play that one over the PSP version.


The bad localization of Persona 1 only concerns the PSX version, so you could just pickup the English PSP version.
Innocent Sin wasn't originally released in English on PSX. The PSP version's fine, though, and officially in English, so again, I'd recommend getting that one. There is an English fan translation for the PSX version, but I don't know if there's any reason to play that one over the PSP version.

The reasons one would want to play the fan patch have to do with why want to play IS PSX over the remake, that being that the PSP version completely broke the balancing and removed all semblance of challenge from the game, while increasing the encounter rate, so the game is longer but more pointless. Otherwise, though, there's no reason to go through the trouble of playing a fan translation, which is worse than Atlus' actual translation.



This is my source. According to this, there's quite the difference in text AND art between the official English version and the Japanese version.

Correct if wrong. I just want to play the Japanese version of the game in English, without any changes like that.

That's just the PS1 version, as has been said. They changed the names to be less foreign, and edited some characters' portraits, most notably changing Mark. It's nothing really important, but the PSP version has everything like the Japanese version anyway. The real issue of P1 PSX's translation is how it was of a poor quality in general, not the changes.


That's just the PS1 version, as has been said. They changed the names to be less foreign, and edited some characters' portraits, most notably changing Mark. It's nothing really important, but the PSP version has everything like the Japanese version anyway. The real issue of P1 PSX's translation is how it was of a poor quality in general, not the changes.

Ahh got it! Thanks a lot for the info :D

I'll grab the PSP version~


The reasons one would want to play the fan patch have to do with why want to play IS PSX over the remake, that being that the PSP version completely broke the balancing and removed all semblance of challenge from the game, while increasing the encounter rate, so the game is longer but more pointless. Otherwise, though, there's no reason to go through the trouble of playing a fan translation, which is worse than Atlus' actual translation.

It's still a very good translation, and despite some quirks, 'Michelle', they did a great job.

Also, the PS1 interface has its charms.


It's still a very good translation, and despite some quirks, 'Michelle', they did a great job.

Also, the PS1 interface has its charms.

It's a bad translation because it suffers from spelling and grammar errors. I actually like the quirks and other changes for it. The interface's graphical design is indeed nice, but unfortunately, its actual functional design is pits. It would have been great if the remake actually paid attention to the small presentation choices of the original, but we got what we got instead.
Can you go straight into the second game in Digital Devil Saga? I hear the first game is like an intro, but it seems part 2 is generally better received/refined and I'm not really in the mood to tackle two big RPGs.
(But, if the first game actually is an unavoidable necessity for the second, does the first at least have a proper ending on it's own?)
Alright, but do you still get somewhat of a complete package with only the first? I'm not sure if I can get the second game right away, not to mention whether I have the patience for two big, similar SMT games in a row.


I've done them back to back before. I think you'll enjoy them. The end of 1 is quite gripping.
And they're not THAT long.


Alright, but do you still get somewhat of a complete package with only the first? I'm not sure if I can get the second game right away, not to mention whether I have the patience for two big, similar SMT games in a row.

Yep. It ends on a cliffhanger, but it doesn't feel like you've only played half a game.

They're also not actually that long. About 20 - 25 hours each.


Oh good there's a general topic.

I've just started on DDS1 on the PS3 - is it supposed to be this slow?
I swear it's like I'm playing at 20fps or less, some of the sound effects are slightly off too. Is there something I can change to fix it, or is the PSN version just bugged?

It's my first non-Persona SMT game, only an hour in. Battle theme is cool.


Oh good there's a general topic.

I've just started on DDS1 on the PS3 - is it supposed to be this slow?
I swear it's like I'm playing at 20fps or less, some of the sound effects are slightly off too. Is there something I can change to fix it, or is the PSN version just bugged?

It's my first non-Persona SMT game, only an hour in. Battle theme is cool.

Sounds like the PSN version. The games were rumored to be having emulation issues, and that seems accurate.


Sounds like the PSN version. The games were rumored to be having emulation issues, and that seems accurate.

I have tried DDS1 on PCSX2 and it had similar problems. Nocturne has extremely obnoxious stuttering without messing around with visual settings and Persona 4 had a highly unstable framerate, and my rig can run Kingdom Hearts 2 at a consistent 60 FPS.

I wonder why most Atlus games are so hard to emulate properly.

Damn. This is the only way I can play the game, guess it'll have to do. I hope the sequal isn't this bad off.

For some weird reason the performance in DDS1 is awful early on but in later parts of the game it's perfectly fine.

Like, after the first trip to Manipura (the second level) the performance is consistent save for a few of the most massive areas. I haven't gotten to the sequel yet. (Preparing to fight the Demi-Fiend.)


I have tried DDS1 on emulator PCSX2 and it had similar problems. Nocturne has extremely obnoxious stuttering without messing around with visual settings and Persona 4 had a highly unstable framerate, and my rig can run Kingdom Hearts 2 at a consistent 60 FPS.

I wonder why most Atlus games are so hard to emulate properly.

They're wizards, 'arry.


For some weird reason the performance in DDS1 is awful early on but in later parts of the game it's perfectly fine.

Like, after the first trip to Manipura (the second level) the performance is consistent save for a few of the most massive areas. I haven't gotten to the sequel yet. (Preparing to fight the Demi-Fiend.)

Oh, well that'll be alright then.
At least the game is turn based, it would be near unplayable otherwise.

Does Raidou suffer from the same issues?


They're wizards, 'arry.

Wizards with strange programming methods I imagine.

Oh, well that'll be alright then.
At least the game is turn based, it would be near unplayable otherwise.

Does Raidou suffer from the same issues?

The game is still noticeably slower than the PS2 original (basing this off of reference footage) but it runs at an even rate.

No idea about Raidou 1 or 2 unfortunately.
Being 8 hours into DDS for the first time, I must admit, goddamn, this might just be the most boring game I've ever played. I'm not seeing anything worth of the admiration, unless this is some kind of experiment? Throw in a second or two of somewhat intriguing imagery or plot teasing after every couple of hours and see who keeps slugging through an otherwise legitimately dreadful experience for more of that (and unfortunately, I'm stupid enough to always come back). Seriously though, all of the game feels like the designers had no other intention, except for making everything as tedious as possible and barely sprinkle in some illusions of fun here and there. Reading some reviews, I should have gone straight to part 2 after all, and just youtube/wikipedia the story of the first.... crap.


Probably explains the hell Gemini went through in doing IS, and the hell the EP PSP guy is encountering.

Thank god localizations are the norm now rather than the exception.

Being 8 hours into DDS for the first time, I must admit, goddamn, this might just be the most boring game I've ever played. I'm not seeing anything worth of the admiration, unless this is some kind of experiment? Throw in a second or two of somewhat intriguing imagery or plot teasing after every couple of hours and see who keeps slugging through an otherwise legitimately dreadful experience for more of that (and unfortunately, I'm stupid enough to always come back). Seriously though, all of the game feels like the designers had no other intention, except for making everything as tedious as possible and barely sprinkle in some illusions of fun here and there. Reading some reviews, I should have gone straight to part 2 after all, and just youtube/wikipedia the story of the first.... crap.

DDS1 takes forever to pick up (and by forever, I mean after coordinate 136, which is the end of the first half, and when you finally get all your party members), mainly because DDS1's mantra system puts a serious throttle on flexible character growth up until the enemies actually start giving you more than a pittiance of Macca to work with. The game becomes more enjoyable once you actually get the freedom to customize your characters in true SMT fashion, but up until then it's quite underwhelming. The story also doesn't really get interesting up until the Brute's Base.

From what I've played of 2 so far you accumulate mantra and Party members more quickly (You get your entire party at the end of the second area) and the revamped Mantra grid forces you to think more carefully about how you develop your characters without being as linear as the first game's Mantra tree. The plot also hits the ground running.

Tangentially related: Finally beat this bastard two days ago.

DDS1 takes forever to pick up (and by forever, I mean after coordinate 136, which is the end of the first half, and when you finally get all your party members), mainly because DDS1's mantra system puts a serious throttle on flexible character growth up until the enemies actually start giving you more than a pittiance of Macca to work with. The game becomes more enjoyable once you actually get the freedom to customize your characters in true SMT fashion, but up until then it's quite underwhelming. The story also doesn't really get interesting up until the Brute's Base.

I think that's where I am. Pretty much didn't have any nerves left after the umpteenth unavoidable trap door. Apart from the simplistic battles, what also kills it for me currently, is the fact that the whole game is nothing but brown corridors with forgettable noises. The battle theme for mid-tier monsters is the only good thing so far.


Which method? Congrats all the same.


I did it with straight-up attrition. Took about 50 minutes on my 12th try (before he could fire off his 6th Gaea Rage) .I considered using the Red Star strategy but I realized I was a bit too forgetful to use it without risking his minions using Recarmdra.

I didn't start making any real headway until I realized I wasn't doing that much damage specifically against the Demi-fiend. My strategy at that point had basically been. Ragnarok-Salvation-Dispel Debuffs. Once I realized that I wasn't killing him fast enough I made sure to use Last Word on him every turn after I used Ragnarok if I could get away with it. Finally killed him a few tries after starting that.

The few times I died to anything other than Gaea Rage was when I was playing fast and loose with healing.

...Also that time Arahabaki petrified my entire party.

I think that's where I am. Pretty much didn't have any nerves left after the umpteenth unavoidable trap door. Apart from the simplistic battles, what also kills it for me currently, is the fact that the whole game is nothing but brown corridors with forgettable noises. The battle theme for mid-tier monsters is the only good thing so far.

The excessive amount of traps is definitely annoying, and the final dungeon is turned into a migraine because of fucking teleporter mazes unless you have a map.

DDS1's soundtrack is very low key techno. I feel like most of it needed more time in the oven, but I overall liked it. The Final Boss themes are excellent at least. DDS2's soundtrack definitely shits all over 1's though.
The excessive amount of traps is definitely annoying, and the final dungeon is turned into a migraine because of fucking teleporter mazes unless you have a map.

DDS1's soundtrack is very low key techno. I feel like most of it needed more time in the oven, but I overall liked it. The Final Boss themes are excellent at least. DDS2's soundtrack definitely shits all over 1's though.

Congrats, and yeah Hari Hara is an excellent final boss theme, along with DDS2 Final Boss theme, Divine Identity


Seeing that article makes me wish they kept Shiva's SMT2 design as the main one.

Congrats, and yeah Hari Hara is an excellent final boss theme, along with DDS2 Final Boss theme, Divine Identity

Thanks. I actually prefer Harihara's second theme, though I have an affinity for the bombastic so that's probably why. The first one is still pretty great.

DDS1 has the ambient jazz town BGM, though. I love that stuff.

Meguro's a master at town themes. I really wish more composers took a page from his book on that part. Megaten games and a few of Nintendo's RPGs are really the only ones where I actually like listening to them.
Looking at that, one day, maybe Kaneko will return.


I did it with straight-up attrition. Took about 50 minutes on my 12th try (before he could fire off his 6th Gaea Rage) .I considered using the Red Star strategy but I realized I was a bit too forgetful to use it without risking his minions using Recarmdra.

I didn't start making any real headway until I realized I wasn't doing that much damage specifically against the Demi-fiend. My strategy at that point had basically been. Ragnarok-Salvation-Dispel Debuffs. Once I realized that I wasn't killing him fast enough I made sure to use Last Word on him every turn after I used Ragnarok if I could get away with it. Finally killed him a few tries after starting that.

The few times I died to anything other than Gaea Rage was when I was playing fast and loose with healing.

...Also that time Arahabaki petrified my entire party.

The excessive amount of traps is definitely annoying, and the final dungeon is turned into a migraine because of fucking teleporter mazes unless you have a map.

DDS1's soundtrack is very low key techno. I feel like most of it needed more time in the oven, but I overall liked it. The Final Boss themes are excellent at least. DDS2's soundtrack definitely shits all over 1's though.


DDS2 had far more techno than DDS1; 1's was largely Jazz for locales and metal for fights with "clean" production, 2 either was blatantly midi/synth derived or had a thick post-production layer on it to put it deep on the Industrial side of Industrial Metal Megaten is famous for.
Tis is of course done in juxtaposition of "Fake World" and "Real World".

Compare and contrast:


Hunting: Compulsion

Karma City

Hunting: Betrayal

Also, Manipura gives DDS1 the edge because oh my fucking GOD.


kaneko, my hero~

pepsi doing YHVH's work, so many of these treasures hidden in plain sight, waiting for someone with the time and inclination to translate. can't wait for the SMT history documentary too.


@iiotenki on Twitter!
kaneko, my hero~

pepsi doing YHVH's work, so many of these treasures hidden in plain sight, waiting for someone with the time and inclination to translate. can't wait for the SMT history documentary too.

That's super flattering to hear people are still looking forward to that documentary! At this stage, I've been a little over halfway done with the first draft for a little while. Just hard to sit down and hammer out the rest when life stuff keeps popping up. One of these days, though!


Devil Summoner project is making progress:


They just need to apply a fixed-width font. Sadly, I'm not involved, but my team's hacker is, so it will get there.


Devil Summoner project is making progress:


They just need to apply a fixed-width font. Sadly, I'm not involved, but my team's hacker is, so it will get there.

What's the version of the game? Original or PSP? Anyway, I'm really looking forward to that translation.


Hi guys.

I'm thinking of doing a replay of Nocturne sometime soon (on cast even!)

and I do want a portable SMT game. Anyone want to help me with that? I heard a lot of strong recommendations for Strange Journey. A portable one would be my first SMT. No portable system refrence matters, it can go all the way back to ds or psp.

I also want to get devil summoner on PSN.
and I do want a portable SMT game. Anyone want to help me with that? I heard a lot of strong recommendations for Strange Journey. A portable one would be my first SMT. No portable system refrence matters, it can go all the way back to ds or psp.

If you have access to it Strange Journey is pretty rad. It's a classic first-person dungeon crawler, but with Megaten story and systems. Note: do not play this if you are allergic to ultra-complex puzzle dungeons.
SMT 1's ios D-pad is driving me crazy. It keeps acting like I double tapped it and makes me turn 180 degrees or move forward 2/3 times.

I'm thinking of starting either SJ or Nocturne next, but I just wanted to know real quick. Is there any (legal) way of playing SMT II? If not I'll skip it and come back later through a translation or something.


Super Famicom copies of SMT2 are crazy cheap on ebay, and you can apply the fan translation patch to those.

You can also buy the PSX version off Japanese PSN, and I think the untranslated SMT2 might even be available on iOS still for purchase (Android is region locked).


Hi guys.

I'm thinking of doing a replay of Nocturne sometime soon (on cast even!)

and I do want a portable SMT game. Anyone want to help me with that? I heard a lot of strong recommendations for Strange Journey. A portable one would be my first SMT. No portable system refrence matters, it can go all the way back to ds or psp.

I also want to get devil summoner on PSN.

I would roll SMT:SJ or maybe SMTIV if you have the means to play it. Soul Hackers is fun too and not too long if I recall.
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