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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon

I guess because it's on a different memory card? You could manually copy the save from one to the other. How does the US version handle it?

Can you even make digital PS2 memory cards? PS1 has a separate folder for it, but it seems like PS2 saves work like PS3. There isn't much on google, but recent posts confirming that it doesn't work for others in EU.
Iirc Ghostlight UK, who published this, also shipped Devil Survivor glitched back in the day. I suspect, they don't give a damn.

PS2 Classics have save files that are just encrypted memory cards, but you can't create them or use them like the PS1 memory cards. You can however copy them to a USB drive and decrypt them on a PC (and encrypt and copy them back after you manipulated them).

Take a look at here.

Thanks. Too bad I don't have my own PC right now
and I'm already 2 hours into DDS2


PS2 Classics have save files that are just encrypted memory cards, but you can't create them or use them like the PS1 memory cards. You can however copy them to a USB drive and decrypt them on a PC (and encrypt and copy them back after you manipulated them).

Take a look at here.


There's also Soul Hackers on 3DS, which isn't mainline but is generally a pretty great game and a lot easier than Strange Journey is. The downside is that a few gameplay elements can feel dated to some people (it is originally a Sega Saturn game after all). That didn't bother me, but SJ is the better option if you feel like it could bother you.

i just bought Soul Hackers and Devil Survivor Overclocked, a copy of Strange Journey is on its way from Canada :) should keep me entertained till SMT4 is available in Europe


This is a long shot, but does anyone know if the Sloth dungeon in If expands from cycles spent there ONLY, or anywhere?
Not sure if this has been mentioned in GAF, but it seems as if Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei's patch by ddstranslation (different from the Aeon patch) is still active, and even has a playable beta. Granted, there seems to still be some bugs that need to be ironed out, and the ending is not translated, but it looks like between this and the upcoming MT1 NES patch, the age of the origins of the Goddess Reincarnation will soon be upon the west.



wowowow this is amazing news! After looking at Gideon's giant list of current projects I had given up on being able to play this in the next decade, so to see this pop up out of nowhere (ahead of that other randomly delayed MT1 translation too) is pri-tty fantastic!!!

everyone help out with the beta testing please! It would be great if my first experience with these games were polished and bug free /selfishness


Spoiler post, so beware. I am close to beating SMT IV, so hear are my thoughts.

No game has ever made me feel like such a fool, than this one. For one thing, I thought who I got to side with was a singular choice, rather than the entirety of the game. Not that this is bad by any means, it's just bitterly deceptive, and it's ultimately punishing. For the record, I sided with Walter, but I was definitely leaning in any direction besides Johnathan.

Here is why I feel like a fool, and it's probably been stated before. I fell for Walter's smooth-talking, about a world where the strong persevere. I followed it without much thought, without looking at the consequences. This is probably what the game wanted you to do, then have you realize your two close friends served no other purpose than to deceive you. If I knew the consequences beforehand, you can bet your ass I would have chose neutral. Not that this choice has any substantial effects on gameplay (to my knowledge that is).

I wanted to show Isabeau remorse, I was trying to get out of killing her, but no matter how hard you try, the game is set on making you the biggest douche alive. She loved the protagonist, but she couldn't take your decision to bring the world into chaos standing still. It really got to me how the protagonist showed no remorse in Isabeau's death, considering her affection and trust she placed in you, just for you to watch her kill herself in one of the most painful and brutal ways imaginable. The game wanted you to show the cruelty and brashness that came from a world of Chaos, on Isabeau, and any other attempt is not what the game intended. I felt sorry for Walter as well, moreover because he fused into the most hideous looking Lucifer I have ever seen in any game, but that's a different story meant for another day.

In truth, I wanted a world where my friends could live in peace, but man, did I fuck up big time.


Has there been any word on Break Record since its been delayed?

Nope, we had a similar discussion in Persona GAF and there were no news.

Atlusprime did say that he hasn't heard of anything regarding it's cancellation.

So the only thing we have is that it's not cancelled.
Nope, we had a similar discussion in Persona GAF and there were no news.

Atlusprime did say that he hasn't heard of anything regarding it's cancellation.

So the only thing we have is that it's not cancelled.

Thanks I've been worried that it got cancelled or something because of the lack of news.


I decided to go ahead and do quick playthroughs of MT1 and 2 for the sake of this Megami Tensei Old Testament beta patch needing testers. Working through MT1 now. It's really quite high quality, I'm surprised. I really do adore this game, but I expect it won't go over very well with most of the English-speaking fanbase. :(


I decided to go ahead and do quick playthroughs of MT1 and 2 for the sake of this Megami Tensei Old Testament beta patch needing testers. Working through MT1 now. It's really quite high quality, I'm surprised. I really do adore this game, but I expect it won't go over very well with most of the English-speaking fanbase. :(

Seems to be getting positive feedback in the circles I know of.


Haven't played an SMT game since the ps2 days. I tried P3 Fes completely on a whim based on the box art when it first came out while browsing Gamestop one day. I was too young at the time to be able to get a full grasp at the mechanics and totally failed hard. Tried DDS and then eventually Persona 4 which I stopped playing after the Kanji shadow fight.

Now that I'm older and have a lot of free time at work I can finally give these games a shot. I picked up Persona 3 Fes, DDS1, and Nocturne on PSN. I also grabbed SMT IV and Strange Journey on DS and finally SMT 1 on iOS.

Now here's my dilemma. I want the best story possible to get me into the series. By story I mean an actual plot line that's told to the player and not completely implied like in Nocturne. What's the best SMT game to get me invested in the series's background. I plan on waiting and playing persona 4 Golden when I get a Vita.

I've put in 20 hours in P3 fes so far and realized I have to start over. I've got about 10 hours In DDS ,SMTIV, and just beat Matador in Nocturne on my first try (so freaking lucky!). Which one should I stick with?
Now here's my dilemma. I want the best story possible to get me into the series. By story I mean an actual plot line that's told to the player and not completely implied like in Nocturne. What's the best SMT game to get me invested in the series's background. I plan on waiting and playing persona 4 Golden when I get a Vita.

I've put in 20 hours in P3 fes so far and realized I have to start over. I've got about 10 hours In DDS ,SMTIV, and just beat Matador in Nocturne on my first try (so freaking lucky!). Which one should I stick with?

It's difficult to say which story would be best to get you into the series as a whole, since different games go for different angles, and it's not all one long storyline besides Amala timeline theories that I've seen. Having said that, P3FES is the most overtly storycentric of the ones you've listed, followed by DDS. SMT4 has story and interesting aspects that can be gained by wandering the city and keeping up with the NPCs, but like Nocturne it's mostly not spoon-fed to you in the way that you might get in most RPGs.

What do you mean exactly when you say that you realized that you have to start over in P3 FES? And if you've put in 10 hours in SMT4 does that mean that you've reached Tokyo yet?


It's difficult to say which story would be best to get you into the series as a whole, since different games go for different angles, and it's not all one long storyline besides Amala timeline theories that I've seen. Having said that, P3FES is the most overtly storycentric of the ones you've listed, followed by DDS. SMT4 has story and interesting aspects that can be gained by wandering the city and keeping up with the NPCs, but like Nocturne it's mostly not spoon-fed to you in the way that you might get in most RPGs.

What do you mean exactly when you say that you realized that you have to start over in P3 FES? And if you've put in 10 hours in SMT4 does that mean that you've reached Tokyo yet?

In P3FES I realized I missed a few of the social link opportunities and wasn't able to get the personas I needed for the bosses. Plus I didn't realise I needed to go to the coffee shop and arcade to boost my charm and stuff till really late.

In SMT IV, I'm at the boss right before Tokyo, medusa. I'm trying to find a good place to level up a bit. I'm like level 16 atm. I've got a few quests open on the board too I'm working on like the dragon of the lake.

I think I'm going to finish nocturne first. I ended up watching the story cutscenes for P3 the journey and the answer. That was an awesome story that took forever to tell. I feel like if atlus had more money they could tell these amazing stories. It's pretty obvious they have a great story but aren't able to tell it all. In the journey you don't get the full story about what happens at the end but the answer completely explains everything about what happened in the journey. I wish P3 had all the improvements from p4golden.
Seems to be getting positive feedback in the circles I know of.

I think he means the fnabase as a whole, let's be honest this is a very niche thing that only a small percentage of the fandom will really want to play. And I'll be honest while I would really like to play this just for sake of playing the games that started the series as a whole, I'm hesitant to, mostly because I have a feeling this game will be very archaic in terms of gameplay.


I for one am UNBELIEVABLY amped to play and the screens I've seen so far are way too tantalizing. In fact, after I'm done with Soul Hackers, I might just bite the bullet and help out with the beta testing myself despite wanting my first experience with the game to be perfect (I SEE YOU AEANA BUT EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO HELP TOO)

Anyways, I was jonesing for more info and so I stumbled upon this amateur podcast that managed to interview the hacker, "dds translation" himself.

There's a lot of info in this interview!

I had no clue that this kind of "open beta" thing is very unheard of in the fan translation community, pretty interesting.

He talks about his history with the hacking, names two of the translators he worked with at the start, decisions over naming choices, and also talks about how he's doing the remainder himself but still needs help with the remaining translation bits that are heavy on dialect since he's only recently been learning Japanese himself.

Also mentions that Gideon said he's likely to drop his attempt at Kyuuyaku now that he knows this one's almost done.

Anyways, get to the thread people!



So this is for the Megami Tensei for NES? I'm interested..

Yeah it's the Super Famicom remake of both Megami Tensei 1 and 2, which I imagine is 100x more playable than the Famicom originals.

Although I'll still try that Famicom translation if it ever comes out.


Yeah it's the Super Famicom remake of both Megami Tensei 1 and 2, which I imagine is 100x more playable than the Famicom originals.

Although I'll still try that Famicom translation if it ever comes out.

Awesome, I have a interest in those as well as the famicom originals.


The originals would still be worth playing because the dungeon layouts and some scenario stuff differs, among other things. And as weird as it seems, I actually prefer the mappara display in the original compared to the remake.
I for one am UNBELIEVABLY amped to play and the screens I've seen so far are way too tantalizing. In fact, after I'm done with Soul Hackers, I might just bite the bullet and help out with the beta testing myself despite wanting my first experience with the game to be perfect (I SEE YOU AEANA BUT EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO HELP TOO)

Anyways, I was jonesing for more info and so I stumbled upon this amateur podcast that managed to interview the hacker, "dds translation" himself.

There's a lot of info in this interview!

I had no clue that this kind of "open beta" thing is very unheard of in the fan translation community, pretty interesting.

He talks about his history with the hacking, names two of the translators he worked with at the start, decisions over naming choices, and also talks about how he's doing the remainder himself but still needs help with the remaining translation bits that are heavy on dialect since he's only recently been learning Japanese himself.

Also mentions that Gideon said he's likely to drop his attempt at Kyuuyaku now that he knows this one's almost done.

Anyways, get to the thread people!


I don't follow Cathedral of Shadows, but I'll have to look into this episode later today. Sounds interesting. Unfortunately, my backlog (still trying to finish my FF5 Fiesta and AAI2 so I can really settle down with Trails in the Sky) means I won't be helping to beta test this.


Daedalus is only the first dungeon in the game. But you do move seamlessly between dungeons. The game is made up of several locales, and each one looks different.

Daedalus is just the ziggurat structure in the front.

Those are some awesome looking locations, looks like the last one is a babel of tower type of deal.

Now I really want this translation done :(


hate double posting.

Saw someone finish SMT for SNES translated

looked good and fun til he was frustrated for a while not knowing where to go. I need to try it!
SMT 1 is definitely on the open side when it comes to doing what needs to be done. The path is mostly linear iirc, but it only sometimes tells you "Ok, good job, head here next", much less having a world map that guides you towards the next location with barriers that lift when you complete objectives.

Maybe that's why SMT4's map never bothered me as much as it seems to bother some people. It's not much worse than how SMT1 does it.


Personally, the random reference in SMT3 that totally caught me off guard when it was pointed out to me was this one.


Check out the dolls in the background.


I don't think references to the prior game in a series are random or weird.

EDIT: I should probably include a screenshot so people know what he's talking about.

I don't think references to the prior game in a series are random or weird.

EDIT: I should probably include a screenshot so people know what he's talking about.


Yup the screenshot helps, I trying to figure it where the dolls came from and could not remember where I saw them for the life of me.


So has anyone nabbed the DDS novelization yet and could attest to its quality? (Or lack thereof?)

I'm really curious about it, but all the reviews so far seem to be more from SMT super-fans while I've been hoping for something a little less biased as it were.


So has anyone nabbed the DDS novelization yet and could attest to its quality? (Or lack thereof?)

I'm really curious about it, but all the reviews so far seem to be more from SMT super-fans while I've been hoping for something a little less biased as it were.

Well, you won't get any differing an opinion here... from what I've read, it's a 1:1 retelling of DDS. Almost too much so, so far.
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