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Shin Megami Tensei Community Thread: Be Your True Demon


Fucking Isamu, do you understand the fucking shit I have to deal with because of your bullshit.

"I know now that I can't rely on you."

Bitch! Uzume hold me back! I'm gonna tear this fucker to pieces! Now I'm trapped in the Amala Network fighting a horde of Megido spamming fucks because of your shit!

All of this after the pain that was the Fates. Goddamn the ride never ends with this game.



Hi SMT GAF, I just finished Nocturne and thought I would share how I feel about the game. Quite simply it is possibly my favorite RPG ever next to FF6. I have previously played Persona 3/4 and Strange Journey, and Nocturne is definitely my favorite out of the bunch. I decided to go for the Neutral ending having went for chaos in Strange Journey and liked it a lot, but I will need to go and see the true demon ending. Now the next SMT game I will play it will most likely be Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army since I own every SMT PS2 classic on PSN.
Hi SMT GAF, I just finished Nocturne and thought I would share how I feel about the game. Quite simply it is possibly my favorite RPG ever next to FF6. I have previously played Persona 3/4 and Strange Journey, and Nocturne is definitely my favorite out of the bunch. I decided to go for the Neutral ending having went for chaos in Strange Journey and liked it a lot, but I will need to go and see the true demon ending. Now the next SMT game I will play it will most likely be Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army since I own every SMT PS2 classic on PSN.

Make sure you check out Soul Hackers and Digital Devil Saga 1&2 if you haven't already.


Make sure you check out Soul Hackers and Digital Devil Saga 1&2 if you haven't already.

I don't currently have a 3DS, but when I get one I will make sure to pick it up. As for DDS 1/2 I got them already downloaded on my PS3 so just a matter of time before I give them a shot.
I don't currently have a 3DS, but when I get one I will make sure to pick it up. As for DDS 1/2 I got them already downloaded on my PS3 so just a matter of time before I give them a shot.

I bought a 3DS pretty much just for SMT and it's so worth it.
SH, SMTIV, Persona Q, Overclocked, Record Breaker...
And you can also play SJ on it.
Easily worth the price of admission.
There are other great games of course.
I don't care for stuff like Pokemon, Tomodachi or Animal Crossing but Fire Emblem is a damn fine game.


I bought a 3DS pretty much just for SMT and it's so worth it.
SH, SMTIV, Persona Q, Overclocked, Record Breaker...
And you can also play SJ on it.
Easily worth the price of admission.
There are other great games of course.
I don't care for stuff like Pokemon, Tomodachi or Animal Crossing but Fire Emblem is a damn fine game.

I will pretty much do the same once I run out of SMT games to play on my PS3, That way I can play games like Fire Emblem: Awakening as well. I actually already own Persona Q since I wanted to get all of those damn Tarot cards.
I will pretty much do the same once I run out of SMT games to play on my PS3, That way I can play games like Fire Emblem: Awakening as well. I actually already own Persona Q since I wanted to get all of those damn Tarot cards.

Well at least you get access to a very fine RPG least, particularly if you factor in the DS library.
Playing DDS1 now that it's summer break, and man, I get
Gale at level 20 with tons of mantras
and my party was 19/18/18. (No wonder I thought that boss was a bit hard, especially without
Void Expel

It's weird being told I'm underleveled by the game like this. I already felt like I was grinding quite a bit.

Also, [obligatory Meguro soundtrack love here]


Been playing Devil Survivor Overclocked and getting my ass handed to me. I just made it to day 3. I've pumped STR on my MC and that's apparently a mistake from what I've read in the OP, although I take down a demon party every turn with him.

I feel like my other party members are underpowered, but after looking around online a little I've started fusing the highest level monsters possible with auction fodder that I can after every battle. Curious to see how that works out for me.


Been playing Devil Survivor Overclocked and getting my ass handed to me. I just made it to day 3. I've pumped STR on my MC and that's apparently a mistake from what I've read in the OP, although I take down a demon party every turn with him.

I feel like my other party members are underpowered, but after looking around online a little I've started fusing the highest level monsters possible with auction fodder that I can after every battle. Curious to see how that works out for me.

Played all but, I think, one of the routes (between the original DS game and Overclocked) and never bothered with a phys MC. A ma build definitely seems the way to go. I don't think it's not doable, though, to go phys; just more challenging.
Been playing Devil Survivor Overclocked and getting my ass handed to me. I just made it to day 3. I've pumped STR on my MC and that's apparently a mistake from what I've read in the OP, although I take down a demon party every turn with him.

I feel like my other party members are underpowered, but after looking around online a little I've started fusing the highest level monsters possible with auction fodder that I can after every battle. Curious to see how that works out for me.

I'd really love to try Devil Survivor, if only I had a 3DS and the art wasn't fucking terrible. Gravity defying boobs HEEHO!


Daily reminder that you need Nocturne in your life.

Just jacked Hell Biker's motorcycle, gonna go break some bitches out of prison.
I'd really love to try Devil Survivor, if only I had a 3DS and the art wasn't fucking terrible. Gravity defying boobs HEEHO!

The boobs thing only happens in the second game.




Edit: better pics:



Anyway, don't let this stop you from playing an awesome game, these are some of the best srpgs money can buy.


When did boobs become so detestable? And I think the art in both Devil Survivor games is quite enjoyable. Fun characters, especially the first one.
When did boobs become so detestable? And I think the art in both Devil Survivor games is quite enjoyable. Fun characters, especially the first one.

Come on, the boobs pointing upwards are fucking ridiculous.
Makoto's look like they are trying to force their way out to shoot into the sky.
The boobs are a little silly but I never really gave them that much thought ingame. The Devil Survivor games are still wonderful titles. I may prefer Strange Journey for my DS Megatening, but I get why the DeSu games were more popular among fans.
The boobs are a little silly but I never really gave them that much thought ingame. The Devil Survivor games are still wonderful titles. I may prefer Strange Journey for my DS Megatening, but I get why the DeSu games were more popular among fans.

Yeah, at least for Yuzu in DeSu1 I looked at the character art for like a second and was like "man she has huge boobs" then never really cared about it again. Its not like the games are pandering, its just the portraits.

It's weird because his art in Durarara was pretty good.

Alright should I go for Neutral or True Demon Ending first?

TDE, just because the content TDE adds makes Nocturne significantly better. Labirynth of Amana is one of the best designed dungeons ever and the Fiend fights are amazing, except for a certain bs one.


Its not like the games are pandering, its just the portraits.

I'm not a fan of the art but this is mostly true. One (optional) event in the second game is the only real pandering and it's tame compared to things like Persona 4 Golden hot springs scenes.


Those portraits look a bit ridiculous, and I'm usually fine with stuff like this. You shouldn't let that deter you from the games though. Yasuda seems to have toned his breasts down a bit in Cyber Sleuth.
Those portraits look a bit ridiculous, and I'm usually fine with stuff like this. You shouldn't let that deter you from the games though. Yasuda seems to have toned his breasts down a bit in Cyber Sleuth.

It's really just these games where the boobs are ridiculous. All the designs in Durarara were fine. Besides the major hurdle isn't the art it's the fact that I don't have a 3DS and also I'm not finished with Nocturne and currently have both Digital Devil Saga games queued up as well as the Raidou games and Eternal Punishment. Can't seem to find Innocent Sin on PSN tho.


Besides the major hurdle isn't the art it's the fact that I don't have a 3DS and also I'm not finished with Nocturne and currently have both Digital Devil Saga games queued up as well as the Raidou games and Eternal Punishment. Can't seem to find Innocent Sin on PSN tho.

Innocent Sin is a PSP title on NA PSN.

I kind of went through a similar SMT marathon about two years ago, going through all the PS2 games (and later, early Persona). You have a lot to look forward to.

I still need to get an iOS device to play SMT1.


The tragedy will always be Kaneko, Soejima, or Doi didn't do it, and the Durarararararararara artist had the worst day of their career that day.

His Demon Overlord design for the DS1 MC was pretty awesome. I think that artist gets a bad rap. He just studies the IIDX school of art design; make the guys cool and the girls hot.
His Demon Overlord design for the DS1 MC was pretty awesome. I think that artist gets a bad rap. He just studies the IIDX school of art design; make the guys cool and the girls hot.

I don't wanna keep harping on it because I liked his work in Durarara but with the two Devil Survivor games, there's something off about it. That being said DeSu 2's MC has a much better design Mr. "Hair antennae".

When I do try them they'll be my first SRPGs so that'll be fun, well actually that's not true my first SRPG was this YuYu Hakusho game but whatever my first legit SRPG.
Hi guys. I am just getting into the SMT series after playing Persona, and what drew me into it was the really cool idea of how you could persuade demons to join you through chatting. I'm starting on the first game and I'm enjoying it so far (SNES version of course, not the iOS).

I just have a question, and I've listened to this track a dozen times before getting into SMT. I'm just wondering if it ever plays in any of the games (I'm assuming one of the devil summoner games)? It's some smooth as fuck jazz.

Hi guys. I am just getting into the SMT series after playing Persona, and what drew me into it was the really cool idea of how you could persuade demons to join you through chatting. I'm starting on the first game and I'm enjoying it so far (SNES version of course, not the iOS).

I just have a question, and I've listened to this track a dozen times before getting into SMT. I'm just wondering if it ever plays in any of the games (I'm assuming one of the devil summoner games)? It's some smooth as fuck jazz.

Funny enough the original version plays in the Persona 2 Duology (It could be a rearrangement for P2, but I haven't played all of the Devil Summoner games)


Hi guys. I am just getting into the SMT series after playing Persona, and what drew me into it was the really cool idea of how you could persuade demons to join you through chatting. I'm starting on the first game and I'm enjoying it so far (SNES version of course, not the iOS).

I just have a question, and I've listened to this track a dozen times before getting into SMT. I'm just wondering if it ever plays in any of the games (I'm assuming one of the devil summoner games)? It's some smooth as fuck jazz.


I know it's in the Persona 2 games (Innocent Sin PSP version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VYIpwRXYw, Eternal Punishment PSX version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7jF8-hAVsc)

also, cat version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6iQIbZQOyo

I don't think it's in the Raidou games (they have other great jazzy tracks though).
I know it's in the Persona 2 games (Innocent Sin PSP version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VYIpwRXYw, Eternal Punishment PSX version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7jF8-hAVsc)

also, cat version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6iQIbZQOyo

I don't think it's in the Raidou games (they have other great jazzy tracks though).

Funny enough the original version plays in the Persona 2 Duology (It could be a rearrangement for P2, but I haven't played all of the Devil Summoner games)

Ahh damn, that's a bummer but thanks for establishing that lol. It's only in an OST then eh?
Thing is, it's a video game, not poetry. It's meant to be fun. Games (and gamers) have gotten so serious.

What does that have to do with anything? I specifically told him to not skip the game just because of that but regardless last time I checked we could have an opinion on a game's art direction while still enjoying said game.


I know it's in the Persona 2 games (Innocent Sin PSP version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VYIpwRXYw, Eternal Punishment PSX version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7jF8-hAVsc)

also, cat version --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6iQIbZQOyo

I don't think it's in the Raidou games (they have other great jazzy tracks though).

It's from the Raidou games, it plays in Narumi's office.

It's a remix of the OG Devil Summoner office theme, and yeah, it's also in P2's Kuzunoha Detective Agency.

In fact, the guy who runs the office in P2 is the guy from DS1. He's constantly changing bodies.


This music I remember (and found on YouTube) has similar instrumentation but different melody. But yeah I probably just forgot it.

It could be a remix, since it's an arrange album, but it sounds almost exactly like it. I think it plays in the quest menu in Raidou 2.


I'm approaching the end of Day 3 in Devil Survivor OC and I think I've lost at least once in every battle. I got up to the battle with the Shomonkai renegades and was in a very close battle that could have gone either way, and the game froze and my 3DS rebooted. I bought the original 3DS at launch and it was the first time I've ever had a crash. Very weird.

When I reloaded my save I got my ass handed to me a few times. I've had to grind for cash so I can hit the auction and do some fusing a few times, and I even lost in the damn free battle a few times at that point.

It took me a while but I'm starting to favor the abilities that allow me to attack at range. The game loves to use those so I figured I might as well. Things are getting easier because I was able to get recarm on Kikuri-Hime and skill cracked Fortify and Blitzkrieg as well.

I have to admit there are times that I lose in this game because I'm trying to skill crack and I don't kill off the enemies when I get the first opportunity, and there are those battles where I've got the leader of a group to 1 HP and then every enemy runs in and uses charm/affection/media and fully heals them. Grrrr...

The game is a lot of fun, although it's frustrating at times. I don't have a ton of free time so my progress is slow, but I've found myself making time here and there for it. I also have Soul Hackers and SMT IV waiting for me as well so my 3DS is going to get a lot of miles out of it this year I think.
The Racial Skills that affect movement are definitely ones that need to be factored in to be effective in Devil Survivor. From the ability to teleport, to the ability to chop down the range of enemies next to you, you can really turn the battle into an even ground or your turns by using these powers. Same with the occasional demon that can attack from a Range.
The Racial Skills that affect movement are definitely ones that need to be factored in to be effective in Devil Survivor. From the ability to teleport, to the ability to chop down the range of enemies next to you, you can really turn the battle into an even ground or your turns by using these powers. Same with the occasional demon that can attack from a Range.

Tyrant is the best. Recovers MP for its team if you do damage that turn and pushes the enemy's turn back.


Tyrant is the best. Recovers MP for its team if you do damage that turn and pushes the enemy's turn back.

I just made a King Frost and I am loving Tyrant. I've got Yuzu in with him set up with Media and Kikuri-Hime is in the party as well with Recarm/Media so they are definitely my healing group. Yuzu also has Maragi, Fire Dance, and Fire Boost on her to help kick some ass.
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