perfect free
Man, I am buying the OST for this game the second it is released. I don't normally plug in my headphones for 3DS gaming, but SMT4 is an exception.
Oh my
Oh my
I just started the game. Does it follow SMT tradition of magic being almost always better to pump than physical stats?
Good lord, I don't recall the last time I played something where I felt sure to be screwed if I didn't save after every. single. fight.
Seems so. Lots of cool things you can do with bullets though.
Oh my
Hmm. I'm thinking of selling some chakra pats, balms of rising and some bead chains to buy all of the elemental and status bullets. Is it worth it? In Tokyo.
Um, buying literally all of the bullets might be a little overkill, but selling that stuff is fine. I sold chakra and bead stuff (and summon stones, and all of the attack items) down to half capacity from max multiple times.
I sold chakra and bead stuff (and summon stones, and all of the attack items) down to half capacity from max multiple times.
So when you buy elemental bullets, does your gun attack count as a pierce AND elemental attack or is it a pierce attack with bonus damage added if enemy is weak to that elemental?
I dislike the interface for this game. It sometimes isn't obvious who is attacking on my squad, or why some demon got the extra turn and not another.
Oh my
Oh my
Are there Strength based attacks that mimic elements or holy? I know guns have elemental bullets.
Ten hours in and only seen ones that deal status effects so far.
Welp... last question. Does the skill Drain exist?
If so, I'm going to avoid Strength and simply do a Magic/Agility/??? build. Can magic skills crit?
Welp... last question. Does the skill Drain exist?
If so, I'm going to avoid Strength and simply do a Magic/Agility/??? build. Can magic skills crit?
I do wish that they brought some of the interesting things Raidou 2 did with negotiation in. Letting other demons chime in to help you has kinda been a thing in the past, but Raidou 2 really ran with that.I'm already getting tired of demon recruitment. It's so shallow and random that I can't help but wish it was designed in a way that was more interesting or challenging in a meaningful way.
Yeah, a couple of variations for drain moves. Magic can't crit. Phys is rarely a weakness, while magic often is, so that's pretty much the trade off. Some phys have a high crit rate a low hit rate that can be offset by investing in luck and/or by casting pricey buff skills. Lots of people in here seem to have had good results from pumping up luck to land those power hits with a phys build.
I'm already getting tired of demon recruitment. It's so shallow and random that I can't help but wish it was designed in a way that was more interesting or challenging in a meaningful way.
That's exactly what I thought when I was looking at these extreme builds. At first I thought "what if they screw up your defense" and then it hit me, there's no Endurance or Defense in this game, and HP scale automatically. So regardless of how distribute your points, your defense will remain the same. The only thing you have control over is how to switch up your resistances.I'm level 40 and it's still a pain. The lack of a dedicated defense stat is making levels more trivial than they used to be.
Hmm so a phys build is viable? I invested points into phys/agi/luck already. But I kinda want a magic character. But restarting would mean having to go through that opening cutscene which is way too fucking long.
Yeah it is all randomized now and utter shit. I'm bored of it already and only recruited 3 demons.
Demon recruiting gets a little better as you start to understand how certain personalities work. some demons are really rough to work with, though. I also just learned from this thread tonight that you can just choose "end talks" after doing two or three things for them and they'll usually join you then.
And don't worry -- you can very easily change your build where you're at. You could still change it several hours from now.
According to google, no. It is all randomized unlike in Strange Journey. So nah, it isn't going to get easier because personality no longer impacts recruitment.
And while I could change my build, it is 10 wasted points. That's gonna haunt me.
Those "Huh, you got guts" demons always seem to join if you give them like two life stones and refuse the rest of their requests.
Yeah it is all randomized now and utter shit. I'm bored of it already and only recruited 3 demons.
The randomization really bugs me. I talked to a demon and they asked the same question twice, I answered the same way twice, the first time it worked and the second time it didn't. It's really dumb because it feels like luck instead of actually having any sort of skill related to it.
The randomization really bugs me. I talked to a demon and they asked the same question twice, I answered the same way twice, the first time it worked and the second time it didn't. It's really dumb because it feels like luck instead of actually having any sort of skill related to it.