Here, because you missed the joke.
Where did all those statements originate from?
Here, because you missed the joke.
Talk to everyone in the Ueno bar. One of them will give you a quest to kill a boss at the lake.
Dang it, thanks!
Where did all those statements originate from?
Did anyone really go into the fundraising apps? Is that a viable way to grind for macca?
Bufu and Dia? Step ya game up son. I got Media and Mabufu on my MC.
Hey gang, come make fun of my build! I should note that I got a LOT of STR and DX Incenses fairly recently - I didn't add any new points to those stats through levelups since they were at 20 and 19 respectively.
You need to buy some skill slot apps. My MC has seven slots.
I got one just now! I transferred Bufula and Agilao with boost skills so he does some great damage. It's a shame his MP bar is so tiny though. But he's one of my favorite demons, I always end up using him, I had in in Strange Journey forever.I got me yesterday a Black Frost, ho. He isn't as powerful as I thought though (Ice Breath sucked, so I forgot it so the Black Frost could learn Mamudo!).
Hey gang, come make fun of my build! I should note that I got a LOT of STR and DX Incenses fairly recently - I didn't add any new points to those stats through levelups since they were at 20 and 19 respectively.
Just beat Medusa, was super-easy once I fused Suparna and Toubyou, who have strong Force Magic, and Suparna had all these debuffs that totally made Medusa either miss or do little damage. No one died.Way easier than Minotaur once you found and abused her weakness.
Also beat Ares, the lake dragon, and Sun Wukong...they were all surprisingly easy for me too, bar Ares beat them all on the first try.
Am I on to Tokyo now?
Hey gang, come make fun of my build! I should note that I got a LOT of STR and DX Incenses fairly recently - I didn't add any new points to those stats through levelups since they were at 20 and 19 respectively.
In 5 minutes you'll be.
You should probably swap out Bufu and Zan for their second tier spells. You have easy access to them at your level. I'd also get more skill slots.
I was planning on upgrading to Zanma when my Karasu Tengu learns his last skill, yeah. I'll need to find a new demon with Bufula.
Update on team luck
Hey gang, come make fun of my build! I should note that I got a LOT of STR and DX Incenses fairly recently - I didn't add any new points to those stats through levelups since they were at 20 and 19 respectively.
Update on team luck
Jack Frost has it, and he's really easy to find
I'll second the advice that you make your next app purchase a skill slot. I also think it's time for you to move to higher-tier spells since your MC is all about offensive magic. If the low level spells were all +8 AND you lacked spirit drain, there might be a reason to hold off, but as things are, you're more than capable of shouldering the higher MP costs.
Save after recruiting any demon. Don't get attached to your demons, fuse them liberally; typically after you learn all their skills.
Be sure to get the first strike/contested strike. Don't be afraid to run back to the barracks as needed.
Game gets much easier once you get a full slot of whispered skills and full team of demons.
If you're on desktop, click the black square with an S on it, and then type the spoiler within the brackets....What? WHAT? I don't even know how to properly spoiler what just happened so I'll just say shit is getting bananas in this game.
The world map is really, really well done. It's so atmospheric and depressing. Haven't really felt that way about a world map since CT.
I think that app affects demons only, or at least 7 out of 8 of my demon level ups since I purchased it have offered a skill mutation.Working on that. I just spent 60 app points on Skill Mutate a few levels back, so I can't afford anything new yet.
Strangely, no skills have tried to mutate on me so far, so I'm kind of frustrated by that purchase.
The world map is really, really well done. It's so atmospheric and depressing. Haven't really felt that way about a world map since CT.
If you're on desktop, click the black square with an S on it, and then type the spoiler within the brackets.
Quick question, if I bought the hard copy of Fire Emblem, but buy the eShop version of SMT4, can I still get that $30 credit deal?
Yes but 3ds itself must be registered before buying eshop game. I did it other way. FE eshop and retail smtQuick question, if I bought the hard copy of Fire Emblem, but buy the eShop version of SMT4, can I still get that $30 credit deal?
How is that luck working out for you? I have mine at 40 lck and just broke 100 mag. Thinking about stopping pumping it since it doesn't seem to do too much for me.Since we're posting builds to comment on, here's mine at the moment. Thanks to trying to fill my compendium, doing a bit of the exp dlc mission, and constantly getting lost and doing a ton of fights I'm wayyy overleveled for my area (And I still get wrecked if I come across a bad matchup and my team isn't setup.) Still loving it, though.
Quick question, if I bought the hard copy of Fire Emblem, but buy the eShop version of SMT4, can I still get that $30 credit deal?
Awesome, thank you, guess I can just buy this right now.Yes. You just need to register both.
You can actually just call customer service and they'll retroactively apply the game if you bought it before registering. It's pretty pain free.Yes but 3ds itself must be registered before buying eshop game. I did it other way. FE eshop and retail smt
How is that luck working out for you? I have mine at 40 lck and just broke 100 mag. Thinking about stopping pumping it since it doesn't seem to do too much for me.
Just finished the Ikebukuro bookstore Domain.I arrested the Black Samurai. I'm assuming you HAVE to do this regardless, but does it effect your Law/Chaos standing if you refuse to perform the arrest yourself?
I know I'm Doing It Wrong(TM) by actively going for the Chaos path from the beginning, but I really hate the Law perspective in the SMT games.
Alignment points spoiler:I also despise Law pretty much, at least in that game. Two-faced hypocritesChaos+5 for refusing to arrest her