Wow. Training Exercise 8 is AMAZING. Anyone who skips out on these quests are losing out on hilarity. Not only are they awesome puzzle battles, but omg.... you just have to see 8 to believe it! SO GOOD.![]()
I like the music and the dialogue in the training exercises, but by the end I think they fall victim to the same problem that plagues the optional bosses: winning isn't about creativity; it's about learning what triggers certain AI actions and then toeing the line. Seemingly legitimate strategies will get punished just because they are not the pattern the game wants you to follow.
You sound like someone who rejects the Law path. God have mercy on your soul.![]()
I just realized when I fused alice I forgot to add die for me. Dammnnnn it. Oh well, I've got tons of money (~400k), I guess I'll just fuse the one I made to something else and then refuse Alice. She did have null force though which was nice.
You sound like someone who rejects the Law path. God have mercy on your soul.![]()
Think the only way you might be able to carry over Die For Me is by using Fusion Lite. Not sure, though. I know I wasn't able to carry it over through normal fusion.
No, I mean when I first created Alice and picked her skills, I didn't pick Die for Me.![]()
Wow. Training Exercise 8 is AMAZING. Anyone who skips out on these quests are losing out on hilarity. Not only are they awesome puzzle battles, but omg.... you just have to see 8 to believe it! SO GOOD.![]()
You must have missed all the complaints on the difficulty and how brutal the dungeons were for most. It also let you select hard from the start if you wanted a little extra kick.
The smirk system is just really stupid. I feel like they only added because they felt like the press-turn system had to have new feature. All it does it make early encounters frustrating.
I'm trying to beat the entire game without using a guide (I hate using walkthroughs), so I haven't consulted a guide for this. But I have a question that needs answering:
Do the conversation decisions you make during the boss battles affect your alignment? I'm trying to get Neutral, so I've been answering "Ignore him/her and keep fighting" for Medusa and Minotaur so far. Does that actually make a difference?
Some do, most don't. Those you mentioned just give some positive or negative effect in battle depending on your answers.I'm trying to beat the entire game without using a guide (I hate using walkthroughs), so I haven't consulted a guide for this. But I have a question that needs answering:
Do the conversation decisions you make during the boss battles affect your alignment? I'm trying to get Neutral, so I've been answering "Ignore him/her and keep fighting" for Medusa and Minotaur so far. Does that actually make a difference?
Wow. Training Exercise 8 is AMAZING. Anyone who skips out on these quests are losing out on hilarity. Not only are they awesome puzzle battles, but omg.... you just have to see 8 to believe it! SO GOOD.![]()
How do you guys choose what demons to make for your party at the end? In Persona 3/4, I would basically just choose the ultimate demons of my favourite social links, but in this one the choices seem overwhelming.
Guys, I don't know how deep I am into the game so I'll spoiler this questions. Maybe Law path spoilers:
I am about to fight Lillith with Jhonatan.
1. She is level 50 and I'm level 43, should I grind some? Is there any weakeness to her? Is she very hard?
2. How much do I have left into the game?
It eases up a lot. In fact, you'll miss the text as you progress.Hey guys, I am heavily contemplating buying this game...
So I skipped through a video of the first hour of gameplay and it looks like 45 minutes of it was just text. I am all for RPGs and I understand some are text heavy, but I don't want half the game to be reading. So, GAF, is the entire game like this, or does it ease up as you progress?
Some of the moral choices seem to give alignment in the wrong direction.
I love the fusion app guy. He sounds like he thinks you're the biggest idiot in the world.
"Are you... SURE?"
"What will you do!?"
He's like "how the hell did I get stuck with this tool, I'm better than this".
Will there be some obvious sign I have hit the alignment lock? I'm shooting for neutral.
I went with Walter, pressed the button, did the whole desert section, pressed the button again and am in the Chaos version of Tokyo going to kill Kenji.
Completion/Alignment question.
Cynical man says I"m "not very polite" and I just completed the section where you find out what Tayama is doing to create the Reds for the demons. Just curious where I'm at with regards to alignment and how long I have left before it's locked in.
Sounds like you're only slightly Chaos, and you've a ways to go.
Wow. Training Exercise 8 is AMAZING. Anyone who skips out on these quests are losing out on hilarity. Not only are they awesome puzzle battles, but omg.... you just have to see 8 to believe it! SO GOOD.![]()
That's it, I'm playing Nocturne after I finish this game. I've always wanted to play it.Had a huge grin in my face when the Ginza theme from Nocturne (and previous SMT games) began playing. Slowly but surely progressing.
Is it safe to go to (endgame Law Path spoilers)to grind? I need more money to fill out my compendium and the demons inCamp Ichigayaare starting to give less experience.buffed-up Naraku
*edit* safe as in won't trigger the end of the game.
It appears that I'm locked into the Neutral path. Which is where I wanted to be.
I've been made aware that I've missed a bunch of stuff in Ginza. How do I get to downtown Ginza?
The secret shops? It requires about $110,000 macca and going through posion hallways a few times.
If that's what you want I can be more detailed, but basicallyJust start going in each direction and make note of the Silver Coin guy and go back to the Hunter's Shop to get the Black Card quest and return to him.
I think I'm missing the area in question where it starts. I also have a camera quest that's there, but I haven't found any place with poison hallways.
This will teach me to not pay attention...
So I got locked into neutral and now I am at the point were. What was it again?suppose to enter the Diety of Tokyo's name. I don't recall it all all... started with an M though