Oh my god
You guys have to check this out
Early game boss spoilers
Oh god, Atlus goes to such great lengths to please a player.
Best part? You can do that to every boss in the game.
This game is the Last of Us of handheld games. After finishing it I couldn't resume or start any other game. I guess I'm starting my Chaos playthrough sooner than I thought.
Just a heads up--turns out that Fundraise really is a great way to make money. There's a combo system in place where a specific status effect, when used with a talk skill, results in a "conversational crit", yielding the maximum possible benefits and only taking up half a turn (and providing a chance of smirk). Next time you pass the hat around try binding your target--if they can't move, they can't stop you from taking everything they have.
Just got my account approved, I want to pop my cherry in this (un)holy thread
I've got a few question though regarding some challenge quest early-mid game
where did the coffin of Osiris located? I search through all Naraku floor and didn't found a thing. Also, how high is Seth level in this quest? I don't want to get my party ass-wiped
It's not that great, since you only get like 1-2k each time this way. Even if you can make like 5k from a battle, it takes time when you're skipping all the text. It's much quicker to just farm relics in places which consistently have 4-star to 5-star stuff.
Finally got around to playing this and making some progress. I just beat Minotaur in Naraku and found the first Terminal.
Fusing demons is as addicting as ever, it's so fun and satisfying to build a balanced team of demons, and I can't wait until I am able to get some of the big name high level demons.
I also really like the tavern music, it's my favorite so far.
Finally got around to playing this and making some progress. I just beat Minotaur in Naraku and found the first Terminal.
Fusing demons is as addicting as ever, it's so fun and satisfying to build a balanced team of demons, and I can't wait until I am able to get some of the big name high level demons.
I also really like the tavern music, it's my favorite so far.
Getting Mahamayuri is the easiest direct way.What's the easiest way to get a demon with Salvation
Just got the game started, super excited as it is my first SMT game, if you don't count P4. But I was wondering what was the best way to distribute the stat point for my MC, I really don't want to bone myself this early in the game.
Fourth strata, path behind the waterfall that dead ends. White quest marker pops up if you've accepted the quest and talked to Isis, though you have to be right on top of it before it shows up.
While 4 and 5 star relics DO have higher yields, they also have 2 hour respawn rates at Ginza, and the end-game areas where respawn rates are more reasonable can't be reached until, well, the endgame. And even then it's at least an hour between harvests. Fundraise+ is the most consistent when you have a demon with Bind Voice.
Didn't even bother with Salvation. I found a much easier way to beat the DLC battles. Pro-tip: If an attack causes multiple status ailments, as long as you have immunity against one of them, you block the entire attack. Lol!![]()
Yeah, that's why my MC was rocking the anti bind ring through the entire game. But you need salvation for him to cure the demons who get infected.
Err is Death's Door the same strength as Megido? If it is, why would I choose Megido over it? It's only 10MP...
Uhm, Deaths Door reduces the HP of all targets to 1 if they are afflicted by Sick status. Its not really an offensive attack.
Uhm, Deaths Door reduces the HP of all targets to 1 if they are afflicted by Sick status. Its not really an offensive attack.
Doesn't Death's Door just do regular Almighty damage if the target isn't afflicted with Sick, though?
Alright....what the hell am I missing? Neutral Chalice Spoilers here.I've done EVERY challenge quest minus some of the training battles and killing Beelzebub. I've read that those are not required to fill the chalice. Thank god too because Beelzebub is kicking my ass. I've checked every bounty board, there are no other quests in my log except for ones I can't do in Mikado. What am I missing? Why am I stuck at rank 2?
My only major complaint with the game is the fusion system. You can special fuse with demons from the compendium, why can't you normal fuse with them as well? It's really annoying and tedious to remember which demons to save for which fusions, only to forget a day later because you took a short break, and then you don't even remember what demon you were going for.
Really, really annoying and unnecessary. Still loving it, that said.
My only major complaint with the game is the fusion system. You can special fuse with demons from the compendium, why can't you normal fuse with them as well? It's really annoying and tedious to remember which demons to save for which fusions, only to forget a day later because you took a short break, and then you don't even remember what demon you were going for at all.
Really, really annoying and unnecessary. Still loving it, that said.
My only major complaint with the game is the fusion system. You can special fuse with demons from the compendium, why can't you normal fuse with them as well? It's really annoying and tedious to remember which demons to save for which fusions, only to forget a day later because you took a short break, and then you don't even remember what demon you were going for at all.
Really, really annoying and unnecessary. Still loving it, that said.
Uh, you can normal fuse with compendium demons.
You check off include compendium in the search options.
Probably missing the photo quests.
There's an old lady in Shinjuku (at the end of the hall in the underground, big door), a girl in the Shinjuku entrance area (left side of the map), a girl in the path to Ginza that's in Kasumigaseki (the right side), and a guy in the Shinjuku west entrance (like as soon as you get out of the underground).
Not only can you fuse demons from the compendium normally, but you can also narrow down the search by race/skill/whatever, and then sort the results by price. Lol!
Not only can you fuse demons from the compendium normally, but you can also narrow down the search by race/skill/whatever, and then sort the results by price. Lol!
So I'm having some trouble figuring out what to do next (mild spoilers about 10-20 hours in): I justdestroyed the demon's domain in Kasumigaseki and activated the terminal there. Main quest says that I should continue searching for Black Samurai in Tokyo but nothing specific. I completed every side quest but some relic hunts and "Hunter Tournament Prelims". The latter seemed way too hard for my current level. Should I grind before I can pass that or is there something else to do?
You need to go to Shinjuku
Remember a guy in the map who gives you directions? Go north from there and there will be a dude who can take you to a new part of the map on boat
I feel stupid but I can't find the military base in Ueno. I've looked all around the map and it's not in the underground so far as I can tell...help!
I feel stupid but I can't find the military base in Ueno. I've looked all around the map and it's not in the underground so far as I can tell...help!