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Shin Megami Tensei IV |OT| The Dark Souls of Persona

Yea, I have been thinking of putting in High Phys Pieroma, but I am basically almost done with this cycle FINALLY, going to move on to Nihilist, Chaos, and then Law with the carry over option. Then ending it all with one final Neutral playthrough on Master, with the not that many stuff carry over option. It will be glorious.

Speaking of DLC (No one was speaking of that)


The result of having just the MC and Masakado's S. in the party and constantly refilling its SP. Keep in mind that was after like 5 straight minutes of it being my turn. The demon turn counter caps at 8.


Speaking of DLC (No one was speaking of that)

The result of having just the MC and Masakado's S. in the party and constantly refilling its SP. Keep in mind that was after like 5 straight minutes of it being my turn. The demon turn counter caps at 8.

Hold on a sec. There are Mitama in this game?
You need to focus on one offensive specialty. The game demands that you hit very hard and very fast, something you won't be doing if you're trying to balance out all your stats. If you go with magic, (which I recommend if this is your first game) distribute your points with at least 3/4 magic and 2/1 agility. A magic user has zero need for phys skills due to the massive amount of support moves you can use even if you can't attack. If you go with Dex look above

I understand. Thanks.


ST is literally a junk stat in this game. DX does what ST does, but more effectively, if you can believe it.

Yes.Magic is incredibly versatile and powerful, while agility will allow you to dodge much more often. A 3 DX, 1 Ag and 1 Lu build is also viable, but I wouldn't suggest using it for a first timer due to the fact that you are much more reliant on equipment to be effective.

Okay, Magic and Agility from here on out it is.

Andrew J.

Just beat the game, Neutral route, 67:42 according to the Activity Log. I'm gonna do postgame stuff and DLC before New Game+.

Anyone want to volunteer good strategies for the Clipped Wings quests?


Neo Member
Just got this game last week, I'm about 6 hours in and stuck on the
...I can get him to under 20% but can't seem to live long enough after that to survive...at lvl 12 now using apshara, naga and another demon I can't think of right now, all have bufu and sukukaja on a couple. I'm going to grind a bit and come back to him.

What apps are worthwhile and what are crap? Are the regen HP/mp while walking good? I quickly realized I wouldn't get but maybe one or two apps every 5 or so levels so want to make them count

Edit: this is my first main line SMT ( played persona 3 and 4) and while I wasn't sure about it at first I am starting to love this game


Just beat the game, Neutral route, 67:42 according to the Activity Log. I'm gonna do postgame stuff and DLC before New Game+.

Anyone want to volunteer good strategies for the Clipped Wings quests?

All of the angels have severe, full party elemental attacks with the "pierce" attribute, which overrides all defenses aside from repel. No prizes for guessing what you'll need to overcome them.

Uriel is the most straightforward of the angels, with the only snags being Kannuki throw and tetracoerce. Kannuki throw is a phys attack that hits up to 15 times and is usually charged. You're going to want repel/absorb phys demons not weak to electric. tetracoerce overrides tetrakarn so don't even think of erecting it. He's weak to force and repels Electric and Fire.

Raphael is much nastier than Uriel, with Stigmata strike and Serpent of Sheol alongside his elemental attack (Wind). Stigmata strike inflicts a new ailment called Brand: This prevents healing HP or MP and Cannot be manually removed. This is however a physical move and can be turned on him with a repel Phys demon.(preferably you'd have a party full of them and repel phys armor from Ginza.) Serpent of Sheol is an almighty attack that steals a large amount of HP and MP from the entire party. Since there's no way to block it, you're going to have to put on Defense buffs and knock him with debilitate or Antichthon to reduce his damage and override his frequent defense buffs. Raphael will attempt to heal himself with Diarahan late in the fight. Make sure to be prepared to finish him off very quickly, and hopefully you'll be able to reflect stigmata strike on him to buy time. He's weak to fire and repels force and Ice.

Gabriel uses a combination of Luster candy, Concentrate, Hailstorm of God and Megidolaon to Rain death from the heavens. If you have dekaja this would be a straightforward fight, however Gabriel has a nasty weapon in lamentation. It's a variant of ancient curse that also inflicts Brand. Like ancient curse however, if any of the ailments are nullified the attack won't work. Seek out a set of ailment immune demons (and get a null ailment accessory) that reflect Ice and she's toast.Gabriel is weak to electric attacks and repels Ice and Force

The Final and Nastiest angel, Michael uses a bevy of fire, almighty and physical skills. Michael is particularly bothersome due to being so difficult to counter. Like Gabriel he has lamentation and will use it to make sure you can be whittled down for his most dangerous attack: Fallen Grace. This attack is an almighty spell that does 666 damage and has a high chance of granting Michael the smirk status. You'll need demons with High HP to be able to survive, it's recommended to have doping so your party has a better chance of surviving Michael's assault. In addition Michael uses javelin rain, so it's advised to have demons that are immune to Physical skills. He also has the ability silent prayer, should you get past +2 buffs or he goes past -2 debuffs. Michael repels fire and Electric and is weak to Ice.

Just got this game last week, I'm about 6 hours in and stuck on the
...I can get him to under 20% but can't seem to live long enough after that to survive...at lvl 12 now using apshara, naga and another demon I can't think of right now, all have bufu and sukukaja on a couple. I'm going to grind a bit and come back to him.

What apps are worthwhile and what are crap? Are the regen HP/mp while walking good? I quickly realized I wouldn't get but maybe one or two apps every 5 or so levels so want to make them count

Edit: this is my first main line SMT ( played persona 3 and 4) and while I wasn't sure about it at first I am starting to love this game

Purchase the hell out of the MP walker, Demon talk, Scout and Compendium discount apps. There are a lot of useful ones but those are the most essential.

Andrew J.

Uriel is the most straightforward of the angels, with the only snags being Kannuki throw and tetracoerce. Kannuki throw is a phys attack that hits up to 15 times and is usually charged. You're going to want repel/absorb phys demons not weak to electric. tetracoerce overrides tetrakarn so don't even think of erecting it. He's weak to force and repels Electric and Fire.

Raphael is much nastier than Uriel, with Stigmata strike and Serpent of Sheol alongside his elemental attack (Wind). Stigmata strike inflicts a new ailment called Brand: This prevents healing HP or MP and Cannot be manually removed. This is however a physical move and can be turned on him with a repel Phys demon.(preferably you'd have a party full of them and repel phys armor from Ginza.) Serpent of Sheol is an almighty attack that steals a large amount of HP and MP from the entire party. Since there's no way to block it, you're going to have to put on Defense buffs and knock him with debilitate or Antichthon to reduce his damage and override his frequent defense buffs. Raphael will attempt to heal himself with Diarahan late in the fight. Make sure to be prepared to finish him off very quickly, and hopefully you'll be able to reflect stigmata strike on him to buy time. He's weak to fire and repels force and Ice.

Gabriel uses a combination of Luster candy, Concentrate, Hailstorm of God and Megidolaon to Rain death from the heavens. If you have dekaja this would be a straightforward fight, however Gabriel has a nasty weapon in lamentation. It's a variant of ancient curse that also inflicts Brand. Like ancient curse however, if any of the ailments are nullified the attack won't work. Seek out a set of ailment immune demons (and get a null ailment accessory) that reflect Ice and she's toast.Gabriel is weak to electric attacks and repels Ice and Force

The Final and Nastiest angel, Michael uses a bevy of fire, almighty and physical skills. Michael is particularly bothersome due to being so difficult to counter. Like Gabriel he has lamentation and will use it to make sure you can be whittled down for his most dangerous attack: Fallen Grace. This attack is an almighty spell that does 666 damage and has a high chance of granting Michael the smirk status. You'll need demons with High HP to be able to survive, it's recommended to have doping so your party has a better chance of surviving Michael's assault. In addition Michael uses javelin rain, so it's advised to have demons that are immune to Physical skills. He also has the ability silent prayer, should you get past +2 buffs or he goes past -2 debuffs. Michael repels fire and Electric and is weak to Ice.

Woah, that's a lot of detail. Thanks!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Also, as a magic focused MC is it better to go melee or guns? Or is there something better I can get?

Magic you use magic, guns when the opponent is weak to it, or physical when you run out of mana, which shouldn't be a problem later in the game.


Neo Member
Thanks! Wasn't sure if mana was a problem late game but good to hear it isn't. Right now in early game I use the basic attack when grinding to save mana unless its a significant enemy

Edit: mana, not mama


Why is recruiting demons so stupid hard? I can only guess and test the right answer to this bizarre as fuck riddle quest so many times before eventually they just are like "HAHAHA FUCK YOU I TOOK YOUR CASH AND LEFT" or "NOW YOU DIE."

Fuck, why is there no logic to how these shithole freaks' questionaires are meant to be answered?

It's like they go "What's two plus two?" and options are "Orange" "Pineapple" and "Bazooka me in the face right now."


Short version of this post: Why is demon recruiting so hard, and why is the penalty for failing to do it so hilariously high?

Other question: I got some free DLC, when can I do the quest to get that?


Why is recruiting demons so stupid hard? I can only guess and test the right answer to this bizarre as fuck riddle quest so many times before eventually they just are like "HAHAHA FUCK YOU I TOOK YOUR CASH AND LEFT" or "NOW YOU DIE."

Fuck, why is there no logic to how these shithole freaks' questionaires are meant to be answered?

It's like they go "What's two plus two?" and options are "Orange" "Pineapple" and "Bazooka me in the face right now."


Short version of this post: Why is demon recruiting so hard, and why is the penalty for failing to do it so hilariously high?

My rule is: as long as they ask for Life stone or Medicine, I say yes. I immediately say no if they ask for macca or anything of value, and end negotiation if they already asked for 2 or 3 items.
Rinse and repeat. For some reason in SMTIV demons will always negotiate even if they get angry, unlike in the previous games.
You'll never be screwed by doing that.

I like how the demon negotiation is done, because you never have 100% chance to convince a demon by picking a certain answer. You'll get used to it with practice.
It's more rare in SMTIV because of the absence of the moon system but there are still some rare fascinating reactions of the demons that make all the negotiation thing very interesting and worth the experience.


Short version of this post: Why is demon recruiting so hard, and why is the penalty for failing to do it so hilariously high?

Kill all demons besides the one you want to negotiate with. That way, even if negotiations fail, the attack won't be that harsh. Also, like mentioned above, when you get to the phase where you're giving items, most times it's better to end the negotiation by yourself after giving 2 or 3 items, rather than attempt to keep it going for long.


Sanat is the most stupid boss ever.

1st turn: Gaea Rage => my entire demons wiped out.
while Sanat alive loop:
Me: shoot, charge (sometimes heal when he doesn't miss)
Sanat: Gaea Rage spam
end loop

That's the entire fight. Me vs Sanat until he died.
The same pattern each turn, zero strategy.

It was very unsatisfying fight and I regret having bought this DLC :(
Sanat is the most stupid boss ever.

1st turn: Gaea Rage => my entire demons wiped out.
while Sanat alive loop:
Me: shoot, charge (sometimes heal when he doesn't miss)
Sanat: Gaea Rage spam
end loop

That's the entire fight. Me vs Sanat until he died.
The same pattern each turn, zero strategy.

It was very unsatisfying fight and I regret having bought this DLC :(

He uses Gaea Rage in response to Shoot attacks (as well as the usual thing where he Gaea Rages if you Reflect Physical and Null/Drain/Reflect Gun). If you want to beat him with a team, you need to stick to Almighty yourself (demons can use Pierce passive and Pierce attacks as well).
For the record I've found something even more boring than Fiend hunting: Members only shopping. Even with the Macca DLC (which is ~twice as effective as shaking down Bound Barbatos with Expert Fundraiser in terms of time) , you're looking at well over 8 hours of nothing but grinding to buy everything. 4 complete normal playthroughs wouldn't even make a significant dent.


He uses Gaea Rage in response to Shoot attacks (as well as the usual thing where he Gaea Rages if you Reflect Physical and Null/Drain/Reflect Gun). If you want to beat him with a team, you need to stick to Almighty yourself (demons can use Pierce passive and Pierce attacks as well).

One of my demons reflected physic and another drains gun and I didn't shoot the first turn (it was the preparation turn: buff/debuff).
The only attack I saw was Gaea Rage. It made the fight easy since that attack wasn't a threat for Flynn.
Anyway, the fact that the fight turned out like that felt not polished and almost glitched.
Atlus should copy what From Soft did for Dark Souls regarding DLC so that it feel part of the game instead of an unpolished disconnected part.

For the record I've found something even more boring than Fiend hunting: Members only shopping. Even with the Macca DLC (which is ~twice as effective as shaking down Bound Barbatos with Expert Fundraiser in terms of time) , you're looking at well over 8 hours of nothing but grinding to buy everything. 4 complete normal playthroughs wouldn't even make a significant dent.

So far I only purchased 2 items from that shop: Siegfried's armor (I don't use it anymore) and that accessory that nulls poison, disease and stun.
I didn't purchase the macca DLC and I don't care about it but that's fair. Why do you want to purchase everything? Just buy the ones you like.


Sanat is the most stupid boss ever.

1st turn: Gaea Rage => my entire demons wiped out.
while Sanat alive loop:
Me: shoot, charge (sometimes heal when he doesn't miss)
Sanat: Gaea Rage spam
end loop

That's the entire fight. Me vs Sanat until he died.
The same pattern each turn, zero strategy.

It was very unsatisfying fight and I regret having bought this DLC :(
One of my demons reflected physic and another drains gun and I didn't shoot the first turn (it was the preparation turn: buff/debuff).
The only attack I saw was Gaea Rage. It made the fight easy since that attack wasn't a threat for Flynn.
Anyway, the fact that the fight turned out like that felt not polished and almost glitched.
Atlus should copy what From Soft did for Dark Souls regarding DLC so that it feel part of the game instead of an unpolished disconnected part.

Odd, he has never done that any of the times I fought him.
There may be accessories that drive him berserk. I had two demons that repelled gun and one that resisted, and all three of them were Immune to phys. (I wasn't). He essentially belted me with regular attacks the entire fight and tried in vain to use charged Myriad arrows. I drained/salvation'd whatever damage got through. Sanat is definitely the easiest of the DLC bosses.

Using more gun attacks probably did not convince the AI to stop using Gaea Rage.;P


Odd, he has never done that any of the times I fought him.
There may be accessories that drive him berserk. I had two demons that repelled gun and one that resisted, and all three of them were Immune to phys. (I wasn't). He essentially belted me with regular attacks the entire fight and tried in vain to use charged Myriad arrows. I drained/salvation'd whatever damage got through. Sanat is definitely the easiest of the DLC bosses.

Using more gun attacks probably did not convince the AI to stop using Gaea Rage.;P

Does he have any status effect attack? Because I always use the Sturdy Earring accessory (Poison/Bind/Sick Nullify).
As for my armor, I was wearing Cream Pads (RS: phy and gun, WK: dark and light).


Does he have any status effect attack? Because I always use the Sturdy Earring accessory (Poison/Bind/Sick Nullify).
As for my armor, I was wearing Cream Pads (RS: phy and gun, WK: dark and light).

Deadly Fury is supposed to inflict panic, but the accessory you're using doesn't seem to cover that.
Odd, he has never done that any of the times I fought him.
There may be accessories that drive him berserk. I had two demons that repelled gun and one that resisted, and all three of them were Immune to phys. (I wasn't). He essentially belted me with regular attacks the entire fight and tried in vain to use charged Myriad arrows. I drained/salvation'd whatever damage got through. Sanat is definitely the easiest of the DLC bosses.

Using more gun attacks probably did not convince the AI to stop using Gaea Rage.;P

Yea, my fight with Sanat had the dude mixing up attacks a fair bit.
Alright guys, I think my game might be glitched and I want to ask here before I throw the game against the wall in frustration.

I'm on the Neutral Ending path, very late game spoilers.

I got the "become the Champion" quest and finished all the quests I had available. Went to Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ueno and got the "ooooo it's the champion!" scenes. Went to Ginza, nothing happened. Checked the rankings on the bulletin board and I was #2 on the Ginza champion list. Okay. So I went out and talked to a demon and it turned out I was missing the Cauldron quest for Brigid. Okay. So I went and did that. I went back to Ginza? Nothing happened.

Now here's the kicker. I checked the bulletin board again, and it's reverted to the old style of "Fusion Master" "Relic Excavator" blah blah blah crap. No sign of the Champion board. Same for all the other cities. And the guardian of Tokyo still tells me to go fill the chalice. So am I still missing a quest? Or is the game glitched on me and I can't complete the game now because the Champion stuff isn't showing anymore?


Alright guys, I think my game might be glitched and I want to ask here before I throw the game against the wall in frustration.

I'm on the Neutral Ending path, very late game spoilers.

I got the "become the Champion" quest and finished all the quests I had available. Went to Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ueno and got the "ooooo it's the champion!" scenes. Went to Ginza, nothing happened. Checked the rankings on the bulletin board and I was #2 on the Ginza champion list. Okay. So I went out and talked to a demon and it turned out I was missing the Cauldron quest for Brigid. Okay. So I went and did that. I went back to Ginza? Nothing happened.

Now here's the kicker. I checked the bulletin board again, and it's reverted to the old style of "Fusion Master" "Relic Excavator" blah blah blah crap. No sign of the Champion board. Same for all the other cities. And the guardian of Tokyo still tells me to go fill the chalice. So am I still missing a quest? Or is the game glitched on me and I can't complete the game now because the Champion stuff isn't showing anymore?

Try walking around all of the shelters (including Ikebukuro.) The chalice should be filled once you visit all of them. You may also want to head to the floritda bar again if that doesn't work.
Try walking around all of the shelters (including Ikebukuro.) The chalice should be filled once you visit all of them. You may also want to head to the floritda bar again if that doesn't work.

Shit. I didn't even think of going to Ikebukuro, just thought I had to go to the main cities. That was the problem. Thanks!


My rule is: as long as they ask for Life stone or Medicine, I say yes. I immediately say no if they ask for macca or anything of value, and end negotiation if they already asked for 2 or 3 items.
Rinse and repeat. For some reason in SMTIV demons will always negotiate even if they get angry, unlike in the previous games.
You'll never be screwed by doing that.

I like how the demon negotiation is done, because you never have 100% chance to convince a demon by picking a certain answer. You'll get used to it with practice.
It's more rare in SMTIV because of the absence of the moon system but there are still some rare fascinating reactions of the demons that make all the negotiation thing very interesting and worth the experience.

Kill all demons besides the one you want to negotiate with. That way, even if negotiations fail, the attack won't be that harsh. Also, like mentioned above, when you get to the phase where you're giving items, most times it's better to end the negotiation by yourself after giving 2 or 3 items, rather than attempt to keep it going for long.

Okay, that sounds like it'll alleviate a lot of the pain. Still, I wish I had a clearer way of knowing what to answer.


Does he have any status effect attack? Because I always use the Sturdy Earring accessory (Poison/Bind/Sick Nullify).
As for my armor, I was wearing Cream Pads (RS: phy and gun, WK: dark and light).

His patterns for me were:

Part A:
- If MC repels gun -> Spam Dark Energy + Deadly Fury
- If party uses Gun -> Spam Gaea Rage
- Otherwise -> Use Dark Energy + Myriad Arrows + Normal Attack

Part B:
- Uses Gaea Rage randomly in a normal Dark Energy + Myriad Arrow +Normal Attack turn
- If party uses Gun -> Spam Gaea Rage


His patterns for me were:

Part A:
- If MC repels gun -> Spam Dark Energy + Deadly Fury
- If party uses Gun -> Spam Gaea Rage
- Otherwise -> Use Dark Energy + Myriad Arrows + Normal Attack

Part B:
- Uses Gaea Rage randomly in a normal Dark Energy + Myriad Arrow +Normal Attack turn
- If party uses Gun -> Spam Gaea Rage

The only pattern I saw was his Gaea Rage spam lol
I guess I wasn't lucky the first turn. The rest of the fight can be explained as stated above since starting from the point where Flynn became alone I started spamming the "Shoot" command with my Ace Bazooka (btw this weapon is godly, I killed Ancient of Days with it as well) when I saw it worked well. I used healing items when he didn't miss his attack but he kept spamming Gaea Rage even during the turns I didn't attack at all.

It's a weird situation, almost a glitch but at least the battle wasn't painful despite my demons (Leanan Sidth, Alice and Yoshitsune) were lost.


Sanat was a pretty fun fight for me. Took a few tries and when I did it right it felt great. I feel the DLC is still the worst of the story ones because the story stuff was just lame, plus the battle isn't really that hard, but it's unfortunate you had a bad experience with it. But, you could always try fighting him again! The DLCs are all replayable! :D

Andrew J.

Alright guys, I think my game might be glitched and I want to ask here before I throw the game against the wall in frustration.

I'm on the Neutral Ending path, very late game spoilers.

I got the "become the Champion" quest and finished all the quests I had available. Went to Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ueno and got the "ooooo it's the champion!" scenes. Went to Ginza, nothing happened. Checked the rankings on the bulletin board and I was #2 on the Ginza champion list. Okay. So I went out and talked to a demon and it turned out I was missing the Cauldron quest for Brigid. Okay. So I went and did that. I went back to Ginza? Nothing happened.

Now here's the kicker. I checked the bulletin board again, and it's reverted to the old style of "Fusion Master" "Relic Excavator" blah blah blah crap. No sign of the Champion board. Same for all the other cities. And the guardian of Tokyo still tells me to go fill the chalice. So am I still missing a quest? Or is the game glitched on me and I can't complete the game now because the Champion stuff isn't showing anymore?

I got tripped up by that too. You need to go to Ikebukuro even though it still looks abandoned.
Wow, I didn't expect him to have a good design.
Well, it's a good thing for a change.

Yea props to whoever designed him, he looks interesting and unique.

The fact that Endure and Enduring Soul stack is a very useful tip for me now. I can have demons survive 2 deaths, neat.


Yea props to whoever designed him, he looks interesting and unique.

The fact that Endure and Enduring Soul stack is a very useful tip for me now. I can have demons survive 2 deaths, neat.

Yea everything seems to stack in this game. Even Life surge and Life gain stack for example.
You can build indestructible tanks with that.

And I join the Chemtrail fanclub. I want him now.
I hate you >_<
So who else is in Club Got All 7 Fiends ?

Just Red Rider left. But I've got a few things to do before that (Finish buying everything , get the Fusion error only demons , fuse everything I can, finish farming App Points, Chaos Route Playthrough) so it'll be a while.
MAN Chemtrail was rough. A little advice, Endure and Enduring Soul stack. Love how tough these fights can be for me btw, Chemtrail was the hardest one so far, make sure to have someone who nulls ailments, someone who nulls gun, and someone with dekunda.

Small correction:
If your entire team resists or better guns, he won't use Riot Gun (it's better than Null/Drain/Repelling on a single person, since if you do that, he'll ignore them and basically concentrate his fire on others, it's a really bad idea to have 3 who null+ riot gun as he'll basically kill the other person). As long as you don't universally resist or better both Phys AND Gun he won't rage. One person nulling Poison is good enough for ailments (he won't use Poison Breath if anyone blocks it and thats his only ailment).

Dekunda is fantastic advice, which I worked out after spending ages working out how to beat him.

Mr. Fix

That's a hell of a tank. One suggestion: Replace Drac Reaction with High phys pleroma or spirit drain. His skills are as expensive as hell and I wouldn't want him to be caught with his pants down, or at least I would make the most of it.



Also DLC spoiler for number 4 and DLC skills everywhere.

http://imageshack.us/a/img24/2520/zc2n.jpg Me
http://imageshack.us/a/img90/8446/1du3.jpg My favorite homefizzle
http://imageshack.us/a/img9/4932/jx1d.jpg Those are all level ups you're seeing
http://imageshack.us/a/img713/8176/2mps.jpg My third favorite homefizzle

How do you get the stats up so high? For both Flynn and your demons? Even with the + Apps I doubt mine would reach that high.
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