Thank you so much for this. Puts a better perspective on what I should be doing.
The stat boosts from armour is meager compared to the amount they cost, but you should be mindful of the different resistances chest armour can have. I didn't spend much upgrading mine, I only bought new pieces if I was taking too much damage from a boss' spells. Sadly your armour is usually only able to resist elements, and not null them. You can find some that do near the end of the game, but they cost so much that I suspect it's a ploy to get people to buy the money-farming DLC.
I think it's one, but if you're talking about buffing one of the skills you already have, it's 8.So how many times can a demon whisper to me?
I think it's one, but if you're talking about buffing one of the skills you already have, it's 8.
Nah, I was talking about the times a single demon can whisper to me. Now could the same demon, like Centaur for instance, whisper to me again if I delete the one I got and recruit another one? This would suck balls if I seriously can only do this once with a demon as now I have to be all uber paranoid about my magic skill choices.
Nah, I was talking about the times a single demon can whisper to me. Now could the same demon, like Centaur for instance, whisper to me again if I delete the one I got and recruit another one? This would suck balls if I seriously can only do this once with a demon as now I have to be all uber paranoid about my magic skill choices.
[1] Not really a question about the game, but something that is good to get out of the way anyway. It seems really stange Nintendo would give away a code for $30 with a new game (I imagine FE and SMT have a fairly large shared audience and I believe FE sold well). It sounds like a stupid business plan, and way good to be true. Is there something I'm missing here?
[2] Does the game do a good job of explaining what stats do and what is important to focus on early on? I really hate being dropped into a complex system, where I have to make permanent choices without a good idea what is important in the long and short term. I don't know if the players in the let's play of the Persona 4 I watched chose to never pull up this kind of information, or if it simply wasn't there, but I got the impression that that game doesn't explain when it is or isn't a good idea to fusion demons.
In short, I hate feeling gimped later in the game because the game didn't explain the consequences of my actions early on. Does SMTIV do a good job of explaining?
[3] Is there a lot of grinding? It's something I dislike, but can live with. I just would like some input on this so I know what to expect.
[4] Are the story, dialogue and (english) voice acting good? Reviews seem positive, but I would like some impressions from the thread.
Thanks in advance!
nvmWhoa!! I didn't know thatThat scene wherethis right here could be a massive endgame spoiler, you would have no warning at all!was amazing! Also, I just fusedyour mom beats my mom at air hockeyand finally defeatedmy anusyour balls.
Btw, I'm 10 hours into the game andI really wish everyone would STOP USING AWFUL SPOILER MAKING TECHNIQUES LIKE THESE! FFFFFFFFFFF!
Finally got the game today. For some reason my store only had the limited edition, so I was forced to buy that. How is everyone liking the game so far?
Finally got the game today. For some reason my store only had the limited edition, so I was forced to buy that. How is everyone liking the game so far?
Whoa!! I didn't know thatThat scene wherethis right here could be a massive endgame spoiler, you would have no warning at all!was amazing! Also, I just fusedyour mom beats my mom at air hockeyand finally defeatedmy anusyour balls.
Btw, I'm 10 hours into the game andI really wish everyone would STOP USING AWFUL SPOILER MAKING TECHNIQUES LIKE THESE! FFFFFFFFFFF!
[1]Not really a question about the game, but something that is good to get out of the way anyway. It seems really stange Nintendo would give away a code for $30 with a new game (I imagine FE and SMT have a fairly large shared audience and I believe FE sold well). It sounds like a stupid business plan, and way good to be true. Is there something I'm missing here?
[2] Does the game do a good job of explaining what stats do and what is important to focus on early on? I really hate being dropped into a complex system, where I have to make permanent choices without a good idea what is important in the long and short term. I don't know if the players in the let's play of the Persona 4 I watched chose to never pull up this kind of information, or if it simply wasn't there, but I got the impression that that game doesn't explain when it is or isn't a good idea to fusion demons.
[2][3] Is there a lot of grinding? It's something I dislike, but can live with. I just would like some input on this so I know what to expect.
[4] Are the story, dialogue and (english) voice acting good? Reviews seem positive, but I would like some impressions from the thread.
Finally got the game today. For some reason my store only had the limited edition, so I was forced to buy that. How is everyone liking the game so far?
Level 20?!
Okay, remember yesterday when you were asking if you were overlevel? You totally are.
The beginning is terrible, but it gets much better.Finally got the game today. For some reason my store only had the limited edition, so I was forced to buy that. How is everyone liking the game so far?
Every individual demon you recruit can whisper to you once. So if you fuse a Centaur and recruit another one, when it learns its final skill it can whisper to you again.
Yes, if you recruit a new version of a demon you already had, it'll whisper to you again when it learns all its skills.
The beginning is terrible, but it gets much better.
I didn't expect this, but I can say that now I'm satisfied.
Atlus, sorry for having doubted you <3
I'm going to go against him sometime today, at level 20 d:
Is it custom to over prepare like crazy in SMT games? I feel like I'm going to grind like crazy after every battle. I'm okay with that, but I just want to know because...these demons keep killing me ;___;
Is demon conversation more streamlined than say Persona 2? I was really bothered with it in that game given how obtuse and unnecessarily bloated that system felt with the "emotion" gauges and building the traits to three levels during an upon systems, and I kind of despised it all. So many hidden tricks to it as well that a faq felt kind of necessary for some of the tricker demons to join. Ultimately just trial/error heavy and often nonsensical requirements for answers. Execution needed major changes.
You should be using every system to its maximum to get through the game. Grinding early on in SMT4 is inefficient and pointless - either the game drops EXP on your head like rain or it trickles slowly across. Thus, your problem isn't that you're not powerful enough, it's your approach.
Is there a reason why people aren't going into easy mode when they find the enemy damage output to be too overbearing?
Let me join TeamMAG. Having a lot of luck with this build. Mostly Mag with a bit of Ag and Luck. Am i doing it wrong here?
Let me join TeamMAG. Having a lot of luck with this build. Mostly Mag with a bit of Ag and Luck. Am i doing it wrong here?
I've got a challenge quest to find a Rukh egg but I cannot for the life of me find the damn thing. It says it's in the tower, but I checked every inch of that place.
I've got a challenge quest to find a Rukh egg but I cannot for the life of me find the damn thing. It says it's in the tower, but I checked every inch of that place.
first observation deck, look for the exclamation mark near a wall.
I've got a challenge quest to find a Rukh egg but I cannot for the life of me find the damn thing. It says it's in the tower, but I checked every inch of that place. is finally shipping this (hopefully to arrive tomorrow). I can finally dig my 3DS out of the sock drawer!
Hm, I just realized something. Assuming you have the Macca, couldn't you register a demon in the compendium right before it levels up, level it, gain the skills, delete it, then resummon/level to gain the skills again?
So stats wise how am I doing?
Will play later, as I have work to do.
You're going jack-of-all-trades? Good luck. Most SMT games I've played tend to be a lot more manageable when you focus on a stat or two.
I'd increase your DEX more than STR though if you are using any Physical skills.
I was actually just thinking about this earlier. I was gonna test it out by fusing megaton press onto something low level, because I want to replace critical wave with it but not unless I can get it to level 8.