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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?


Junior Member
The 30 fps debacle could have been avoided if they just left id tech 5 alone...

I understand that they probably wanted better lighting, effects, etc. but when you rework an engine that was designed for 60 fps, you can't get good results. Honestly, they should have gone with Unreal 3 if they wanted 30 that way the PC version would be fine but I guess Bethesda was pushing for them to use id tech.


The 30 fps debacle could have been avoided if they just left id tech 5 alone...

I understand that they probably wanted better lighting, effects, etc. but when you rework an engine that was designed for 60 fps, you can't get good results. Honestly, they should have gone with Unreal 3 if they wanted 30 that way the PC version would be fine but I guess Bethesda was pushing for them to use id tech.

Tango is owned by Bethesda, using Id5 would be far cheaper at this point.


Put in my preorder for the PS4. I might double dip when I get a new graphics card, as this 680 probably won't cut it as well as I'd like.

So ready!


yeah but I believe Dishonored was Unreal 3 so there's precedence for them using outside engines.

Different situations, Bethesda didn't own Arkane at the start of development.

Bethesda forced Arkane into a buyout during Dishonored's development similarly to their attempt on Human Head during Prey 2, and iD before that.
Unless CBOAT has made a mistake like he did about Titanfall's resolution, so I'd say more like 90%.

That's really too bad. Didn't CBOAT also claim he seen Uncharted 4 gameplay behind closed doors at E3 and Naughty Dog called him out on Twitter and told him to STFU? lol
Can nobody make my avatar evil? Eyes red and covered in barbed wire? Last time I'll ask so as not to be annoying.



In all of my 24 years of existence, I never got the courage to tackle a horror game by myself but I do love the genre when it comes to movies so this will be my first game. TEW, please be gentle.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm getting it on PS4 anyway, but the PC port if true is fucking ridiculous. No excuse for that kind of stuff.


Gold Member
Now that it's asked, when are reviews due?

I think Grief just asked about it on Twitter to Totalbiscuit. I see nothing of the sort. To be frank I've rarely heard anything on podcasts or news sites about an upcoming review. A lot of the press seem to be heavily focused on Alien, Destiny, and SoM. I bet they'll wait till closer to the release.

Don't taint the water, just let it flow.

I also think they aren't putting it on its side just yet. If a survival horror game is good, it won't be crushed immediately IMO. You'll have a good amount of time of enjoyment without it just escalating to new levels of journalists downgrading it for a poor performance.

The last thing I want is a cookie cutter review. My bday is 5 days after the NA release, so I don't expect to view the reviews.


I need 60 images on my screen per second, I need to take it all in.
I need cobra-like reflexes to react to threats.
I need to see Sebastian's facial hair 60 times per second, what did I pay this much for ?
What am I going to do in tournaments when the other player is faster than me because he plays 60 fps games ?
I can't enjoy the game otherwise. RE4 was 30, but fuck that.

I canceled my pre-order :(

This parity bullshit needs to stop now, this is worse than DRM.
We won't take anymore of this.

#MikamiNoParity , let's get it trending.


Gold Member
I need 60 images on my screen per second, I need to take it all in.
I need cobra-like reflexes to react to threats.
I need to see Sebastian's facial hair 60 times per second, what did I pay this much for ?
What am I going to do in tournaments when the other player is faster than me because he plays 60 fps games ?
I can't enjoy the game otherwise. RE4 was 30, but fuck that.

I canceled my pre-order :(

This parity bullshit needs to stop now, this is worse than DRM.
We won't take anymore of this.

#MikamiNoParity , let's get it trending.

I'd play it with an RF switch if that was my only chance to play it. ;P


Do you play on PC? Would it not bother you if you chose a platform specifically because of the options it provides? But having those options taken away? I probably won't cancel my preorder but I will be severely disappointed if it's capped at 30fps because there is no reason for that to be the case.

My simple answer would be that I wouldn't deny myself this game just because it's locked at 30fps.
I don't know if I'll deny myself if it's truly locked at 30.(especially since they'll probably patch it or someone will fix it later) Then again, if it's locked at 30 AND turns out to be bad-average game, that's truly disappointing.
I really want this game to be great. I really hope the PC port is good. I'd very much prefer to play at 60fps on my GTX 780 than 30fps on my PS4/Xbone. I'll wait to see how the PC port comes out, and if it's good, I'll pick it up. If it isn't, i'll wait till February when I get a new card to give it a go.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
30fps lock?


No given reason yet, my guess is because programming. RE4 and REmake are both hardcoded to 30 FPS. Why you can't play either of them 60 FPS via emulation.

Why RE4 HD Ultimate being 60 FPS capable was surprising, but as Capcom said the FPS had to be a variable of 30.

To be seen if that's the case here or not. Also to be seen if its easily changable or not. Or to see if Cboat is right now not (I lean towards yes as he is usually right, but he's also been wrong about things).


Officially aboard the hype train. I decided to preorder this alongside with Shadow of Mordor for cheap. I'm not a big horror guy, but enjoy some action horror games, and I've liked Shinji Mikami's works in the past, so I have faith. The 30 fps lock thing doesn't really matter to me but I just hope it runs well on my GTX 760.

I also noticed that Masafumi Takada, the composer for the Danganronpa games, No More Heroes, and Killer 7, is doing the music for this game. Insta-buy.


Please stop giffing the videos. They are showing new areas and shit.

Yeah we need to tone down the gifs now. Gifs are unavoidable. Videos at least can have warnings and won't be shown unless you click on them.

I'm super hyped but I don't want to see anything more. Only one week left. There are other things to do. lol



*PHEW* glad I'm always on the lookout for surprise screens/GIFs of unseen stuff, nearly got me.

You guys should know better, jeez.

Bailing out for a while (maybe in two pages).
Think I'm playing with fire popping into this thread but I saw an image of the options screen for TEW where you can turn off the crosshair. Do we know if that replaces it with a laser sight ala RE4?
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